16 December 2017

Just got this in an email and need to share it

Sorry to interrupt your Caturday with an important item, but this IS important. I just got this in an email less than 15 minutes ago and felt I had to share it with you readers of this little blog.
It is just under 3 minutes and it is worth your time folks. This concerns the recent vote by the FCC to overturn net neutrality. 
Just check out the short video and, well, help fight to over rule the idiot FCC. Keep the net neutral and screw the big ISP's and farcebook, giggle, twitter, etc..

The internet is under attack

Sorry for the interruption of your Caturday, but this IS important, to me any way.

Caturday extra

This is just a short addition for Caturday. It is a link to a short article that some may enjoy, others, well, maybe a humor transplant will be needed. Yes, that last was a bit snarky, hey, I told you folks over and over, I AM an old sarcastic/cynical SOB and have legal documents to prove it.

Any who, for your laughs, smiles, or whatever, here ya go;

Top ten comedic news stories

OK, even I admit Mr. Durst isn't the most funny guy on the interwebs, but he does provide a smile now and then. I think he did a pretty good job with this one, your opinions will vary of course. Hey, that's life. If we all agreed on everything, I know for sure I'd be bored to the point of suicide. 
OK then holly happy days to all. Have a great Caturday and please try to treat others the way you want to be treated. I know it isn't always easy, but it is a good habit to at least try. If sarcastic/cynical grumpy old me can do it, then it should be easy for you folks.

It's Caturday again!

OK, as it is Caturday again, I'm going to go light with news and just give you all a nice song and some LOL cats. Yep, no hard news today, again. I'm just about burnt out following the mess that we are neck deep in with declaring Jerusalem as the capitol of the zionist entity. There WILL be more on this soon here however. Trust me folks, I won't let go of this deal any time soon.

OK, first up a good tune for Caturday, well any day actually. Unless you don't like certain types of music. Well, my blog, my choice of songs posted here. Deal with it, or not, your choice. 

If you want to Get to heaven

Now, some LOL cats with attitudes. Yes, MY kind of cats. 

Yes, yes, I do know that I have used some of these photos before. Well, when you have good ones, you tend to reuse them at times. This is one of those times. It's been a rough few weeks here for us and I'm just feeling a bit worn out, so time to recycle some of the better LOL cats for this post. They all fit the basic theme for today in my opinion. These cats do have attitude and show it. That IS what cats do. I know first hand having shared my homes with a number of cats over the past years. 
OK, as always, until next time; please try and treat others the way you want to be treated. If we all just try, this world can be nicer for all of us. It sure can't hurt to try. 
Yes, I did post extra LOL cats for putting up with my rants these past days. Be ready for more rantings to come though. As I said above, I'm not done with this embassy deal nor the fake crapola of what is called "Russia-gate". Why ever since Watergate does every damn idiotic thing that concerns US politics have to be called some sort of gate? I am starting to believe it is due to the fact that 'Merikkkans are NOT very bright at all these days. They just grab onto some older thing that made news way back and reuse it. Beats having to actually think. Oh, right, thinking hurts their little heads! 

14 December 2017

For no particular reason at all

No real reason for this. I just felt like it. Also, I'm having a difficult time with reading about the fallout from the orange haired rodent and his crap about how Jerusalem is the capitol of the zionist entity and he wants to move the 'Merikkkan embassy there. Well, he created the continuing shit storm, maybe it bit him on his pompous ass the other night when the accused child molester Moore lost the senate race for Alabama. Maybe that election shows Alabama is ready to come up from the 19th century, finally. 

Any way, just because I need to take a break from hard news, some extra LOL cats. For no particular reason as all.

And once again, here is the photo that fits this blog owner the best yet.

Until next time, holly happy days to all. And a very merry Catsmess to all. Oh, please just TRY to treat others as you want them to treat you. If we all just try, the world can be a nicer place for all. It may even make you feel better for doing so.

13 December 2017

More fallout from the idiot embassy mess

As I warned, I am posting some links about the absolute shit storm Trump and his pal Bennie Nuttyassed Yahoo have unleashed with Trump saying that Jerusalem IS the capitol of the zionist entity.

EU rejects embassy move

Erdogan calls Israel a terrorist state

Turkey France plan to make Trump change

This from Mr. Cook, who is based in Nazareth. He sees the zionist entity moving even further to the reich wing politically now. 

How will Jerusalem move affect

Even the UN got into this mess.
UN rejects White House recognition

One from Consortiumtimes.com. Worth the time to read.
Trumps lethal decision

This from Foreign Policy In Focus. 
Trumps Jerusalem decision rubber stamps

Erdogan says this may lead to a take over of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Erdogan: Israel seeks take over of Al-Aqsa Mosque
That would be very, very bad. al-Quds, as the Muslims call Jerusalem is the third most holy site for their religion. The Dome of the Rock is a very holy place for them. Yeah, true, I do not believe in any religion, but still, unless some religious clown tries to make me believe what they do, I let them be. Don't think this can cause a total shit storm? OK, then bulldoze the Vatican and see how the Catholics react. No big deal, right? 

Well, that will do for now. More may be coming in the near term. This has just begun folks. It will not just blow over in a few days or weeks. One thing has come from it so far, very few now still buy that 'Merikkka is an honest broker for any peace in that region.  Way to go there Donnie boy!

Wow! Alabama finally gets brains

Holy crap! This is amazing. The child molester LOST the election for US senate in Alabama. This is a better outcome than had they elected the asshat Moore. It sure did catch me off guard. Having lived in the US South, central Louisiana, for the last 17 years, I expected the not so bright folks in Alabama to elect the asshat Moore. Hey, they elected him to the state supreme court twice. He was the chief justice of that court twice, so he seemed to be a sure thing to win this election.  Hey, maybe having the orange haired rodent back him was the tipping point that lost the election for the accused child molester. 
Wow. Alabama surprised me. Wo knows what else may be possible now. Why, it could even happen that people will actually try and treat others the way they want to be treated. We'll never know unless we try. How about it, are you ready to try? 

Just because

Some will tell you that you should not kick them when they are down. Well, my senior DI in Marine Corps boot camp told us that is the best time to kick them. You don't have to raise your foot too high when they are down.
In that light, and because I am an old, broken down sarcastic SOB, here is just one more well deserved kick.
Thanks be to the Onion for this one.

Time traveling Hillary

I told you all in the very first post to this blog, your favorite ox will probably get gored here. The donkey gang and the vile DLC got what they earned, defeat.
Damn right, I am laughing at them and the mess they made of the last election for POTUS. 

Merry Catsmess to all.

p.s. There WILL be more links about the idiot mess Trumpski made with his embassy thing. You have been warned.

In case you hadn't noticed by now

Just in case any who stop by this little blog hadn't noticed by now, I don't give a flying crap in hell what anybody thinks of me or my opinions. Yeah, so I have a bad attitude, well goddamnit, it's MY attitude. Nobody forces you to read this blog. Don't like my attitude/opinions, well, go find some other blog to read. There are plenty more available, no doubt you can find one that fits your personal preferences much better than this one ever will.

Now for a bit of 'truth in advertising' as it were. I have stated my personal 'theme song' before, well here it is again in case anybody forgot or didn't read that post.

Hell in a bucket

And, just to make bloody damn certain, here is another to show that I don't care if anybody agrees with me.

 Bad Reputation
I honestly do NOT give a shit about my reputation. 
Need more proof? Well, OK, here ya go then…..

This post is intended to give you a break from the news updates regards the shit storm Trumpski created with his bullshit about Jerusalem being the capitol of the zionist entity.

Holly happy days to all.

10 December 2017

Some links to the shit stormTrump set off

Well, I hope you had a happy Caturday, because today I am going to post some links to the shit storm the orange haired rodent has set off.

First up, this one tells us all that ALL 28 EU foreign ministers warned our current POTUS not to do this damn fool mistake. Did he listen? LOLMAO! Of course NOT. Why would the orange haired rodent listen to those prissy Europeans? What do they know that he doesn't. He has claimed to know more about war than all the generals. Now that IS funny as he got himself declared 4F during the Vietnam war. Yep, he is no different than Mr. 5 deferments Cheney. Cheney claimed to have "other priorities", Trump was just too goddamn chickenshit. My Marine buddies and I had other priorities when we were in Vietnam. Ours were to come home alive and in one piece.

EU foreign ministers warn

Hey, how about that? I posted a link from a UK newspaper! 

Well, get set for more shocks, this next one is from Reuters. What do ya know, eh? Not all my links are from RT or Sputnik. Does that mean I may be about to lose my "Russian troll" title?  As if I care.

Turkey says US pulled pin on bomb

OK, time to renew my "troll" status. These next ARE fro either RT or Sputnik. Deal with it. At east it is NOT the crap spewed out by the 'Merikkkan MSM.

Hezbollah intifada

This says that Hamas and Fatah are united against the Trump shit storm. Yes sir, old Donald sure has united some odd groups. Hamas and Fatah have been at each others throats for a long time, until the orange haired rodent units them. What a guy our current POTUS is. Why hells bells, this should make him 100% certainty to get the very next igNobel piece prize.

Former rivals Hamas Fatah united

Trump has given in to secret Israeli plan

Trump Jerusalem decision destabilizing

Palestine not to hold talks with US

This last one is more of a joke than anything. Nuttyassed Yahoo says he has had talks with "many" other countries to follow the lead of Trump. Well, he may have talked to the heads of various states, but so far, he has only one taker, the Czech Republic. I mentioned them earlier, there are certain conditions that must be met before they can even start to follow Trump on this. Poor Bibi. Nobody wants to play with him.  Oh, tis is from a US of A based web site. Yeah, I know, shocking isn't it? 

Israeli PM sees many following

Well, that's it for now. Oh dear me, did I give too many links? Well, I read them all and more. Read what you want or read none of them. Your choice. Just don't cry to me when the storm hits you. This is real folks. You need to be  aware of what IS happening in this world. Get off farcebook and twitter and pay attention to world events. Be informed damnit! 

Until next post, try to treat others the way you want to be treated.

Well, it sure has been a long time