29 December 2017

Just clearing out some good articles that got pushed back

Today I am going to post some links to articles that somehow got lost in the day-to-day mess of my life. Yeah, they are a bit old, or if you will, out of date. Still, I think they are worth the time to read them. 
First up is one from Will Durst. He may not be your cup of tea, I find his humor to be less than out and out laughable at times, but he does try and that counts for a good bit to me.
Classier class wars
I really like his list of how to stimulate the rich. You'll have to read the short article to find out what his list contains. If you have a sense of humor and are a decent human being, I think you'll enjoy his list. Hey, his list sure makes a damn good starting point. 

Next up is another good one, my opinion. This explains why you should never, ever watch RT.
 Why you should never watch RT ever
It is not a "top ten"list. It is a top 13 list. It needs to be read by as many people as possible. Of course that is just my own personal opinion and you all know by now that I am just an old, broken down sarcastic/cynical SOB. Your loss if you pass these links by.

This next one hits out at religion. Yep, another one of my many targets. Now, I don't give a flying crap in hell what doG you believe in, but when any religious types try and tell me what I 'must' believe in, well, they will be in big trouble as I refuse to follow any doG no matter what brand of horse manure they represent.
Enjoy this one, or not. Your choice. 
Evil bible top ten list

This shows how unequal things are in 'Merikkka today. Read it and weep. 
Three billionaires are wealthier than half US population

To go along with that last one, a good one from Paul Craig Roberts.
America has become a nation of incompetents

This last link to older articles ties in with the last two as well. Again, this is my own opinion, yours may vary. And so it goes…..
The de-civilization of america

This very last link is a good one. You should get a smile from it. Well, if you are one of those Killary Klingon bots, you will be highly pissed off. Of course IF you are a Killary bot, what the hell are you doing stopping at this insignificant blog any who? 
CDC: people with dirt on Clintons have

Now, for slogging through this above list of old articles, some extra LOL cats. See, I can try to be nice some times. Yes, I said TRY. It ain't easy even trying to be nice when one is by nature a nasty old SOB who is sarcastic and cynical and also an old heathen/pagan/atheist. Any who, here is a link to some LOL cats.
11 motivational quotes from cats

And finally, for putting up with all the above, a song. Once again, even though I am not a big fan of this band, I give you the Doors. Hey, they did a dew songs that I liked way back when they first were played on the old radio in my younger days. Yes, I actually did have a few younger days, before my time in Vietnam anyway.
Enjoy the song, or not, your choice.
Twentieth century fox
Oh, the lyrics are included for the above song. Yeah, me trying to be nice again. I know, try harder. Well, maybe I will and maybe I willn't. My life, my choice. Just as it is your choice to stop by here or not. Your life, your choice. Live and let live.
To any and all who celebrate New Years Eve, have a safe one. If I'm not here next year, well, party down for me.  Until next time, if there is a next time, hasta la bye-bye.

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Well, it sure has been a long time