30 December 2017

It's Caturday! Funny how it comes around every week.

Well, once again, it is Caturday! Just because I feel like it, before I put up the Caturday LOL cats, some music to go with this day.

First off, a nice tune from Jethro Tull. You may have heard this one before, if not, well, the lyrics are under the description at You Tube. Any way, sing along, but be sure to pay attention to the lyrics on this one. They are very important. Of course I would say that as I am an old SOB/heathen. 
Hymn 43

And now, 2, yes 2, from the Who. First up a song that since the very first time I heard it I have always felt the volume needs to be cranked up to 15 on a scale of 1 to 10. Some days I almost want to be able to see for miles and miles. 
I can see for miles

And for our last song on this Caturday, one more from the Who. Yes, folks you CAN be free. It isn't that hard to do. Just allow yourself to BE free. Hey, if this old, broken down Vietnam vet can do it, you sure as hell should be able to do the same. Oh right, nobody has the guts to leave the temple……well, your choice.

I'm Free   
This is the version from the film "Tommy" and the lyrics are under the description in case you need them. And now, time for the LOL cats because today IS Caturday. Enjoy, or not, your choice. Hey, that's life folks, it IS your choice to enjoy it or not. 

Well folks, I could post more LOL cats, but hey, I don't want to give you LOL cat overload. Also, I need to save a few for next Caturday……LOL. 
Until next time, live and let live. Yeah, I figured you all were getting sick of me asking you to treat others the way you want to be treated so, I won't do that very often. I may ask you to try that now and then. Maybe, we'll see. Or……will we? Nobody knows for sure. I don't and that's a fact Jack. Any who, happy Caturday!


  1. Hoppy Nude Rear!

    Happy New 2018 :/

  2. LOL!! Thanks Bill, I needed that.
    Same to you my friend. Stay safe and keep those babies happy and healthy, you also course. No more typhoid.


Well, it sure has been a long time