31 December 2017

As we walk into 2018…...

Well, today, here in 'Merikkka, at least on the continent of North America, it is New Years Eve. So, just because of this fact of the calendar, some new years LOL cats. Not too many though, don't want anybody to over indulge.

To all who stopped by this insignificant blog during 2017, thank you. An extra thanks to any and all who left a comment. 

And now, the new years LOL cats.

Until next time, take care of yourselves and try to be nice to each other. 

30 December 2017

It's Caturday! Funny how it comes around every week.

Well, once again, it is Caturday! Just because I feel like it, before I put up the Caturday LOL cats, some music to go with this day.

First off, a nice tune from Jethro Tull. You may have heard this one before, if not, well, the lyrics are under the description at You Tube. Any way, sing along, but be sure to pay attention to the lyrics on this one. They are very important. Of course I would say that as I am an old SOB/heathen. 
Hymn 43

And now, 2, yes 2, from the Who. First up a song that since the very first time I heard it I have always felt the volume needs to be cranked up to 15 on a scale of 1 to 10. Some days I almost want to be able to see for miles and miles. 
I can see for miles

And for our last song on this Caturday, one more from the Who. Yes, folks you CAN be free. It isn't that hard to do. Just allow yourself to BE free. Hey, if this old, broken down Vietnam vet can do it, you sure as hell should be able to do the same. Oh right, nobody has the guts to leave the temple……well, your choice.

I'm Free   
This is the version from the film "Tommy" and the lyrics are under the description in case you need them. And now, time for the LOL cats because today IS Caturday. Enjoy, or not, your choice. Hey, that's life folks, it IS your choice to enjoy it or not. 

Well folks, I could post more LOL cats, but hey, I don't want to give you LOL cat overload. Also, I need to save a few for next Caturday……LOL. 
Until next time, live and let live. Yeah, I figured you all were getting sick of me asking you to treat others the way you want to be treated so, I won't do that very often. I may ask you to try that now and then. Maybe, we'll see. Or……will we? Nobody knows for sure. I don't and that's a fact Jack. Any who, happy Caturday!

29 December 2017

Just a few more things I've been saving

Yes, I have a few more goodies that I've pulled off the interwebs. Most of these are courtesy of the neat Tumblr site Atheist Jack. Again, I want to thank Jack for letting me use these images from his site. Thanks Jack, I really appreciate the use of these asI think they need to be seen by as many people as possible. Not that many come to this insignificant blog of mine, but the few who do will see some of the cool things you post at your site.

And now, on with the show

Yes, I even added a few extra LOL cats, just because. Just because, asks somebody? Yes, just because I felt like adding them. Tomorrow, probably later in the day, there will be more LOL cats for the weekly Caturday post.  Until then, take care of yourselves and try to stay safe. 

Just clearing out some good articles that got pushed back

Today I am going to post some links to articles that somehow got lost in the day-to-day mess of my life. Yeah, they are a bit old, or if you will, out of date. Still, I think they are worth the time to read them. 
First up is one from Will Durst. He may not be your cup of tea, I find his humor to be less than out and out laughable at times, but he does try and that counts for a good bit to me.
Classier class wars
I really like his list of how to stimulate the rich. You'll have to read the short article to find out what his list contains. If you have a sense of humor and are a decent human being, I think you'll enjoy his list. Hey, his list sure makes a damn good starting point. 

Next up is another good one, my opinion. This explains why you should never, ever watch RT.
 Why you should never watch RT ever
It is not a "top ten"list. It is a top 13 list. It needs to be read by as many people as possible. Of course that is just my own personal opinion and you all know by now that I am just an old, broken down sarcastic/cynical SOB. Your loss if you pass these links by.

This next one hits out at religion. Yep, another one of my many targets. Now, I don't give a flying crap in hell what doG you believe in, but when any religious types try and tell me what I 'must' believe in, well, they will be in big trouble as I refuse to follow any doG no matter what brand of horse manure they represent.
Enjoy this one, or not. Your choice. 
Evil bible top ten list

This shows how unequal things are in 'Merikkka today. Read it and weep. 
Three billionaires are wealthier than half US population

To go along with that last one, a good one from Paul Craig Roberts.
America has become a nation of incompetents

This last link to older articles ties in with the last two as well. Again, this is my own opinion, yours may vary. And so it goes…..
The de-civilization of america

This very last link is a good one. You should get a smile from it. Well, if you are one of those Killary Klingon bots, you will be highly pissed off. Of course IF you are a Killary bot, what the hell are you doing stopping at this insignificant blog any who? 
CDC: people with dirt on Clintons have

Now, for slogging through this above list of old articles, some extra LOL cats. See, I can try to be nice some times. Yes, I said TRY. It ain't easy even trying to be nice when one is by nature a nasty old SOB who is sarcastic and cynical and also an old heathen/pagan/atheist. Any who, here is a link to some LOL cats.
11 motivational quotes from cats

And finally, for putting up with all the above, a song. Once again, even though I am not a big fan of this band, I give you the Doors. Hey, they did a dew songs that I liked way back when they first were played on the old radio in my younger days. Yes, I actually did have a few younger days, before my time in Vietnam anyway.
Enjoy the song, or not, your choice.
Twentieth century fox
Oh, the lyrics are included for the above song. Yeah, me trying to be nice again. I know, try harder. Well, maybe I will and maybe I willn't. My life, my choice. Just as it is your choice to stop by here or not. Your life, your choice. Live and let live.
To any and all who celebrate New Years Eve, have a safe one. If I'm not here next year, well, party down for me.  Until next time, if there is a next time, hasta la bye-bye.

27 December 2017

More "Russia-gate" madness

OK, I admit up front, the links here are a bit old. Yeah, well the old saying applies; better late than never. Of course as Dad told me, better never late. Well, things have been very hectic in this household of late so my blogging has slipped some. I suppose I am due for 50 lashes with the proverbial wet noodle. Well, let whomever has said wet noodle track me down and try to lash me….LOL, be warned, I will defend myself.

Yesterday I brought up how the morons, no offense to actual morons, in congress are going all out to paint Jill Stein as a 
Russian agent" since she had attended a dinner given by RT to celebrate their anniversary and oh my lord, Vlad Putin was also at that same dinner. Some have even said that Ms. Stein actually talked to Mr. Putin. Why, hells bells, that makes her a "Russian agent" for certain. Or, does it? I think not, but what the hell, I just am an old, broken down former US Marine/Vietnam war vet.  So, who are you going to believe? Some old war vet or some asshat member of congress who never even wore any US military uniform? Yeah I am looking at past members like Mr. 5 deferments Cheney and his ilk. Oh, don't forget poor lil' 4-F Donnie Trumpski either.
Another rap against Ms. Stein, she said nice things about Wikileaks and Mr. Assange, the main guy behind Wikileaks. Well get the rope out and build that scaffold then. Sure as hell, the woman is guilty as sin and must be hung by the neck until…..um hold on there Sparky. This IS still 'Merikkka and the US law says one is innocent until PROVEN guilty.  Oh, wait, I keep forgetting, congress critters do not read US laws nor the US Constitution, ever. Why would they? Hell, many of them are even lawyers, so one might expect them to have at least some small understanding of how US laws supposedly work. It seems though, that once elected to either house of congress, any and all actual education/knowledge gets tossed into the trash bin. Bet it doesn't even get recycled. 
OK then, now I have some links to articles about other "Russian agents". Well, it depends on your definition of just what a Russian agent may be. IF you are a member of either house of the US congress, well, I wonder if even they know. No, I am NOT being sarcastic now, just giving my personal opinion of congress. By the way, according to some polls taken not so long ago, congress rated almost as poorly as used car sales persons and even insurance sales persons. Yeah, right down in the shit with that goddamn asshat Flo and her white apron selling that shit for nothing "Progressive" insurance, or maybe the crap gecko. Either way,congress didn't rate very highly among my fellow 'Merikkkans. 
First up is one about how "Russian trolls" are taking over the world. Or, are they? You read the article and you decide.  

Russian trolls taking over the world

Now, this one is by a confessed Russian linked twitter bot. Yes, this person is actually confessing to being a "Russian twitter bot".  Wow! Um, er, just what the hell IS a twitter bot any who? Seriously folks, I haven't a clue. I do not have twitter nor farcebook and see no reason to ever get/have either of them.  Any way, the article.

Confessions of a (verified) Russian twitter bot

Now can you see how bloody goddamn STUPID this whole "Russia-gate" shit storm has become? Seriously folks. Come ON! This is so fucking stupid I am at a loss for words to describe how stupid it is. You have to travel for work. Your flight lands in Russia for whatever reason. You have time to wait until you board the plane to your destination, so, you check your farcebook or twitter account. You are now a "Russian agent"/"Russian troll". Because YOU logged onto.into your own account from Russia. That simple fact is why YOU are now a "Russian agent". If you cannot see how goddamn fucking stupid this shit is, please do NOT drive any motor vehicle, do not operate any machinery, but please DO get to an eye doctor ASAP! Because you are fucking BLIND!

One last "Russia-gate" article for you. This from Black Agenda Report. Yes, I do have a link to their web site in my list of links on this page. Just check the right side of the page for links. 

Russia gate and the collapse

OK, that is enough for you to read. Now, just because you endured my rantings, I'll leave you with some music to wash down the links above. See, I am trying to be nice to you readers. 

Sliver tongued devil
Yes, another Kristofferson song from the album I gave you a song from a short time back. 

Dirty World
The Traveling Wilburys from the first album they did. Oh, the lyrics are on this one for you. Couldn't find one of the Kristofferson song with the lyrics. Sorry about that, blame You Tube. That's where I get many of my songs from, unless I have bought the cd/album already.

LA Woman
Aha! The Doors again. Oh, and the lyrics are included. Just my way of saying thanks to you for stopping by this insignificant blog.
Oh, but wait, there's more………YES, some extra LOL cats. Just because. Because I feel generous.

Until next time, try to be nice to each other and be careful. 

26 December 2017

The Killary Klingon bots are very deperate

Well, I hope you  all had a nice Catsmess yesterday. Today, well, I get back to real news. Yep, the fun and games, LOL cats and songs are done for now. Don't fret too much though, Caturday will still be at least partly LOL cats here until I run out of them, which may not be until some months after my death. LOL, of course none of you will know when that day comes. See in the state of Loosey Annie one does NOT have to post a death notice in any newspaper. Odd no? It was quite a pleasant surprise to me when I was told that news. Back when I lived in SoCal, you were required to post a death notice in a newspaper. My later wife told me to use the cheapest paper, so I did. 
Well, hey folks, this state where I now reside still has its legal code based on the  Napoleonic code. Well, Loosey Annie WAS French until old tom Jefferson bought it for pennies on the dollar. In other words, he got a sweet deal. The guy was using Wally Street rules before Wally Street even started up. Buy low, sell high. Ah yes, 'Merikkka, land of the 'golden rule'. Now, before you call me a liar, remember, in 'Merikkka, the 'golden rule' is this; them what has the gold makes the rules. See, I was correct. 'Merikkka IS based on that 'golden rule'. 
Yeah, OK, ok, that was a 'gotcha' type comment, but hey, it IS true. 
As an example of how desperate the Killary bots are, I offer the following linked article. You really do need to read this one folks. It is almost beyond belief. OK, disclosure time. In the 2016 election for POTUS I did vote for Jill Stein. I would have voted for the "Peace and Freedom Party" but, they have not been on the ballot here in this state since I have been here, this goes back to 2000. I am not even sure if they still qualify for the ballot back in California now days. If they folded, well, I am sorry. 
The fact that some members of the DLC, the 'leadership' of the donkey gang have called Jill Stein a "Russian troll" or "Russian agent" is so bloody goddamn STUPID as to be laughable, if it was said as a joke. Unfortunately, it was NOT meant as a joke, but as fact! No screaming shit. You really DO need to read this rather short article to get the full story of this ridiculous crapola. Seriously donkey gang, the election is so 2016! Come ON, it is damn near 2018 and yet you moronic asshats are still bitching about how Killary Klingon was "cheated"? Jeebus H. fucking Christ on a goddamn crutch! I got a song for you. The "Eagles" doing "Get Over It". 
Hell, I'd post a link to that song, but You Tube has every video of it blocked in 'Merikkka. LOL, it's a conspiracy! LOL!

OK, the article you need to read;

jill stein collusion russiagate

That's all for today. It is cold here, I am tired and not feeling too swift, so enough for today.
Try an be nice to each other. 

25 December 2017

Merry Catsmess to all

Hey everybody, today is December 25th. That means it is finally Catsmess day. Yippee!  Hope the holiday is ally wanted it to be. So far, it looks like it will be a good day for us here in central Louisiana.
I am not going to post any xmas carols or any of that stuff. Nope, I'm going to share some fun songs with you all. I think they are fun songs, you may think differently and that is A-OK by me. To each her/his own. Live and let live.

OK, as a start to the celebration of the day, a neat little song about food. Well, not exactly your normal grocery store food, but food that you could say is "found" food. Found along the roadside. 

Road Kill

Oh, come on, you smiled while listening to that song. I know you did. Well, if you didn't, I suggest you see a doctor soon and get a humor transplant ASAP. It is just all good fun. 

OK, now I have three, yes 3, from Bob Dylan. These are among my favorites of his as I find them to be funny. OK, yeah, I do have a odd sense of humor. If yours doesn't mesh with mine, well, go find your own type of music to listen to. As I said before on this blog, nobody is forcing you to stop by here. Hey, if you can't take a joke, then just go elsewhere. I could go way back to my youth and tell you to not go away mad, just go away. Hmm, I just did that didn't I. Yep, I sure did. If you haven't got the message after that, well, you either like this little insignificant blog, or a glutton for punishment. I have no idea which is worse. Your choice if you are still here. 
OK, now for some Bob Dylan songs.

Subterranean homesick blues

This is the only album version of the songs I found at You Tube, the next two are live versions, so they differ some from the album versions. Either way, still good, fun songs. Yes, my opinion, yours may vary. Hey, that's life.
 Tombstone blues
And now, the last from Bob for today. 
Highway 61 revisited

I'll leave you to enjoy the rest of the day with one from the Dorsey brothers, yes, from the big band era of music. This is the type of music Dad raised me on. The Dorsey brothers, Glenn Miller, Count Basie, Duke Ellington, etc.. Just get over to the sunny side of the street. Have a great day, I'm going to try to do the same. Holly happy days to all of you folks, no matter where you are.
Sunny side of the street
Tommy Dorsey and his orchestra with the Sentimentalists singing.
FYI, the Sentimentalists were the Clark sisters. In case anybody was curious. Curiosity may have killed the cat, but as my late wife used to say; "satisfaction brought it back". So, there ya go.
Merry Cats mess to all. Just be careful of Sandys' claws, they are sharp.
Be good to each other.

23 December 2017

Yes, I know, it IS Caturday, and yet…...

OK, it's Caturday once again. And yet I still want to share some links to hard news. I'll post some LOL cats also, but first up, some news that I think you need to be aware of. Some of you may have seen these articles already. If you haven't, well, here they are. I wasn't kidding you when I said the shit storm Trump made when he said he'd move the 'Merikkkan embassy to Jerusalem wasn't over. It has just started folks, get set for more nastiness sooner than we want. Me personally, I don't want any more nastiness period.
We've had more than enough since 1945 to be totally honest. Yep, every goddamn asshat war that 'Merikkka has been in since 1945 have ALL been useless wars of choice fought against countries that did not pose any real threat to 'Merikkka. Too bad none of them had nukes. If they had they would not have been attacked. Yes, I AM saying that 'Merikkka is a bully. This country of my birth has picked on countries that were not really able to defend against the US military. Now, some, Vietnam in particular and Korea beat the US to at worst a draw. Other countries have not faired quite as well. Recently, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Somalia come to mind.
Mr. Abbas, the leader, actually the president of the PA  has said he will no longer accept the US as any sort of broker for a peace treaty. Here is the link to that.

Abbas we won't accept any US plan
And this is from the "Times of Israel" so I may be in danger of having my "Ruskie troll" label revoked since I am not using a Russian based article here. That was supposed to be a joke folks. I don't care what you call me. I know I mentioned before that I've been called everything under the sun, including late for dinner, more than once. 

Another from the same source, yes, the "Times of Israel" states that less than one half of our fellow 'Merikkkans support the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Wow! How about that! First we have Alabama NOT electing the accused child molester, now we find that an Israeli newspaper says that less than half of us support Trump and his idiotic crap of moving the US embassy to Jerusalem. Good grief, if this trend continues, I may have to finally believe that 'Merikkka is beginning to get and use actual brains. IF this does happen, I will be very happy.
The link follows-
Poll less than half of Americans support

Now, on to the UN and the vote to defy Trump and the moronic Halley critter. The vote was taken by the General Assembly since 'Merikkka vetoed the resolution when it was presented to the UN Security Council, as expected. When presented to the General Assembly, 128 countries voted to reject the Trump decision. Yes, some countries did abstain or just simply not vote. Those who sided with 'Merikkka and the zionist entity are not exactly powerhouse countries. Hey, even some US allies/NATO member countries voted to reject the Trump mess. So that is a bit of good news, finally.
un meeting jerusalem decision

Yes, back to my Russian sources for the above link. Hey, the truth is the truth, no matter the source. One more from RT points out that this UN vote shows that the empire ('Merikkka) is about washed up. Ah well, some had fun while it lasted. No, not the working class and poor folks who live in 'Merikkka and definitely not many people who live in other nations. So many have suffered the empire that its end will not be seen with much sadness by the majority of humanity I think. 
Israel jerusalem un trump
Check the expression on poor lil' Nikki in the photo at the start of this link. She sure doesn't look very happy. Poor baby, did her get her feelings hurted? Tough bean and hard cheese there Nikki. For the record, the vote was 128 in favor, 9 against, and 35 abstentions. I'd say that motion to disregard the Trump mess won the day. Of course, I am just an old, broken down sarcastic/cynical SOB.

One final link to this deal. Before the vote both the orange haired rodent and lil' Nikki had tried to bribe, arm twist, threaten other countries to get in line and vote the way 'Merikkka wanted them to vote. Trump even said he'd cut funding to those who didn't vote the correct way. Lil' Nikki said that we (that is 'Merikkka) would be "taking names". Now I bet she was trying to sound like a Marine. See, we were taught to take names and kick ass. Too bad that Nikki and Trump combined would get their asses handed to them if they teamed up to try and kick ass on a disabled 3 year old child. No wonder she has such a sad face in the photo in the previous linked article. She got her threats tossed back, right in her face.

us general assembly vote consequences   

OK, this is also from a Russian source, Sputnik in fact. Still, the headline continues; "We'll remember this day": US "finally resorts to blackmailing allies".  Now, maybe it's just me, but that sounds sort of like the old mafia. You know, the old "make them an offer they can't refuse"? Yeah, well, it looks like many of our allies refused anyway. Good for them. 

OK, before I post some LOL cats, first, a nice song. Well, it is a song with a message. It is not a new one either. It came out in the 1970's either early to mid 70's actually. I liked it the first time I heard it and still do. Oh, the link includes the lyrics for this one. 

there won't be no country music  "There on't be no country music, there won't be no rock 'n' roll. When they take away our country, they'll take away our soul."
And now, with thanks for your patience, some LOL cats. Because it IS Caturday!

OK, that's more than enough of me for now. Until next time, please TRY and treat others the way you want to be treated. Oh and holly happy days to all who stopped by this insignificant blog this year. 

Ever have one of those days when you feel like just quitting?

Oh man, how to write this post. OK, I have been wearing a hat of some sort for many years now. I started before I enlisted in the Marines. Yes, I was once in the Boy Scouts. True, I am older than the hills and twice as dusty, but the Boy Scouts DID exist when I was a kid. And YES I was a kid, many, many long years ago.
After my enlistment was over, I still wore a hat or cap, mostly the sort referred to in 'Merikkka as a baseball cap/hat. I had been wearing a cowboy type hat for over 12 years of later,  but decided to make a change to a smaller hat. Not quite what one would call a traditional fedora, but that sort of hat. I like wearing a hat or cap as I don't care to bother with sunglasses, so a hat brim helps keep my eyes shaded some.
On the summer cowboy hat I finally quit wearing I had some pins. One of them is my USMC Honorable Discharge tie-tack pin. Others include my "Vietnam Veterans Against War" pin and one that I am proud to wear; it has the Palestinian flag with the words "Free Palestine" across the flag symbol in gold colored letters. 
OK, how my day went off the deep end. I had to make a quick trip to the grocery store this afternoon. We'd forgot to put a few small items on our shopping list the last time we went shopping. With xmas approaching and the wife liking a particular flavor of artificial creamer, I had to do the store run. Oh, I had three letters/cards to drop off at the local Post Office as well. I got my groceries and was checking out when the cashier asked to see my hat pins. Trying to live up to the way I ask you all every post, I took off my hat and handed it to her. She sees the pin that says "Free Palestine" and I kid you not at all, looks right at me and says ;"Oh I just LOVE Israel too".  I'm standing there, waiting for my change and I am tempted to tell her that Palestine and Israel are NOT the same things. Now, to fully grasp my predicament, you need to have lived in the 'Merikkkan South. I have been living in central Louisiana since the spring of 2000, yeah, nearly 18 years now. These are the people who cling to their gods, guns, and holly buy-bulls. I seriously think the guns come first. This lady, probably in her early 50's, I am NOT good at all judging the age of any person, was obviously one of them xtians. Yep, a long time,church goer who is there any time the place is opened, unless it is her shift at the market. Who knows, she may ask for and get time off even then. 
I just sot of tried to not get into any discussion with her as it would have just pissed off the folks who were now in line behind me, waiting for me to go so they could get on with their own purchases. Also, I knew there was NO point at all in trying to correct this woman. She was obviously deeply indoctrinated into which ever brand of xtianity she has bought into. 
Another time and place and I would have told her that Israel is NOT Palestine and Palestine is NOT Israel. Maybe long, long ago, IF one buys the myth of that holly buy-bull, but not even close since 1948 when the zionists came to what had been Palestine and took over by force.  Hey, I suppose I should be happy she didn't turn my hat to see the "Intifada" pin on the right side of my new hat/ She'd have shit bricks had she seen that one. It has the word "Intifada" on it and has a photo of a small boy getting set to throw a rock at a zionist tank. No, of course there was no need at all to ask if she had voted for the orange haired rodent as out POTUS. Of course she did, bet her preacher and hubby told her to do so. Being a "good" and "obedient" xtian wife, she no doubt DID vote for Trump.  I left the store with mixed feelings. On the one hand, upset that she didn't seem to know Palestine is NOT Israel  but almost sorry for her that she doesn't know the truth.  Yes, I did say almost.
Almost because this IS 2017, hell nearly 2018 and by now every person in 'Merikkka ought to know the truth. Yeah, OK, call me a dreamer. Well, so said John Lennon in a song. At least it is still legal to dream in 'Merikkka, not sure for how much longer though.
I almost replied to her that, "I suppose somebody should love Israel", but kept quiet.  Sometimes saying nothing is the best option. 

Now, just because you have slogged through this post and tomorrow is Caturday, some extra LOL cats. Hey, you can never have too many LOL cats. (Bill, at some future point I may even toss in a few hotdogs, just for Bill)

OK folks, if this sarcastic/cynical old SOB can treat others the way I want to be treated, well, you all can at least TRY to do the same. Until next post. Who knows what/who may show up for Caturday.

21 December 2017

As warned, more on Jerusalem and such

I promised/threatened to post more on the mess Trump created with his statement about Jerusalem being the capital of the zionist entity. Well, here is more on that. I'm including an article that is a few days old. Hey, I have been very busy dealing with family health issues and have not had the time I want to do this subject the justice I think it needs. 
On those other matters, well, so far so good. Next week we'll have to get deeper into that and then, well, we'll just have to wait and see. NO, it is not my own health that is causing troubles the year. I have enough of my own health crap to deal with, but my personal health is sort of stable, or as stable as can be expected all things considered. I will not be giving any more explanations on this so do not look for future updates. Well, if the worst case does come about in the near future I may do a short post on that, but as of now that will be years away.

OK, the article I am linking to is a bit long. I found it at the Counterpunch web site. There is a link to that site in my list of links. I want to buy into what the writer says, but I am not a very positive person by nature. My late wife (why do we call our dead ones 'late'? I mean they are dead, so they will never 'be on time' ever again.) called me a pessimist more than once. I resent that. I am NOT a real pessimist at all. I consider myself to be a realist. I can see the optimistic side and the pessimistic side, but don't immediately go with either. More like an agnostic, I try to look at both sides and then decide how I see things. I really do want to be hopeful for the future, but my personal life experiences have shown me that is one sure fire way to get hurt, big time and damn fast usually. Still, I don't want to see nothing but failure either. So, just let me claim to be realistic unless you care to try and prove otherwise. Frankly, I think if you do try that, you have way too much free time and need a good hobby. I am not that important. I refuse to be that important to any of you who stop here by chance and read some of my posts.  No, I am just an old, broken down working class man of European ancestry, nothing more. 

I really do think the article is worth your time. The writer has much with reading to say and he isn't really optimistic, or at least I didn't see him as overly optimistic. He seemed to me to be more of a realist. Must be why I liked the article so much. He does tell some obvious truths about 'Merikkka and the zionist entity though. He also has some interesting looks at the zionists and their organizations and how zionism has infected 'Merikkkan politics even down to the state level. You don't have to agree with him or me, but IF you read his article, I am sure you will have a new understanding of how things are in 'Merikkka and that what Trump did is not in any way revolutionary. He just did what previous POTUS's were too damn chickenshit to do. Yeah, he DID bow down to Bennie Nuttyassed Yahoo, but so have so many of the past POTUS's so big deal. Trumps was just stupid enough to do the one thing they were to afraid to do themselves. Bets they cheered him on too. OK, maybe NOY Jimmy Carter, after all, he did write a book that I have a copy of; "Palestine Peace Not apartheid". He was harshly criticized for that book if you recall.  Well, truth tellers usually do catch all sorts of shit for telling the truth.

zionism in the light of Jerusalem

And, for desert, I am giving a link to a song that goes with those who tell truths. I liked this song from the very first time I heard it way back in 1972 at Camp LeJeune, just outside of Jacksonville, North Carolina. Yeah, I was still in the Marines when I bought the album at the base PX and my buddy had a stereo with a record player attached to it. We played that album over and over for at least three weeks on end. Enjoy the song, or not, your choice.

To beat the devil

Until next time, please TRY to be nice to each other. 

20 December 2017

Correction, yeah I do make mistakes.

On 19 December I posted two links. I said they were from Consortiumtimes.com. WRONG! They are from Consortium news.com Hey, the links did/do take you to the proper place, just my description of where they are from was wrong. See, I can and will admit when I am wrong.
Any who, Consortiumnews.com is on my list of links on the right side of this little, insignificant blog, so…….check it out. It will be worth your time even if you just look at the article titles. 
OK, more to come on the embassy ness, but not just now. I had an early start to a very busy day and my aged brain needs a rest. Yeah, yeah, I know, old age ain't for the faint of heart. Well, some have told me I have no heart. I bet I at least have a mechanical pump to circulate my hydraulic fluid though. See, I didn't even try to claim I have blood in me. LOL, that nasty stomach ulcer I had 2 years ago nearly drained all the blood I once had. Now I run on recycled hydraulic fluid. Transfusion? Hell no, transmission fluid! Yeah baby! The good stuff. 
Cheers and holly happy days to all. Oh, yeah, try to be nice to each other. If you can't do that, well, just be an asshat and then run like hell before the others gang up on you.
I did spend xmas and my bloody birthday in hospital and that ain't as fun as one might think it to be, you don't want to do that either. 
And,for your patience with me, some extra LOL cats.

Short follow up to the past post

If you did read the links I posted in the last entry here, you will know without any doubt whatsoever that there are more holes in this so called "Russia-gate" crapola than there are in any block of Swiss cheese. The more real journalists, like Mr. Parry look into this mess, the more huge, gapping holes they find.
In short, do NOT trust any of the 'Merikkkan MSM to tell you any truths at all, about damn near anything they put on the tube (TV) nor in print. Face it folks, here in 'Merikkka, the MSMS is run by and for the elite. They are doing all they can to keep the working class and poor divided and free from the real truth. This is done so to keep us from uniting and rising up to over throw that elite. The richest 1%, or if you want, the top 1% of that 1% who run/own nearly everything in this US of A aka; 'Merikkka.
The richest in 'Merikkka own more than the working class and poor by a huge margin. AS I have said here before, their greed has NO bounds. I swear,if they ever do end up owning everything on this planet, it will still NOT be enough for them. Hell, if they ever end up owning the entire solar system, it would still never satisfy their greed. It is beyond me to even try to understand that sort of endless greed. I think they need a swift kick from a size 13 boot to their collective hind ends. I volunteer as I do wear a size 13 (USA size) boot and I'd enjoy giving them all a damn hard kick in the ass.

OK, for putting up with my rant, some extra LOL cats. Just because. Because I feel like it.

Just a fair warning, I will be back with more on the move of the 'Merikkkan embassy to Jerusalem sooner than you may wish. I told you I wasn't done with this issue and I am not done with it yet. 
Until next time, just try to treat others the way you want to be treated. 

19 December 2017

And now, back to hard news

Well, I did tell you yesterday I'd get back with the hard news, or if you prefer, real news items. Hey, I could just post good music and LOL cats, but that would not be the real me.
I do enjoy my music. I call it mine as it is what I enjoy. My musical tastes run a huge swath of various types of music. I am particularly fond of what is now called classic rock, basically up to the 1970's when music was still rocking hard. I also like many of the 1050's rock, old school rock or now called oldies, even the early 60's rock gets tossed into that category. I do like some country & western music and of course the great ear of big band music. Hell, I was raised on Glenn Miller, and the Dorsey brothers music. Dad really liked that music and he played the old 78 rpms nearly every day when I was a kid. Yeah, OK, laugh all you want, but I was a kid way back. True, I am older than the hills and twice as dusty, but I really was young……once, a very long time ago. The damn fool war in Vietnam aged me even beyond what I'd thought possible.

Any way, I am what may be called a news junky. Yes, I cannot stop following events, in 'Merikkka and the rest of the world. I can blame that on Dad also. He always pushed me to get the best education I could. He also taught me to think for myself. That may have been partly why he liked to argue with me. I think he did that to get me to think and sharpen my thinking skills. I wonder if he'd be happy with this blog. I'm sure he'd tell me I could do better, so I keep trying. No, not to please him, he died the Saturday after 'saint' Ronnie was elected as our acting POTUS in November 1980. I may have said this before, Dad despised Ronnie so much that we were forbidden from even saying that name in his home the entire time once Ronnie got the nomination, maybe even once he decided to run for the office. Dad saidRonnie was the worst governor California ever had in his life time, well since we moved to SoCal in the spring of 1959 any way.

OK, I have 2 good links about the ongoing, seemingly cannot be killed "Russia gate". I still find it so very odd that any news that involves US politics is now slapped with a -gate on it. Watergate started this shit and I think we need for it to be put in a decent grave and left there.
The links are to Consortiumtimes.com. They are both by the founder of that site, Robert Parry. He goes into some detail how this entire Russia-gate mess is total crap. Not his words, mine. 

Russia gates litany of corrections

Yes, I was posted on 11 December and I am late with sharing it. Sorry, but I've had other things that required my personal attention here more than blogging hard news links. The idiot mess Trump set off with his declaration of Jerusalem being the capitol of the zionist entity. That is ongoing as I write this and I'll have more on it also.
Next is a follow up to the link above, also by Mr. Parry. He picks apart the "Russia-gate" crap even deeper and what he found caught me by surprise, but I now think it should not have been that big of a surprise even to me. I guess I have been too deeply involved with more personal/family matters and let my cynical side lapse a bit more than I should have. 

The foundering Russia gate scandal

What is amazing to me is that the MSM here in 'Merikkka still keeps trying despite real news that shows it to be false, that ALL 17 intelligence agencies were involved with the report about Russian influence on the last election for POTUS. We KNOW for a fact that only THREE agencies were used and the analysts were ALL  picked. As one of the quoted sources in the above links said, when you hand pick the people, you have picked the story you will run with. OK, that is not an exact quote, but I did get the idea of what was said correct. You hand pick a source because you know the source will give you the story you want. The three agencies that were used for the report? The CIA, NSA, and FBI. 
I admit the orange haired rodent who occupies the White House is a big boring bully and a total asshat. The thing is, he was elected as POTUS, fair and square. Hey, I had no hand in writing the US Constitution and if I had, there never would have been any electoral college. There would be, and still are (I think) elective classes in most of not all colleges. Yeah, I know, not the same thing. Well, I was trying to be a bit snarky, so there.  Geez, if I can't play with words on my own blog I may as well just post songs and LOL cats. Hey, I could start posting icanhazhotdogs as well.  I like dogs, I just prefer cats above other animals. Otters are way cool critters also. 

Now, some extra LOL cats, just because. Because I felt like it.

As always, I will ask you all to just TRY to treat others the way you want to be treated. We CAN make this a nicer world for all if we just try this on simple thing. I am certain of this. Until next post.

18 December 2017

New link

Just a bit of news for this blog. I have added a new link. It is to the page that Bill the Butcher has set up for his drawings and cartoons. He started doing the cartoons back some years ago. He can correct me, but I think he started the Raghead series not long after W. Shrub and Mr. 5 deferments Cheney invaded Afghanistan and Iraq. 
Any who, check out his drawings/cartoons. Bill says more truth in his single panel cartoons than the entire 'Merikkkan MSM combined. Oh, he often does some multi panel ones so be aware that sometimes reading them will not be a short session. His movie series is mostly multi panels, but worth your time. Well, in my opinion they are. Yours may vary. Hey, that's life, we don't all march in lock step. Thank the universe for that. It sure as hell would be damn boring if we all liked the same things and did the same stuff. 

OK, more on the moving of the 'Merikkkan embassy to Jerusalem and the FCC voting to end net neutrality later today. Is that a promise or a threat? You decide. And, as Rush says in the song "Freewill",  "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice."  

OK, until later, please try to treat others the way you want to be treated.

17 December 2017

Hope you had a happy Caturday, cause today we get back to some serious stuff.

Yes, it is now officially the day after Caturday so back to some serious issues. First off, I am posting a link to Bill the Butcher. This one needs your time to read. It is rather short, but as usual with Bill, it hits a home run. Bill knocks it out of the whole bloody park with this post. He give a very nice tribute to a Palestinian man who while confined to a wheel chair was killer by a sniper from the IDF. That is the army of the zionist entity for those who don't know about these matters. Please take the rather short time to read his post at his blog. 
This reminds me of a saying from my Vietnam war days You can silence  me, but you cannot kill an idea. Do check it out, you will not be sorry for it.

Matter of exchange

I see it as a very nice tribute to Mr. Ibrahim Abu  Thuraya,the man who was killed by an IDF sniper. I bet the sniper will get a goddamn medal for this killing of a wheel chair bound human being.  Probably get that damn medal from Bibi Nuttyassed Yahoo his self even. Snipers, damn cowards!  Yeah, that applies to the vile Tracy Kyle (spelling?) as well, and screw Eastwood for making a fucking film glorifying him. In the US civil war, snipers were not looked on as heroes by either side. 

Now, just to stay a bit light, a song or three, just because it's still early here. Just now 0649 and I didn't get any sleep at all last night. 

First up 2 from Rush. Yes, we go back to the Great White North. I think I mentioned before that when I mention Rush on the blog it will always be the three man band from Canada (the Great White North) and never about that limpburger, drug addicted asshat on "talk" radio in 'Merikkka. That last rate zero mention from me, ever.

Bastille Day  
I used the link with the lyrics and will do so when possible. As I said before, the tune is what gets you to listen to the songs, but the lyrics are so very important. 

Tom Sawyer

Now, 2 from the Doors that I like. Yep, the lyrics included for both, so enjoy or not. Your choice. 
Twentieth century Fox

And the last one for now.
Hello I love you
"Pavement crouches at her feet. Like a dog that begs for something sweet." Great line in a really good song. And I am not what one would call a Doors fan. I think they were and still are way over rated. Just my personal opinion. other will vary. Such is life. And so it goes.

I want to add one extra song today. No lyrics on this one. Do watch the video for it though. It is one of the best to go with a song. Unfortunately,three of the band members are no longer alive, Roy Orbison, George Harrison, and Tom Petty left this world too soon. Still, they gave us some great songs during their lives here. Enjoy this fun little song. 
Wibury Twist
Hey, you had to at least smile while watching this video. Plus the song has a very catchy tune and a damn nice beat. Just sad that three of the band members are no longer with us. Well, we can't have everything. Life, it's hard and then we die. We still have our memories. Like another great song says; memories are like starlight, they go on forever. Yep, "Aurora Borealis" by C. W. McCall and yes, I posted a link to that one here before. 

OK, next time I'll be hitting you with hard news again. Hey folks, life can't be all LOL cats and good songs. Like one of the LOL cats from an earlier post here said, you cannot enjoy the rainbow unless you allow for the rain.
Please do try to treat others the way you want to be treated. Yeah, OK I know I sound like that old broken record. Well, maybe you'll get so sick of me asking you to just try this that you'll actually get out and try it yourself. Sneaky ain't i? Hey, why do you think I like cats best?  What is the difference between dogs and cats? When you yell at a dog, the dog will sit in a corner hang its head and basically say to you, I promise to not do that again, ever. Yell at a cat, IF the car acknowledges you, you'll get a look that says NO way you are talking to ME in that tone! Have a nice day if posible. Holly happy days to all

16 December 2017

Just got this in an email and need to share it

Sorry to interrupt your Caturday with an important item, but this IS important. I just got this in an email less than 15 minutes ago and felt I had to share it with you readers of this little blog.
It is just under 3 minutes and it is worth your time folks. This concerns the recent vote by the FCC to overturn net neutrality. 
Just check out the short video and, well, help fight to over rule the idiot FCC. Keep the net neutral and screw the big ISP's and farcebook, giggle, twitter, etc..

The internet is under attack

Sorry for the interruption of your Caturday, but this IS important, to me any way.

Caturday extra

This is just a short addition for Caturday. It is a link to a short article that some may enjoy, others, well, maybe a humor transplant will be needed. Yes, that last was a bit snarky, hey, I told you folks over and over, I AM an old sarcastic/cynical SOB and have legal documents to prove it.

Any who, for your laughs, smiles, or whatever, here ya go;

Top ten comedic news stories

OK, even I admit Mr. Durst isn't the most funny guy on the interwebs, but he does provide a smile now and then. I think he did a pretty good job with this one, your opinions will vary of course. Hey, that's life. If we all agreed on everything, I know for sure I'd be bored to the point of suicide. 
OK then holly happy days to all. Have a great Caturday and please try to treat others the way you want to be treated. I know it isn't always easy, but it is a good habit to at least try. If sarcastic/cynical grumpy old me can do it, then it should be easy for you folks.

Well, it sure has been a long time