Well, once again, it is Caturday! Just because I feel like it, before I put up the Caturday LOL cats, some music to go with this day.
First off, a nice tune from Jethro Tull. You may have heard this one before, if not, well, the lyrics are under the description at You Tube. Any way, sing along, but be sure to pay attention to the lyrics on this one. They are very important. Of course I would say that as I am an old SOB/heathen.
Hymn 43
And now, 2, yes 2, from the Who. First up a song that since the very first time I heard it I have always felt the volume needs to be cranked up to 15 on a scale of 1 to 10. Some days I almost want to be able to see for miles and miles.
I can see for miles
And for our last song on this Caturday, one more from the Who. Yes, folks you CAN be free. It isn't that hard to do. Just allow yourself to BE free. Hey, if this old, broken down Vietnam vet can do it, you sure as hell should be able to do the same. Oh right, nobody has the guts to leave the temple……well, your choice.
I'm Free
This is the version from the film "Tommy" and the lyrics are under the description in case you need them. And now, time for the LOL cats because today IS Caturday. Enjoy, or not, your choice. Hey, that's life folks, it IS your choice to enjoy it or not.
Well folks, I could post more LOL cats, but hey, I don't want to give you LOL cat overload. Also, I need to save a few for next Caturday……LOL.
Until next time, live and let live. Yeah, I figured you all were getting sick of me asking you to treat others the way you want to be treated so, I won't do that very often. I may ask you to try that now and then. Maybe, we'll see. Or……will we? Nobody knows for sure. I don't and that's a fact Jack. Any who, happy Caturday!
30 December 2017
29 December 2017
Just a few more things I've been saving
Yes, I have a few more goodies that I've pulled off the interwebs. Most of these are courtesy of the neat Tumblr site Atheist Jack. Again, I want to thank Jack for letting me use these images from his site. Thanks Jack, I really appreciate the use of these asI think they need to be seen by as many people as possible. Not that many come to this insignificant blog of mine, but the few who do will see some of the cool things you post at your site.
And now, on with the show
And now, on with the show
Yes, I even added a few extra LOL cats, just because. Just because, asks somebody? Yes, just because I felt like adding them. Tomorrow, probably later in the day, there will be more LOL cats for the weekly Caturday post. Until then, take care of yourselves and try to stay safe.
Just clearing out some good articles that got pushed back
Today I am going to post some links to articles that somehow got lost in the day-to-day mess of my life. Yeah, they are a bit old, or if you will, out of date. Still, I think they are worth the time to read them.
First up is one from Will Durst. He may not be your cup of tea, I find his humor to be less than out and out laughable at times, but he does try and that counts for a good bit to me.
Classier class wars
I really like his list of how to stimulate the rich. You'll have to read the short article to find out what his list contains. If you have a sense of humor and are a decent human being, I think you'll enjoy his list. Hey, his list sure makes a damn good starting point.
Next up is another good one, my opinion. This explains why you should never, ever watch RT.
Why you should never watch RT ever
It is not a "top ten"list. It is a top 13 list. It needs to be read by as many people as possible. Of course that is just my own personal opinion and you all know by now that I am just an old, broken down sarcastic/cynical SOB. Your loss if you pass these links by.
This next one hits out at religion. Yep, another one of my many targets. Now, I don't give a flying crap in hell what doG you believe in, but when any religious types try and tell me what I 'must' believe in, well, they will be in big trouble as I refuse to follow any doG no matter what brand of horse manure they represent.
Enjoy this one, or not. Your choice.
Evil bible top ten list
This shows how unequal things are in 'Merikkka today. Read it and weep.
Three billionaires are wealthier than half US population
To go along with that last one, a good one from Paul Craig Roberts.
America has become a nation of incompetents
This last link to older articles ties in with the last two as well. Again, this is my own opinion, yours may vary. And so it goes…..
The de-civilization of america
This very last link is a good one. You should get a smile from it. Well, if you are one of those Killary Klingon bots, you will be highly pissed off. Of course IF you are a Killary bot, what the hell are you doing stopping at this insignificant blog any who?
CDC: people with dirt on Clintons have
Now, for slogging through this above list of old articles, some extra LOL cats. See, I can try to be nice some times. Yes, I said TRY. It ain't easy even trying to be nice when one is by nature a nasty old SOB who is sarcastic and cynical and also an old heathen/pagan/atheist. Any who, here is a link to some LOL cats.
11 motivational quotes from cats
And finally, for putting up with all the above, a song. Once again, even though I am not a big fan of this band, I give you the Doors. Hey, they did a dew songs that I liked way back when they first were played on the old radio in my younger days. Yes, I actually did have a few younger days, before my time in Vietnam anyway.
Enjoy the song, or not, your choice.
Twentieth century fox
Oh, the lyrics are included for the above song. Yeah, me trying to be nice again. I know, try harder. Well, maybe I will and maybe I willn't. My life, my choice. Just as it is your choice to stop by here or not. Your life, your choice. Live and let live.
To any and all who celebrate New Years Eve, have a safe one. If I'm not here next year, well, party down for me. Until next time, if there is a next time, hasta la bye-bye.
First up is one from Will Durst. He may not be your cup of tea, I find his humor to be less than out and out laughable at times, but he does try and that counts for a good bit to me.
Classier class wars
I really like his list of how to stimulate the rich. You'll have to read the short article to find out what his list contains. If you have a sense of humor and are a decent human being, I think you'll enjoy his list. Hey, his list sure makes a damn good starting point.
Next up is another good one, my opinion. This explains why you should never, ever watch RT.
Why you should never watch RT ever
It is not a "top ten"list. It is a top 13 list. It needs to be read by as many people as possible. Of course that is just my own personal opinion and you all know by now that I am just an old, broken down sarcastic/cynical SOB. Your loss if you pass these links by.
This next one hits out at religion. Yep, another one of my many targets. Now, I don't give a flying crap in hell what doG you believe in, but when any religious types try and tell me what I 'must' believe in, well, they will be in big trouble as I refuse to follow any doG no matter what brand of horse manure they represent.
Enjoy this one, or not. Your choice.
Evil bible top ten list
This shows how unequal things are in 'Merikkka today. Read it and weep.
Three billionaires are wealthier than half US population
To go along with that last one, a good one from Paul Craig Roberts.
America has become a nation of incompetents
This last link to older articles ties in with the last two as well. Again, this is my own opinion, yours may vary. And so it goes…..
The de-civilization of america
This very last link is a good one. You should get a smile from it. Well, if you are one of those Killary Klingon bots, you will be highly pissed off. Of course IF you are a Killary bot, what the hell are you doing stopping at this insignificant blog any who?
CDC: people with dirt on Clintons have
Now, for slogging through this above list of old articles, some extra LOL cats. See, I can try to be nice some times. Yes, I said TRY. It ain't easy even trying to be nice when one is by nature a nasty old SOB who is sarcastic and cynical and also an old heathen/pagan/atheist. Any who, here is a link to some LOL cats.
11 motivational quotes from cats
And finally, for putting up with all the above, a song. Once again, even though I am not a big fan of this band, I give you the Doors. Hey, they did a dew songs that I liked way back when they first were played on the old radio in my younger days. Yes, I actually did have a few younger days, before my time in Vietnam anyway.
Enjoy the song, or not, your choice.
Twentieth century fox
Oh, the lyrics are included for the above song. Yeah, me trying to be nice again. I know, try harder. Well, maybe I will and maybe I willn't. My life, my choice. Just as it is your choice to stop by here or not. Your life, your choice. Live and let live.
To any and all who celebrate New Years Eve, have a safe one. If I'm not here next year, well, party down for me. Until next time, if there is a next time, hasta la bye-bye.
27 December 2017
More "Russia-gate" madness
OK, I admit up front, the links here are a bit old. Yeah, well the old saying applies; better late than never. Of course as Dad told me, better never late. Well, things have been very hectic in this household of late so my blogging has slipped some. I suppose I am due for 50 lashes with the proverbial wet noodle. Well, let whomever has said wet noodle track me down and try to lash me….LOL, be warned, I will defend myself.
Yesterday I brought up how the morons, no offense to actual morons, in congress are going all out to paint Jill Stein as a
Russian agent" since she had attended a dinner given by RT to celebrate their anniversary and oh my lord, Vlad Putin was also at that same dinner. Some have even said that Ms. Stein actually talked to Mr. Putin. Why, hells bells, that makes her a "Russian agent" for certain. Or, does it? I think not, but what the hell, I just am an old, broken down former US Marine/Vietnam war vet. So, who are you going to believe? Some old war vet or some asshat member of congress who never even wore any US military uniform? Yeah I am looking at past members like Mr. 5 deferments Cheney and his ilk. Oh, don't forget poor lil' 4-F Donnie Trumpski either.
Another rap against Ms. Stein, she said nice things about Wikileaks and Mr. Assange, the main guy behind Wikileaks. Well get the rope out and build that scaffold then. Sure as hell, the woman is guilty as sin and must be hung by the neck until…..um hold on there Sparky. This IS still 'Merikkka and the US law says one is innocent until PROVEN guilty. Oh, wait, I keep forgetting, congress critters do not read US laws nor the US Constitution, ever. Why would they? Hell, many of them are even lawyers, so one might expect them to have at least some small understanding of how US laws supposedly work. It seems though, that once elected to either house of congress, any and all actual education/knowledge gets tossed into the trash bin. Bet it doesn't even get recycled.
OK then, now I have some links to articles about other "Russian agents". Well, it depends on your definition of just what a Russian agent may be. IF you are a member of either house of the US congress, well, I wonder if even they know. No, I am NOT being sarcastic now, just giving my personal opinion of congress. By the way, according to some polls taken not so long ago, congress rated almost as poorly as used car sales persons and even insurance sales persons. Yeah, right down in the shit with that goddamn asshat Flo and her white apron selling that shit for nothing "Progressive" insurance, or maybe the crap gecko. Either way,congress didn't rate very highly among my fellow 'Merikkkans.
First up is one about how "Russian trolls" are taking over the world. Or, are they? You read the article and you decide.
Russian trolls taking over the world
Now, this one is by a confessed Russian linked twitter bot. Yes, this person is actually confessing to being a "Russian twitter bot". Wow! Um, er, just what the hell IS a twitter bot any who? Seriously folks, I haven't a clue. I do not have twitter nor farcebook and see no reason to ever get/have either of them. Any way, the article.
Confessions of a (verified) Russian twitter bot
Now can you see how bloody goddamn STUPID this whole "Russia-gate" shit storm has become? Seriously folks. Come ON! This is so fucking stupid I am at a loss for words to describe how stupid it is. You have to travel for work. Your flight lands in Russia for whatever reason. You have time to wait until you board the plane to your destination, so, you check your farcebook or twitter account. You are now a "Russian agent"/"Russian troll". Because YOU logged onto.into your own account from Russia. That simple fact is why YOU are now a "Russian agent". If you cannot see how goddamn fucking stupid this shit is, please do NOT drive any motor vehicle, do not operate any machinery, but please DO get to an eye doctor ASAP! Because you are fucking BLIND!
One last "Russia-gate" article for you. This from Black Agenda Report. Yes, I do have a link to their web site in my list of links on this page. Just check the right side of the page for links.
Russia gate and the collapse
OK, that is enough for you to read. Now, just because you endured my rantings, I'll leave you with some music to wash down the links above. See, I am trying to be nice to you readers.
Sliver tongued devil
Yes, another Kristofferson song from the album I gave you a song from a short time back.
Dirty World
The Traveling Wilburys from the first album they did. Oh, the lyrics are on this one for you. Couldn't find one of the Kristofferson song with the lyrics. Sorry about that, blame You Tube. That's where I get many of my songs from, unless I have bought the cd/album already.
LA Woman
Aha! The Doors again. Oh, and the lyrics are included. Just my way of saying thanks to you for stopping by this insignificant blog.
Oh, but wait, there's more………YES, some extra LOL cats. Just because. Because I feel generous.
Until next time, try to be nice to each other and be careful.
Yesterday I brought up how the morons, no offense to actual morons, in congress are going all out to paint Jill Stein as a
Russian agent" since she had attended a dinner given by RT to celebrate their anniversary and oh my lord, Vlad Putin was also at that same dinner. Some have even said that Ms. Stein actually talked to Mr. Putin. Why, hells bells, that makes her a "Russian agent" for certain. Or, does it? I think not, but what the hell, I just am an old, broken down former US Marine/Vietnam war vet. So, who are you going to believe? Some old war vet or some asshat member of congress who never even wore any US military uniform? Yeah I am looking at past members like Mr. 5 deferments Cheney and his ilk. Oh, don't forget poor lil' 4-F Donnie Trumpski either.
Another rap against Ms. Stein, she said nice things about Wikileaks and Mr. Assange, the main guy behind Wikileaks. Well get the rope out and build that scaffold then. Sure as hell, the woman is guilty as sin and must be hung by the neck until…..um hold on there Sparky. This IS still 'Merikkka and the US law says one is innocent until PROVEN guilty. Oh, wait, I keep forgetting, congress critters do not read US laws nor the US Constitution, ever. Why would they? Hell, many of them are even lawyers, so one might expect them to have at least some small understanding of how US laws supposedly work. It seems though, that once elected to either house of congress, any and all actual education/knowledge gets tossed into the trash bin. Bet it doesn't even get recycled.
OK then, now I have some links to articles about other "Russian agents". Well, it depends on your definition of just what a Russian agent may be. IF you are a member of either house of the US congress, well, I wonder if even they know. No, I am NOT being sarcastic now, just giving my personal opinion of congress. By the way, according to some polls taken not so long ago, congress rated almost as poorly as used car sales persons and even insurance sales persons. Yeah, right down in the shit with that goddamn asshat Flo and her white apron selling that shit for nothing "Progressive" insurance, or maybe the crap gecko. Either way,congress didn't rate very highly among my fellow 'Merikkkans.
First up is one about how "Russian trolls" are taking over the world. Or, are they? You read the article and you decide.
Russian trolls taking over the world
Now, this one is by a confessed Russian linked twitter bot. Yes, this person is actually confessing to being a "Russian twitter bot". Wow! Um, er, just what the hell IS a twitter bot any who? Seriously folks, I haven't a clue. I do not have twitter nor farcebook and see no reason to ever get/have either of them. Any way, the article.
Confessions of a (verified) Russian twitter bot
Now can you see how bloody goddamn STUPID this whole "Russia-gate" shit storm has become? Seriously folks. Come ON! This is so fucking stupid I am at a loss for words to describe how stupid it is. You have to travel for work. Your flight lands in Russia for whatever reason. You have time to wait until you board the plane to your destination, so, you check your farcebook or twitter account. You are now a "Russian agent"/"Russian troll". Because YOU logged onto.into your own account from Russia. That simple fact is why YOU are now a "Russian agent". If you cannot see how goddamn fucking stupid this shit is, please do NOT drive any motor vehicle, do not operate any machinery, but please DO get to an eye doctor ASAP! Because you are fucking BLIND!
One last "Russia-gate" article for you. This from Black Agenda Report. Yes, I do have a link to their web site in my list of links on this page. Just check the right side of the page for links.
Russia gate and the collapse
OK, that is enough for you to read. Now, just because you endured my rantings, I'll leave you with some music to wash down the links above. See, I am trying to be nice to you readers.
Sliver tongued devil
Yes, another Kristofferson song from the album I gave you a song from a short time back.
Dirty World
The Traveling Wilburys from the first album they did. Oh, the lyrics are on this one for you. Couldn't find one of the Kristofferson song with the lyrics. Sorry about that, blame You Tube. That's where I get many of my songs from, unless I have bought the cd/album already.
LA Woman
Aha! The Doors again. Oh, and the lyrics are included. Just my way of saying thanks to you for stopping by this insignificant blog.
Oh, but wait, there's more………YES, some extra LOL cats. Just because. Because I feel generous.
Until next time, try to be nice to each other and be careful.
26 December 2017
The Killary Klingon bots are very deperate
Well, I hope you all had a nice Catsmess yesterday. Today, well, I get back to real news. Yep, the fun and games, LOL cats and songs are done for now. Don't fret too much though, Caturday will still be at least partly LOL cats here until I run out of them, which may not be until some months after my death. LOL, of course none of you will know when that day comes. See in the state of Loosey Annie one does NOT have to post a death notice in any newspaper. Odd no? It was quite a pleasant surprise to me when I was told that news. Back when I lived in SoCal, you were required to post a death notice in a newspaper. My later wife told me to use the cheapest paper, so I did.
Well, hey folks, this state where I now reside still has its legal code based on the Napoleonic code. Well, Loosey Annie WAS French until old tom Jefferson bought it for pennies on the dollar. In other words, he got a sweet deal. The guy was using Wally Street rules before Wally Street even started up. Buy low, sell high. Ah yes, 'Merikkka, land of the 'golden rule'. Now, before you call me a liar, remember, in 'Merikkka, the 'golden rule' is this; them what has the gold makes the rules. See, I was correct. 'Merikkka IS based on that 'golden rule'.
Yeah, OK, ok, that was a 'gotcha' type comment, but hey, it IS true.
As an example of how desperate the Killary bots are, I offer the following linked article. You really do need to read this one folks. It is almost beyond belief. OK, disclosure time. In the 2016 election for POTUS I did vote for Jill Stein. I would have voted for the "Peace and Freedom Party" but, they have not been on the ballot here in this state since I have been here, this goes back to 2000. I am not even sure if they still qualify for the ballot back in California now days. If they folded, well, I am sorry.
The fact that some members of the DLC, the 'leadership' of the donkey gang have called Jill Stein a "Russian troll" or "Russian agent" is so bloody goddamn STUPID as to be laughable, if it was said as a joke. Unfortunately, it was NOT meant as a joke, but as fact! No screaming shit. You really DO need to read this rather short article to get the full story of this ridiculous crapola. Seriously donkey gang, the election is so 2016! Come ON, it is damn near 2018 and yet you moronic asshats are still bitching about how Killary Klingon was "cheated"? Jeebus H. fucking Christ on a goddamn crutch! I got a song for you. The "Eagles" doing "Get Over It".
Hell, I'd post a link to that song, but You Tube has every video of it blocked in 'Merikkka. LOL, it's a conspiracy! LOL!
OK, the article you need to read;
jill stein collusion russiagate
That's all for today. It is cold here, I am tired and not feeling too swift, so enough for today.
Try an be nice to each other.
Well, hey folks, this state where I now reside still has its legal code based on the Napoleonic code. Well, Loosey Annie WAS French until old tom Jefferson bought it for pennies on the dollar. In other words, he got a sweet deal. The guy was using Wally Street rules before Wally Street even started up. Buy low, sell high. Ah yes, 'Merikkka, land of the 'golden rule'. Now, before you call me a liar, remember, in 'Merikkka, the 'golden rule' is this; them what has the gold makes the rules. See, I was correct. 'Merikkka IS based on that 'golden rule'.
Yeah, OK, ok, that was a 'gotcha' type comment, but hey, it IS true.
As an example of how desperate the Killary bots are, I offer the following linked article. You really do need to read this one folks. It is almost beyond belief. OK, disclosure time. In the 2016 election for POTUS I did vote for Jill Stein. I would have voted for the "Peace and Freedom Party" but, they have not been on the ballot here in this state since I have been here, this goes back to 2000. I am not even sure if they still qualify for the ballot back in California now days. If they folded, well, I am sorry.
The fact that some members of the DLC, the 'leadership' of the donkey gang have called Jill Stein a "Russian troll" or "Russian agent" is so bloody goddamn STUPID as to be laughable, if it was said as a joke. Unfortunately, it was NOT meant as a joke, but as fact! No screaming shit. You really DO need to read this rather short article to get the full story of this ridiculous crapola. Seriously donkey gang, the election is so 2016! Come ON, it is damn near 2018 and yet you moronic asshats are still bitching about how Killary Klingon was "cheated"? Jeebus H. fucking Christ on a goddamn crutch! I got a song for you. The "Eagles" doing "Get Over It".
Hell, I'd post a link to that song, but You Tube has every video of it blocked in 'Merikkka. LOL, it's a conspiracy! LOL!
OK, the article you need to read;
jill stein collusion russiagate
That's all for today. It is cold here, I am tired and not feeling too swift, so enough for today.
Try an be nice to each other.
25 December 2017
Merry Catsmess to all
Hey everybody, today is December 25th. That means it is finally Catsmess day. Yippee! Hope the holiday is ally wanted it to be. So far, it looks like it will be a good day for us here in central Louisiana.
I am not going to post any xmas carols or any of that stuff. Nope, I'm going to share some fun songs with you all. I think they are fun songs, you may think differently and that is A-OK by me. To each her/his own. Live and let live.
OK, as a start to the celebration of the day, a neat little song about food. Well, not exactly your normal grocery store food, but food that you could say is "found" food. Found along the roadside.
Road Kill
Oh, come on, you smiled while listening to that song. I know you did. Well, if you didn't, I suggest you see a doctor soon and get a humor transplant ASAP. It is just all good fun.
OK, now I have three, yes 3, from Bob Dylan. These are among my favorites of his as I find them to be funny. OK, yeah, I do have a odd sense of humor. If yours doesn't mesh with mine, well, go find your own type of music to listen to. As I said before on this blog, nobody is forcing you to stop by here. Hey, if you can't take a joke, then just go elsewhere. I could go way back to my youth and tell you to not go away mad, just go away. Hmm, I just did that didn't I. Yep, I sure did. If you haven't got the message after that, well, you either like this little insignificant blog, or a glutton for punishment. I have no idea which is worse. Your choice if you are still here.
OK, now for some Bob Dylan songs.
Subterranean homesick blues
This is the only album version of the songs I found at You Tube, the next two are live versions, so they differ some from the album versions. Either way, still good, fun songs. Yes, my opinion, yours may vary. Hey, that's life.
Tombstone blues
And now, the last from Bob for today.
Highway 61 revisited
I'll leave you to enjoy the rest of the day with one from the Dorsey brothers, yes, from the big band era of music. This is the type of music Dad raised me on. The Dorsey brothers, Glenn Miller, Count Basie, Duke Ellington, etc.. Just get over to the sunny side of the street. Have a great day, I'm going to try to do the same. Holly happy days to all of you folks, no matter where you are.
Sunny side of the street
Tommy Dorsey and his orchestra with the Sentimentalists singing.
FYI, the Sentimentalists were the Clark sisters. In case anybody was curious. Curiosity may have killed the cat, but as my late wife used to say; "satisfaction brought it back". So, there ya go.
Merry Cats mess to all. Just be careful of Sandys' claws, they are sharp.
Be good to each other.
I am not going to post any xmas carols or any of that stuff. Nope, I'm going to share some fun songs with you all. I think they are fun songs, you may think differently and that is A-OK by me. To each her/his own. Live and let live.
OK, as a start to the celebration of the day, a neat little song about food. Well, not exactly your normal grocery store food, but food that you could say is "found" food. Found along the roadside.
Road Kill
Oh, come on, you smiled while listening to that song. I know you did. Well, if you didn't, I suggest you see a doctor soon and get a humor transplant ASAP. It is just all good fun.
OK, now I have three, yes 3, from Bob Dylan. These are among my favorites of his as I find them to be funny. OK, yeah, I do have a odd sense of humor. If yours doesn't mesh with mine, well, go find your own type of music to listen to. As I said before on this blog, nobody is forcing you to stop by here. Hey, if you can't take a joke, then just go elsewhere. I could go way back to my youth and tell you to not go away mad, just go away. Hmm, I just did that didn't I. Yep, I sure did. If you haven't got the message after that, well, you either like this little insignificant blog, or a glutton for punishment. I have no idea which is worse. Your choice if you are still here.
OK, now for some Bob Dylan songs.
Subterranean homesick blues
This is the only album version of the songs I found at You Tube, the next two are live versions, so they differ some from the album versions. Either way, still good, fun songs. Yes, my opinion, yours may vary. Hey, that's life.
Tombstone blues
And now, the last from Bob for today.
Highway 61 revisited
I'll leave you to enjoy the rest of the day with one from the Dorsey brothers, yes, from the big band era of music. This is the type of music Dad raised me on. The Dorsey brothers, Glenn Miller, Count Basie, Duke Ellington, etc.. Just get over to the sunny side of the street. Have a great day, I'm going to try to do the same. Holly happy days to all of you folks, no matter where you are.
Sunny side of the street
Tommy Dorsey and his orchestra with the Sentimentalists singing.
FYI, the Sentimentalists were the Clark sisters. In case anybody was curious. Curiosity may have killed the cat, but as my late wife used to say; "satisfaction brought it back". So, there ya go.
Merry Cats mess to all. Just be careful of Sandys' claws, they are sharp.
Be good to each other.
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