02 December 2017

It's Caturday!!

Hey everybody, it's Caturday again. Yes sir, it comes around every week. Hey, you know, when you retire, EVERY day is Caturday!!
And here is a LOL cat to prove it.

And now, since it IS Caturday, a few more LOL cats to brighten your day.

Now, an extra, just because I feel like it. Here is a nice song by the Moody Blues. The lyrics are under the video for this one, but I'll give you a head start on them. 

"And you can fly
High as a kite if you want to
Faster than light if you want to
Speeding through the universe
Thinking is the best way to travel"

Thinking IS the best way to travel. Oh, and the cost isn't that high either. Try it some time, you might like it. Yeah, OK, so, that was a bit snarky. Well, if you come here often, you know I am an old cynical/sarcastic SOB. It's my nature. Or, as I told my boss when I was in that shit storm, the Vietnam war, I know I don't have a great attitude, I don't even have a good attitude, but DAMN it is MY attitude! Some times one needs a railroad car full of salt to take with me and my opinions. The old thing about taking a pinch of salt?   PLEASE, don't make me laugh. Most days you may even need 2 railroad cars full of salt to stand this blog and/or me.

OK, have a nice Caturday. Remember, we all of us need to try to treat everybody we come in contact with every day the way we want to be treated. I am 100% certain that if we all just try this, we will make the world a nicer place for all of us.

01 December 2017

But wait, there's more

I forgot to add one other link to a very interesting article. Very worth the time it takes to read. 

Well, that's it for now. We return you to your usual channel.


Why having net neutrality is so very important

Today is going to be some more links to articles that you may not be able to see or read if the FCC votes to end net neutrality since even though congress could over rule the vote, don't even think they will. The major ISP's want to censor the net, they despise the free exchange of real information and the upcoming vote will also allow them to begin a multi tiered internet. Yes folks, you will have to pay more and more for less and less real information. Man, ain't 'Merikkka great? Yes haaa! It sire as hell IS great when you are very rich and greedy. Oh dear, did I just dis the big ISP's? Tough beans and hard cheese! 

First up is from the Saker. His web site is now on my links list. My oversight is why I had not put a link to his site there before. Sorry about that. 
He did this article for the Unz Review web site.  This is a bit long, but well worth your time to read. Yes, that is my opinion. Yours may vary. Such is life, and so it goes.

Progress report on the US Russian war

Next up, two links from Black Agenda Report. 

Even Russian dissidents say Americans have gone crazy

Next, from the same web site, who to "thank" for the slave trade in Libya. Again, well worth your time and when we no longer have any net neutrality, one you may not be able to read.

Thank CNN for slave auctions

Now, just because tomorrow is Caturday, again. Some LOL cats. Hey, just think, when you retire, every day IS Caturday!

OK, as always, until next time, PLEASE try and treat everybody you come in contact with every day the way you want to be treated. If we all just try this, we can make this world a better place for all of us.

26 November 2017

Other views on the end of net neutrality

Just so you know I'm not the only one who is pissed at the asshats who run the FCC, here are some links to what others have to say on this.
Yes, they do give their views in much more polite language than I did. Well, I doubt any to these folks were in the Marines and also that they didn't do a tour in that goddamn shit storm, the Vietnam war.

I recommend you read the following. It will be worth your time in my opinion.

From an open internet to the dark ages

Mr. Cook is a very intelligent human being and his web site and blog are highly recommended by me and many others.

The next links take you to WSWS. Yes, the World Socialist Web Site. I am not a socialist, well, not totally. I do lean in that direction often. Not so sure about the state owning and running everything as true socialism would have. I'd prefer more of a co-operatvive system, where the workers have a real voice in how a company runs, but with a less adversarial way than is current in 'Merikkka and has been for way too long. Face it folks, capitalism is on the way down the old toilet. 

FCC plan to repeal net neutrality

And now, the last link on this issue.

Net neutrality and the drive to censor the net

Now, just because, some extra LOL cats. 

Until next time, be nice to each other. The world can be a better place if we all just try this.

Well, it sure has been a long time