06 October 2018

It's Caturday!!

Wow! Amazing isn't it? I made it to Caturday with more LOL cats for your enjoyment.  Bet most of you thought I would not make it. Hey, no problem, I wasn't very sure myself. OK, enough of me ranting, here are some Caturday LOL cats.

Please pay extra attention to the small kitty who tells us about 2 get and 2 give and how doubling them makes this place much nicer. Yes, another way of asking all of you to just try and be nice to each other. Even kittens know how life is better that way. Enjoy your day. Until next time, be safe.

05 October 2018

Tell George It's Friday

Hey all, it is once again T. G. I. F.. For those of you who like me live in 'Merikkka, it looks like we have another crap person who will be one of the nine supremes. Yeah, it sure looks like the arrogant white man will take a permanent seat on the US supreme court. Geeze Louise who decided to make that a life time appointment? Whoever it was needs a damn hard ass kicking. Oh, the founders did that? Well, dig up what may be left of their rotting bones and crush them and dump the ashes into a toxic waste dump!
OK, from my personal view point this "#me too" has gone too bloody damn far already. How come this didn't happen when Billy Bob Bubba was POTUS? Try THAT one on for size you miserables shit for brains FAKE liberals and (gawd I cannot stop laughing) FAKE progressives! I would not let a rabid dog piss on those Hollyweird and other fake liberals/progressives.

Added to my disgust with this crapola is the way tRumpski and congress keep putting sanctions and/or more sanctions on various countries that have for some unknown reason made lil' Donnie upset. So, lil' Donnie throws a hissy fit and imposes sanctions on said nation. Well folks, the more he and the idiots in congress keep doing this shit, don't go to your local grocery store looking for fresh bananas. We won't be getting them if we piss off enough nations who grow them. The same applies to a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. I am old enough to remember when we had fresh oranges at xmas time, but not very often during the rest of the year. See oranges don't grow very well in southern Wisconsin. They do well (still?) in Florida and used to in southern California. I'm not too certain about SoCal as I left there nearly 19 years ago and so many citrus growing land was built over with houses and other buildings. I remember going East on interstate 10 you got to Guasti and there were vineyards as far as you could see up to the foothills and even to the South. They had a large sign on a large build the you could see from that roadway that said "You are entering the worlds largest vineyard". Ah, the joys (???) and disappointments of being 70 years old. Well, like the song by C. W. McCall says; "memories are like starlight, they go on forever".

And now, I'll shut up and give you good folks some T. G. I. F. LOL cats. Enjoy, or not, your ;life, your choice.

That first LOL cat was directed at me. If anybody who stops by here has had a senior moment, well, it may apply to you also.  Obviously the second LOL cat from the top is directed at our current POTUS. First thing I thought of when I saw that one was the caption fits him like a glove. Poor lil' Donnie has hims a temper tantrum. What does he do then? Slap some more sanctions on some poor country, or add more to some country already under his sanctions. If Billy Bob Bubba/killary klingon, W. Shrub, Ronnie of ray gun, and or (ig)Nobel piece prizident didn't make 'Merikkka a huge laughing stock around the planet, our current POTUS has and then some!

OK, until next time (will he do a Caturday LOL cat post or miss it again?) please TRY and treat everybody you come in contact with every day the way you want to be treated.

30 September 2018

Sunday LOL Cats

Yeah, I know, I missed Caturday yesterday. To sort of repair that error here are some Sunday LOL cats. oh, also one from the old satire web site the Babylonbee.

Pope apologizes for RCC carbon emissions

I'll try to post next Caturday. Yes I said I'll TRY, this is not a promise. I only promise what I am 99.99999% certain I will be able to actually do. All I can say about posting to this blog is, I will try to keep up with Caturday posts.
Until the next post here, please everybody just TRY to treat those you come in contact with each day the way you want to be treated. I am totally convinced this very much predates every religion that humans have ever had. No way could we have even started to build towns and cities without this basic way of behaving. One thing I do know about trying to act this way, it beats the hell out of the bullshit crapola that 'Merikkka has become over these past few years.

Well, it sure has been a long time