Hello and welcome to another Caturday post. Lots of LOL cats for this nice Caturday.
Not so much of my rantings today. Wasn't doing so good yesterday so my keeping even remotely near the real news went bust, big time. Maybe I'm becoming a cat, like for my next life. IF, and it is a very huge if, re-incarnation was a real thing, I'd want to be a house cat. Yes, just an ordinary house cat, who would have humans to look after, feed, change the litter box, and pet and play with as I did with all the many cats that shared my various homes with. Any way, that was my very round about way of letting you know I slept most of Friday away. Yes, Tell George It's Friday missed me for the most part. Hey, no big deal, my name is NOT George,nor Greg,Gunnar, Gunney, Gunther, nor any name one may know of that starts with the letter G. Walter begins with a W.
OK, so now that useless bit of information has been posted, on to the main Caturday post.
OK, plenty of LOL cats for your Caturday enjoyment. I'll try and get somewhere near enough to the news in the next day or so then you'll have to slog through one of my rants. Maybe you'd all rather I just stay with posting cat photos with silly captions and the occasional song or three. Let me know in the comments, if you want to, your choice, comment or not.
Until next post, assuming there is one, be nice to each other. Don't use the orange haired rodent as your role model.
S. H. I. T. again. Yep, Sure Happy It's Thursday.
I quit following the news really close some months back. Seemed to me it was all Trump and how those nasty Russians messed up the coronation of madam (more like mad ass) Killary Klingon. Holy crap! Will that old broad ever quit trying to tell the world why she was cheated in the 2016 election for POTUS? I bet even after she is dead her voice will still be played over and over on the Clintstone News Nutwerk (CNN) and no doubt the mad cow (Maddow) will do the same at MSNBC. Wow, two, yes count them up folks, two supposed news networks that are even less worth your time than Faux Noise ever has been. Hells bells, at least for a time they had lil' Billy Oh how I lie-ly. They still have Hannity, but he has never been worth month old dog turds as far as I'm concerned.
The way Trump keeps pulling the US, or as I've been calling it for going on 16 years, 'Merikkka, out of various treaties and other things, except war. Goddamn! We, the collective we, have to keep those useless wars of choice going on, seemingly forever. Well, those defense(??....LOL) contractors didn't get rich by making anything really useful now. Yes sir folks, old Lockheed-Martin has the newest high end oil based fuel sucking cars to buy. And, before you ask, YES, they DO need a new one for each and every member of the main board of directors every year, plus one for the wives and especially for the mistresses. CYA and the boys who run L-M sure know how to do that. Why they even got the zionist entity to buy the latest piece of cow pie, yep, the worse than useless F-35. Cannot barely start the engine on those planes without the wiring catching fire! The single most expensive airplane ever built and the bloody damn things can't even taxi to the runway without some "minor" troubles! Minor? LOL, yes the wiring on the aircraft, which it needs to fly along with more computer power than any of us will ever have on or near our own desks, catches fire when the engines are running on the fucking ground.
OK, back to Trump. Since he has pulled us,the collective us as in the country US of A, that most of you folks live in, out of so many treaties, organizations, etc.. I have to wonder, when will he decide to pull himself and maybe, just a possible maybe (as in he may leave them here) out of not so very old 'Merikkka. Think on that for a second or three. Would any of you good folks actually be really surprised to hear the Trump has left the nation, USA, and gone off to some private island for life. He has pulled out of so many organizations, mostly those connected to the UN, and treaties and trade agreements, and hell, I can't keep up with all he has pulled the country of my birth out of. Maybe he should have pulled out of his previous wives sooner, that way we wouldn't have his moronic kids to put up with.
OK, enough of the old guy ranting away, like he sort of thinks he knows what he is talking about. Time for something completely different. Yes, some Sure Happy It's Thursday LOL cats.

OK, that will do it for me for now. Until next time, please just try and treat everybody you come in contact with every day the way you want to be treated. We can do this folks, honestly, we can and man, we sure do need to at least try. Give it your best try. Piss on Yoda and that crapola from the Star Wars movies about "no try, just do". I would never presume to be that much better than anybody else ever. I am just an old, physically broken down old Caucasian man, a former US Marine and Vietnam war veteran. I have more than enough serious health issues but I still try to be nice to all those I meet every time I get out and about. his planet is all we have, we are the only (as far as we know today) really intelligent life on it. We need to try and treat each other with some decent degree of respect. The only other option is continued strife.I can't speak for anybody except myself, but I can tell you, I goddamn sick of the strife and I'd be very happy to see less of it. We CAN do this, I know we can.