And here is a LOL cat to prove it.
And now, since it IS Caturday, a few more LOL cats to brighten your day.
Now, an extra, just because I feel like it. Here is a nice song by the Moody Blues. The lyrics are under the video for this one, but I'll give you a head start on them.
"And you can fly
High as a kite if you want to
Faster than light if you want to
Speeding through the universe
Thinking is the best way to travel"
Thinking IS the best way to travel. Oh, and the cost isn't that high either. Try it some time, you might like it. Yeah, OK, so, that was a bit snarky. Well, if you come here often, you know I am an old cynical/sarcastic SOB. It's my nature. Or, as I told my boss when I was in that shit storm, the Vietnam war, I know I don't have a great attitude, I don't even have a good attitude, but DAMN it is MY attitude! Some times one needs a railroad car full of salt to take with me and my opinions. The old thing about taking a pinch of salt? PLEASE, don't make me laugh. Most days you may even need 2 railroad cars full of salt to stand this blog and/or me.
OK, have a nice Caturday. Remember, we all of us need to try to treat everybody we come in contact with every day the way we want to be treated. I am 100% certain that if we all just try this, we will make the world a nicer place for all of us.