28 October 2017

Yes, I did say I was not going to post much this Caturday. 
Well, I remembered I had two links that I wanted to share with you readers. It is now 10:13 PM central time so, close enough to Sunday for these links. Enjoy, or not, your choice. If you have been reading this blog, or if you have had email exchanges with me over the past years, you already know I do not believe in any religion. If you feel offended by these links, you need to get a sense of humor. Oh, you also need to realize that ALL religions are man made and based on myth.
Speaking of myth, I need to add the following. It is from Joseph Campbell who wrote more than a few books on myths. Way back, I think it was the 1980's, PBS, at least the PBS station in Los Angeles did a series on him and his lectures on myths. That same station also did a shorter series of talks between the late Mr. Campbell and Bill Moyers. Not sure if any of those are still available to view. They should be in my opinion.

Joseph Campbell; "Whenever the poetry of myth is interpreted as biography, history, or science, it is killed......"
"Furthermore, it is never difficult to demonstrate that the science or history of mythology is absurd. When a civilization begins to reinterpret its mythology in this way, the life goes out of it, temples become museums, and the links between the two perspectives dissolves."

Now for the links. Yes, again, both links come from the Onion. Often, there tends to be more truth in satire than what passes as truth from the news media.

Oh, wait, I already posted both links on Thursday. Yep, they were posted here on 26 October. Hey, I'm old and my brain isn't working so swift today.  But, what the heck, here they are again, because, well, why not.

Saint Peter scrambling

And the other link. Yeah, I really like this one.

Heavenly authorities arrest god

OK then, until next time, PLEASE try to treat everybody you come in contact with each day the way you want to be treated. If we all try to do this, we CAN make this world a nicer place for all.
I saw this over at the web site Cracked and just had to share it with you folks. I thought it was way too good to pass up. Of course I am just an old cynical, sarcastic SOB, so take it as you wish. 

Hey everybody, today is Caturday!
Enjoy the day and be happy for it. If you go out and about, please do try to treat everybody you meet the way you want to be treated.
Because it is Caturday and also since I'm feeling a bit crappy, my chronic back pain, spinal stenosis is particularly nasty today, this will be a short post. Mostly it will be some LOL cat photos.

Oh, but wait, there IS more. I need to share this with you readers. I ran across two different articles already today. No, I won't be adding the links, sorry. They both are about the opioid epidemic in 'Merikkka today. The thing that really struck me about them both is, while they were done from differing view points, they did have a common theme. What was that common theme, you ask/ It is this, while there is NO money to fund any treatment for these folks who are addicted to opioids, there IS money to give more tax breaks to the very rich. Oh, there is always, and by doG, I mean ALWAYS, more money to get into another goddamn bullshit war of choice. Witness the recent deaths/killings of four, count them, four, US troops in Niger. Yes, a country in Africa that the vast majority of our fellow 'Merikkkans cannot find on a map. 
Now, many will lay the full blame for this at the feet and tiny hands of tRumpski (yes, this is what I will be calling the orange haired rodent who occupies OUR White House as our POTUS). Now, for the record, and being truthful, I do NOT claim to have invented this new description of the Donald. No, I saw it on another blog that I read and every comment there liked it, so I am using it. The person who first posted it did not say it was trademarked nor copyrighted, so I assume it is free for use by all. IF the person who first came up with it wants me to desist from using it, just tell me and I'll comply. 
Never let it be said that I would steal from another.

OK, now for your Caturday enjoyment.

26 October 2017

Today I feel like doing something not so nasty. I admit the last two posts here were political and that means, they were nasty/ Well folks, in the 'Merikkka we are in now, politics IS nasty.  OK, ok, politics probably has always been nasty, bit man, these last few years 'Merikkkan politics has not just scraped the bottom of the old barrel, but turned the barrel over, found a rock under the old barrel, dug out that rock and stooped down to drag out the crap that was under that rock.

To lighten things up some, I give you two short articles via the Onion.  Yes, the satire site again. Hey, my blog, so I post whatever I want. Don't like the way I post or what I post, go read another blog. I am not doing this blog to "win friends or influence people". Nope, I do this for myself, if others enjoy it or stop and think, well, that is just gravy then. 

OK link number one.


Now here is one that may get me some hate emails. Well, big deal, got them before, will get more again. Big deal. I don't care. I have no problem with your religion or religious beliefs, just never, ever try and tell me that I must believe as you do. I do not buy into any god nor any religion. If that bothers you, well, tough beans and hard cheese. As I said above, my blog, my posts. Oh, if my posts piss you off, I also said in an earlier post here, better to be pissed off than pissed on. Also, you stay dryer that way.

Heavenly authorities arrest god

OK, that's it for today.  Oh, don't worry, there WILL be more. Well, assuming I'm still alive tomorrow.....LOLMAO!

Until next post, please try and treat everybody you come in contact with each day the way you want to be treated. Hey, if I could get up, get dressed, drive 10 miles to be at an 8:30 Am meeting this morning and be polite to all the people I met at that meeting, never having ever seen any of them before the meeting started, then the rest of you should have ZERO problems trying to treat everybody you meet with at minimum, common courtesy, common decency, and civility. Just do it.  Oh nuts, that sounded too much like an order and only bosses/leaders give orders.  I am NOT a leader, never wanted to be one, refuse to even try. OK, here we go, a more kinder way to say it; please TRY to be nice to others. You CAN do it, I know you can. Just TRY. 

24 October 2017

As I seem to be on another roll today, here is a link about the orange haired rodent who occupies OUR White House today.
It isn't very long, but I do think it is well worth your time to read it. I wonder how many supporters of his will do so. Oh, wait, probably none. See Counterpunch is one of those nasty "leftie" web sites. Well, tough beans and hard cheese to them then. Trump supporters need to know this as it will have huge effect on them and their families. No doubt they and he will just call it "fake news" and go back to Faux Noise or one of the other bullshit TV "news" channels.
Their loss. Well, actually, we all of will will suffer huge losses from this when it happens. Notice I did not say if, because it most likely will happen.

Trumps war against his own supporters

Again, please try to treat everybody you meet each day the way you want to be treated. 
I wanted to keep away from the damn fool wars of choice the US of A (aka; 'Merikkka) is bogged down in and has been since W. Shrub invaded Afghanistan and Iraq. Well, from the crap comment made by the current POTUS, yeah, the orange haired rodent who now occupies our White House about the death of one of four US Army soldiers who was killed in Niger recently got me to go for this.
His comment to the widow of this dead human was beyond absurd. It was quite uncaring, but, well, does any sane person actually think Trump cares for anybody other than himself and possibly his own immediate family? If you do, then I hear there just may be a certain bridge for sale, cheap.

He supposedly told this poor woman who just lost her husband, the "He knew what he had signed up for". How bloody callous. How goddamn fucking RUDE!
One needs to stop a minute though. Take a second or three and ask yourself, just WHY does this country have any troops in Niger? 

Trump's Horrible Truth

The following may give you a clue. How come nobody thought to ask Trump just why do we have troops in Niger any way?

 What is going on in Niger

In my opinion, this is just another example of 'Merikkka trying like hell to grab as much territory and resources as possible. Mostly this is due to greed. Yes, plain old greed of the ruling class. I swear, if the top 1% of the top 1% ever do own everything on this planet, they will still want more. They are consumed by a boundless greed that can never be satisfied. See, the very, very rich ARE different from the working class and the poor folks. Most working class people I've ever known, and being born into the working class and being just an ordinary working class man all my life, those people form the main group I have been close to for nearly 70 years now. I have met a few middle class folks and even two or three upper middle class as well. I place most medical professionals in the middle to upper middle classes, mostly doctors and surgeons and the odd bank manager.
In my experience, yours may be different, most working class people just want decent housing, a reliable transportation (car, truck, etc.) and enough decent food to feed their families. They also tend to want their children to have at least as good a life as they have had, but really want their kids to have abetter life than they have had. Oh sure, they like to be able to take the family on a nice vacation now and then. They tend to have more realistic goals for their lives. They may think they want things they cannot afford, but they probably would not be all that happy once they got those things. Yes, they complain about how hard life is, but they tend to be satisfied with what they have. 

The rich tend to want more,of everything. 
Here is a quote from August Spies, labor activist, Haymarket martyr; "Laws are cobwebs for the rich and chains for the poor".

A question I've been asking for decades, at least since I got back from the damn fool Vietnam war is, just who died and made 'Merikkka the global cop? 

Until next time, please try and treat all those you come in contact with each day the way you want to be treated.

Well, it sure has been a long time