This is the first post at this blog.
I am starting the blog for my own use to rant on about whatever I want to rant on about.
I will definitely piss off some, maybe make one or two stop and think (I doubt that, but hell I can dream), some may get a laugh or at best a smile from what I post, but one thing is certain, many a favored ox will be gored here. If that upsets you, well, just go away and don't come back.
FYI, ALL comments will be moderated. Why? Because I have that option, also, one of my long time favorite blog sites has every comment go through moderation, always has, always will. So, there ya go, ALL comments are moderated. If that upsets you, tough shit, you also can just go away and stay away. I am too damn old to try and "win friends and influence people". Nor do I give a flying shit about convincing anybody to see my point of view. I don't care one bit about my rating, site views, or any other bullshit that seems to drive some blogs.
As I said above, this is MY space to rant about anything and everything I want to rant about.
Oh, if you were expecting me to say "welcome" to my new Korner, well, tough beans and hard cheese. You found this blog, enter at your own risk.
W. P. Kronkat, blog owner and only poster.