Just because it is Caturday, I have two extra bits to add.
Thank the interwebs for the Onion for them both.
Dazed Mike Pence
The bit below the Pence one is also quite funny. My opinion of course. Yours may vary.
And now, number two and I think it is one of their best yet.
God reveals
OK, now, enjoy what is left of this Caturday. Tomorrow I just might post a ton of links about the idiot mess that the orange haired rodent unleashed with his moving the 'Merikkkan embassy to Jerusalem and the fallout from that piss poor 'idea'.
Until then, TRY to treat everybody the way you want to be treated.
09 December 2017
It's Caturday again.
Hey everybody, it's Caturday again!
The fallout from the moronic orange haired rodent and his announcement to move the 'Merikkkan embassy to Jerusalem is still happening. This shit storm is just starting and will get worse. Ah well, it's not like many care, after all, it's just a bunch of Muslims acting badly. Well, that is how the US MSM sees things. Yeah, the usual distorted view we get from the MSM in 'Merikkka.
I'm still feeling too shitty to rant on about it and you folks most likely don't want any more links to the ongoing protests, so I'll just give you some Caturday LOL cats.
The fallout from the moronic orange haired rodent and his announcement to move the 'Merikkkan embassy to Jerusalem is still happening. This shit storm is just starting and will get worse. Ah well, it's not like many care, after all, it's just a bunch of Muslims acting badly. Well, that is how the US MSM sees things. Yeah, the usual distorted view we get from the MSM in 'Merikkka.
I'm still feeling too shitty to rant on about it and you folks most likely don't want any more links to the ongoing protests, so I'll just give you some Caturday LOL cats.
Just try to treat others the way you want to be treated. Oh, and one more thing, holly happy days to all.
08 December 2017
Just to lighten things up a bit
I am too burned out to do any more on the shit storm the orange haired rodent unleashed with his announcement to move the 'Merikkkan embassy to Jerusalem in the near future. Of course Nuttyassed Yahoo is now mouthing off on how he is convincing other countries to do the same stupid move. So far only the Czech Republic has said it will do so. There are provisions that their gummint must meet before they move their embassy however, so the zionist entity cannot call it a win just yet.
Screw this world mess, I'm too burnt out from this crap plus health issues and family things to care this evening. I DO care very much about the long time suffering of the poor Palestinians. They have been under an illegal occupation since 1948 and that crap needs to be resolved soon.
Any way, I just decided to try and lighten this little blog up some tonight, so here are a few funnies for you to look at and maybe ponder, or not, your choice.
Screw this world mess, I'm too burnt out from this crap plus health issues and family things to care this evening. I DO care very much about the long time suffering of the poor Palestinians. They have been under an illegal occupation since 1948 and that crap needs to be resolved soon.
Any way, I just decided to try and lighten this little blog up some tonight, so here are a few funnies for you to look at and maybe ponder, or not, your choice.
OK, until next time, just TRY to be nice to each other. If you don't think you can do that, then at least keep your trap shut and don't just go out and piss off others for the hell of it. Be nice to each other. If you don't then piss off, because I count that behavior as pure asshole like and I have next to zero tolerance for that shit.
07 December 2017
I told you, earlier today. I told you!
Well, in my last post here I told you that the orange haired rodent who occupies the White House in Washington D.C. had set off a total shit storm. Now, many others seem to agree with my assessment. Below are some links to various posts that show what a goddamn fucking mess this moronic asshat has caused. Oh, and it will get worse. Trust me on this folks. This has just started. If you don't think the jihadis will use this to gain new followers/suicide bombers, then you do need to get out and about a whole lot more.
What this idiot, no offense to actual idiots, di was light a big match in a very dry box of tinder. The firestorm he set off will dwarf the fires currently raging in my old stomping grounds, SoCal. Yes, I have seen where they are having some very nasty fires out there. Well, it is fall, and that IS fire season in SoCal, it was when we moved there in 1959 and still was when I finally left for good in 2000. Hell, even part of my four years as a US Marine were spent in SoCal; San Diego and 29 Stumps (that is 29 Palms USMC base to most of you who weren't in the Marines). The high winds are not a help to those brave fire fighters, but the regular Santa Anna winds DO come down through the canyons in the fall every year. This year they are a bit late. Usually the big month for fires if October.
Back to Trump. he has also done an amazing thing. Yes, I know, I said this in my last post, but it needs to be repeated. He has united BOTH the major sects of Islam. This is something nobody else has ever done. Good job there Donnie.......NOT! Hey, at least it looks for now that Saudi will not be starting a war with Iran any time soon. Cool, then maybe we can nominate Donnie boy for that igNobel piece prize. Hell, the vile drone king got one just for being elected, so why not give lil' Donnie one also?
Of course one other sort of not so good thing has yet to come from this moving the 'Merikkka embassy. See, for some time the zionist entity (that is Israel to you who don't have a clue) was co-operating with Saudis in intelligence sharing and even some military co-operations. That may now end, seeing as how lil' Donnie boy has crossed a major red line for the Saudis. Hell, they own/run the two most holy sites in all of Islam, Mecca and Medina. They dare not still be best pals with the zionists now, unless they have a secure, undisclosed place to hide out. Yeah, maybe they CAN use the one Mr. 5 deferments Cheney did when 9/11 was going on. Maybe old Dick can squeeze them in with his clan of criminals. Hey why not? Birds of a feather and all that crapola. Shit sticks to shit, so they ought to fit in just fine. Oh, you bet your ass I AM being very sarcastic about this. The more shit gets stirred up about this asshat moving the damn embassy, the more sarcastic I will become. As a kid, they told me I could be anything I wanted to be. So, I became sarcastic. Don't like my attitude? Tough beans and hard cheese. I paid my dues in Vietnam. I got my attitude the old fashioned way. I earned it!
Now, for your reading, the links, so far........no doubt more will be coming very soon.
Iranian politician: Jerusalem will never become
Yes, the link IS from Sputnik. Deal with it, it is actual news. I wouldn't let the neighbors dog pee on the US MSM if the whole mess was on fire. The next is also from Sputnik. Gonna report me as a Ruskie troll? Go ahead, I am not afraid of the US gummint. They cannot not hurt me any more than they have already.
Trump crosses red line on Jerusalem
OK, now for a different perspective, one from Mr. Cook.
Row over Jerusalem gives American Jews
Here is one from WSWS. Yeah, yeah, they ARE socialists. So
Trumps recognition of Jerusalem as Israeli capital
I have more, but this will do for a start. Unless you are totally brain dead, you must know there will be many more such articles world wide in the next hours and days. This is a major shit storm and "Mr. deal maker" aka; the Donald has zero clue what he has done here. Oh, I see that moronic Benny Nuttyassed yahoo wants other European countries to follow the idiot Trump. SO far, no takers. Well, hot damn! That means, that for the moment at least, the Europeans have decided to actually THINK before blindly following the dictates of Wishington D.C.. Oh, you know what that D. C. really means? District of CLOWNS. I almost went with dumb cunts, but this idiot nation, 'Merikkka is so loaded down with all sorts of sexist crap as is. LOL, I typed it any who. Well, get some cheap ass lawyer and sue me. I promise, you will not get more than a very few premies, if that. I'm so fucking broke, I can't even afford to pay attention.
Well, just because. Because old habits are damn hard to break, until next time, TRY to be nice to each other.
What this idiot, no offense to actual idiots, di was light a big match in a very dry box of tinder. The firestorm he set off will dwarf the fires currently raging in my old stomping grounds, SoCal. Yes, I have seen where they are having some very nasty fires out there. Well, it is fall, and that IS fire season in SoCal, it was when we moved there in 1959 and still was when I finally left for good in 2000. Hell, even part of my four years as a US Marine were spent in SoCal; San Diego and 29 Stumps (that is 29 Palms USMC base to most of you who weren't in the Marines). The high winds are not a help to those brave fire fighters, but the regular Santa Anna winds DO come down through the canyons in the fall every year. This year they are a bit late. Usually the big month for fires if October.
Back to Trump. he has also done an amazing thing. Yes, I know, I said this in my last post, but it needs to be repeated. He has united BOTH the major sects of Islam. This is something nobody else has ever done. Good job there Donnie.......NOT! Hey, at least it looks for now that Saudi will not be starting a war with Iran any time soon. Cool, then maybe we can nominate Donnie boy for that igNobel piece prize. Hell, the vile drone king got one just for being elected, so why not give lil' Donnie one also?
Of course one other sort of not so good thing has yet to come from this moving the 'Merikkka embassy. See, for some time the zionist entity (that is Israel to you who don't have a clue) was co-operating with Saudis in intelligence sharing and even some military co-operations. That may now end, seeing as how lil' Donnie boy has crossed a major red line for the Saudis. Hell, they own/run the two most holy sites in all of Islam, Mecca and Medina. They dare not still be best pals with the zionists now, unless they have a secure, undisclosed place to hide out. Yeah, maybe they CAN use the one Mr. 5 deferments Cheney did when 9/11 was going on. Maybe old Dick can squeeze them in with his clan of criminals. Hey why not? Birds of a feather and all that crapola. Shit sticks to shit, so they ought to fit in just fine. Oh, you bet your ass I AM being very sarcastic about this. The more shit gets stirred up about this asshat moving the damn embassy, the more sarcastic I will become. As a kid, they told me I could be anything I wanted to be. So, I became sarcastic. Don't like my attitude? Tough beans and hard cheese. I paid my dues in Vietnam. I got my attitude the old fashioned way. I earned it!
Now, for your reading, the links, so far........no doubt more will be coming very soon.
Iranian politician: Jerusalem will never become
Yes, the link IS from Sputnik. Deal with it, it is actual news. I wouldn't let the neighbors dog pee on the US MSM if the whole mess was on fire. The next is also from Sputnik. Gonna report me as a Ruskie troll? Go ahead, I am not afraid of the US gummint. They cannot not hurt me any more than they have already.
Trump crosses red line on Jerusalem
OK, now for a different perspective, one from Mr. Cook.
Row over Jerusalem gives American Jews
Here is one from WSWS. Yeah, yeah, they ARE socialists. So
Trumps recognition of Jerusalem as Israeli capital
I have more, but this will do for a start. Unless you are totally brain dead, you must know there will be many more such articles world wide in the next hours and days. This is a major shit storm and "Mr. deal maker" aka; the Donald has zero clue what he has done here. Oh, I see that moronic Benny Nuttyassed yahoo wants other European countries to follow the idiot Trump. SO far, no takers. Well, hot damn! That means, that for the moment at least, the Europeans have decided to actually THINK before blindly following the dictates of Wishington D.C.. Oh, you know what that D. C. really means? District of CLOWNS. I almost went with dumb cunts, but this idiot nation, 'Merikkka is so loaded down with all sorts of sexist crap as is. LOL, I typed it any who. Well, get some cheap ass lawyer and sue me. I promise, you will not get more than a very few premies, if that. I'm so fucking broke, I can't even afford to pay attention.
Well, just because. Because old habits are damn hard to break, until next time, TRY to be nice to each other.
The orange haired rodent did it.
6 December, 2017, the orange haired rodent who occupies the 'Merikkkan White house at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington D. C. (or as I tend to call it; Wishington) has decided {shades of W. Shrub? our former "great decider"?} to move the 'Merikkkan embassy to Jerusalem in the near future.
So far he has next to no other country supporting his decision. Britain has stated it will not move its embassy. In Turkey, protests are either starting with more planned to start very soon against this decision. What he has done with this idiotic idea, if we dare call it such, is to unite nearly the entire Muslim community, Sunni and Shite against this disaster. See folks, the Muslims regard Jerusalem as the third most holy city in their religion. Yes Mecca and Medina are the top two, but Al-Quds as it is called in Arabic is a very important place for the Islamic community. It is the site of the Dome of the Rock after all. One almost has to give the Donald a nice round of applause for this. He has done what no others have in many long centuries. Yes, he has united the two main competing groups within Islam, Sunni and Shite. Both oppose this move by our current POTUS/reality TV star/failed casino owner. I am still amazed at how you can own at least two casinos, he may have owned more, but I know he had at least two in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Both went bust. Now THAT is a feat for sure. Everybody with even one half of a functioning brain cell KNOWS without any doubt that the odds always favor the house in gambling casinos. He went bust owing ore than one! Amazing business skills there Donnie old boy.
Even our European allies oppose this foolish moving of the 'Merikkkan embassy. Germany, Britain, and Turkey being the main one so far. No doubt more will be stating their views in the coming days. Oh, the UNSC has set 13 December for an emergency meeting on this mess. The Secretary General of the UN says he will do all in his power to help alleviate this mess. What a poor joke that is. All who follow the UN, even if you only skim the surface of UN news knows hat the Secretary General has about zero real power to do much of anything at all. Oh sure many previous Sec. Gens have given pretty speeches on various issues of great import, but what have any of them actually accomplished unless they had the full backing of the 'Merikkkan empire? If you said next to nothing, you get a nice gold star.
According to some people who pay closer attention to world events and the people who have been making all sorts of nasty things happen in various parts of this world have said that Daesh/a-CIAda will now use this decision to recruit new members to their cause of jihad. Guess what? It will work. So many Muslims regard the city of Al-Quds as a very holy city, Sunni and Shia. Look for more terrorist attacks against 'Merikkkan and other Western targets in the near term. Well, stupid is as stupid does.
I suppose one might almost be tempted to give the POTUS some small credit for another thing he did on 6 December, 2017. He supposedly told the Saudis to end the embargo against Yemen. Yeah, like that will end real soon. NOT! The Saudis are attacking Yemen with weapons bought from and supplied by 'Merikkka. Does Trump actually think the weapons makers and sellers really want to cut into their profits? If so, he IS delusional, beyond belief delusional.
Well, this sure looks set to be the makings of one hell of a long, very bumpy ride for us all now. Thanks for nothing Donald, you goddamn fucking moron.
This is so bloody goddamn stupid I am not even going to ask you to be nice to each other. As one pope supposedly said about a battle against some old enemy many, many long years ago; "Kill them all. doG will know his own." Yeah, well, I still KNOW that cats are the highest order of life on this planet, well, maybe the second highest, my late, great literary hero, Douglas Adams figured it was dolphins who were of the highest intelligence. In that case, I'll close with the title of one of his books. Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
Hey, I wonder, does this mean he has put wiping North Korea off the map on hold for now? Curios minds want to know.
Merry Xmas, Merry Cats Mess from Sandys' Claws, Happy Holidays and all that stuff........BAH Humbug!!
So far he has next to no other country supporting his decision. Britain has stated it will not move its embassy. In Turkey, protests are either starting with more planned to start very soon against this decision. What he has done with this idiotic idea, if we dare call it such, is to unite nearly the entire Muslim community, Sunni and Shite against this disaster. See folks, the Muslims regard Jerusalem as the third most holy city in their religion. Yes Mecca and Medina are the top two, but Al-Quds as it is called in Arabic is a very important place for the Islamic community. It is the site of the Dome of the Rock after all. One almost has to give the Donald a nice round of applause for this. He has done what no others have in many long centuries. Yes, he has united the two main competing groups within Islam, Sunni and Shite. Both oppose this move by our current POTUS/reality TV star/failed casino owner. I am still amazed at how you can own at least two casinos, he may have owned more, but I know he had at least two in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Both went bust. Now THAT is a feat for sure. Everybody with even one half of a functioning brain cell KNOWS without any doubt that the odds always favor the house in gambling casinos. He went bust owing ore than one! Amazing business skills there Donnie old boy.
Even our European allies oppose this foolish moving of the 'Merikkkan embassy. Germany, Britain, and Turkey being the main one so far. No doubt more will be stating their views in the coming days. Oh, the UNSC has set 13 December for an emergency meeting on this mess. The Secretary General of the UN says he will do all in his power to help alleviate this mess. What a poor joke that is. All who follow the UN, even if you only skim the surface of UN news knows hat the Secretary General has about zero real power to do much of anything at all. Oh sure many previous Sec. Gens have given pretty speeches on various issues of great import, but what have any of them actually accomplished unless they had the full backing of the 'Merikkkan empire? If you said next to nothing, you get a nice gold star.
According to some people who pay closer attention to world events and the people who have been making all sorts of nasty things happen in various parts of this world have said that Daesh/a-CIAda will now use this decision to recruit new members to their cause of jihad. Guess what? It will work. So many Muslims regard the city of Al-Quds as a very holy city, Sunni and Shia. Look for more terrorist attacks against 'Merikkkan and other Western targets in the near term. Well, stupid is as stupid does.
I suppose one might almost be tempted to give the POTUS some small credit for another thing he did on 6 December, 2017. He supposedly told the Saudis to end the embargo against Yemen. Yeah, like that will end real soon. NOT! The Saudis are attacking Yemen with weapons bought from and supplied by 'Merikkka. Does Trump actually think the weapons makers and sellers really want to cut into their profits? If so, he IS delusional, beyond belief delusional.
Well, this sure looks set to be the makings of one hell of a long, very bumpy ride for us all now. Thanks for nothing Donald, you goddamn fucking moron.
This is so bloody goddamn stupid I am not even going to ask you to be nice to each other. As one pope supposedly said about a battle against some old enemy many, many long years ago; "Kill them all. doG will know his own." Yeah, well, I still KNOW that cats are the highest order of life on this planet, well, maybe the second highest, my late, great literary hero, Douglas Adams figured it was dolphins who were of the highest intelligence. In that case, I'll close with the title of one of his books. Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
Hey, I wonder, does this mean he has put wiping North Korea off the map on hold for now? Curios minds want to know.
Merry Xmas, Merry Cats Mess from Sandys' Claws, Happy Holidays and all that stuff........BAH Humbug!!
04 December 2017
And now, for something completely different.
Yes, I did borrow the title of this post from a great comedic group, Monty Python. Hey, I enjoyed their show from the very first time I saw it on TV. It was either the late 1970's or early 1980's and was on the Lost Angeles PBS station. Two of my all time favorite movies are by this wonderful group of British comics, plus Terry Gilliam who is an American. Those films are "Holy Grail" and of course "The Life of Brian". Yes, I do like the "Meaning of life", just not quite as much as the others.
OK, now to the new post. 2018 looks to be a very interesting year for motor sports. We will have 2 time World Championship Formula 1 driver Fernando Alonzo racing in the Rolex 24 hour race at Daytona early next year. Fernando also raced in the Indy 500 this year (2017). Now, in the new year he will try his hand at racing a closed cockpit prototype race car. The man is a real racer, in the same mood as A.J. Foyt, Mario Andretti, Parnell Jones, and many of my earlier racing heroes. Fernando has stated that if they'd let him, he'd race some type of race car every weekend. He is a breath of fresh air in this age of specialist drivers in most forms of motor racing today. Mr. Alonzo wants to race the LeMans 24 hour race at some future time. The Daytona 24 hour race is a good tune up for that classic race. Hey, the Daytona 24 is a new classic on its own.
Another good bit of racing news, Indy car will have a universal body kit for all teams, if they run with Chevy or Honda engines, the body kits will be the same. Thank the racing gods that we finally are rid of those gawd awful "bumpers" from the rear end of the current Indy cars. Also, the front and rear wings will be greatly simplified. About time on that score as well. The downforce for the new body will come more from the under tray of the new body kits. This should make for better racing for the drivers and the fans. Indy car has had some damn good races the last few years, but seems unable to get much of a TV audience. Sad, as most of the races the last two seasons in particular have been very good.
You can always use the link on this page to Racer.com to find out more on these topics. I swear, some will be disappointed by this post. Well, tough beans and hard cheese folks. This is MY blog and I'll write whatever I want to. Everybody who reads this little insignificant blog should read the very first post. It is dated 04/02-04/09. I told you all up front, on this blog I will be posting on topics NOT related to politics, world events, and/or wars of choice all the time. I also stated that your favorite ox may probably get gored. You have choices people, either put up with my "out there" posts, or just quit bothering to visit this insignificant blog. It don't matter to me either way. I'm an old sarcastic/cynical SOB and too damn old to even think about trying to change. No, I am not pissed at anybody today, well, except for myself, but that is SOP for me.
Now, just in case anybody is still here, fat chance! Here are a few more that I borrowed, with his permission, from Atheist Jack.
OK, now to the new post. 2018 looks to be a very interesting year for motor sports. We will have 2 time World Championship Formula 1 driver Fernando Alonzo racing in the Rolex 24 hour race at Daytona early next year. Fernando also raced in the Indy 500 this year (2017). Now, in the new year he will try his hand at racing a closed cockpit prototype race car. The man is a real racer, in the same mood as A.J. Foyt, Mario Andretti, Parnell Jones, and many of my earlier racing heroes. Fernando has stated that if they'd let him, he'd race some type of race car every weekend. He is a breath of fresh air in this age of specialist drivers in most forms of motor racing today. Mr. Alonzo wants to race the LeMans 24 hour race at some future time. The Daytona 24 hour race is a good tune up for that classic race. Hey, the Daytona 24 is a new classic on its own.
Another good bit of racing news, Indy car will have a universal body kit for all teams, if they run with Chevy or Honda engines, the body kits will be the same. Thank the racing gods that we finally are rid of those gawd awful "bumpers" from the rear end of the current Indy cars. Also, the front and rear wings will be greatly simplified. About time on that score as well. The downforce for the new body will come more from the under tray of the new body kits. This should make for better racing for the drivers and the fans. Indy car has had some damn good races the last few years, but seems unable to get much of a TV audience. Sad, as most of the races the last two seasons in particular have been very good.
You can always use the link on this page to Racer.com to find out more on these topics. I swear, some will be disappointed by this post. Well, tough beans and hard cheese folks. This is MY blog and I'll write whatever I want to. Everybody who reads this little insignificant blog should read the very first post. It is dated 04/02-04/09. I told you all up front, on this blog I will be posting on topics NOT related to politics, world events, and/or wars of choice all the time. I also stated that your favorite ox may probably get gored. You have choices people, either put up with my "out there" posts, or just quit bothering to visit this insignificant blog. It don't matter to me either way. I'm an old sarcastic/cynical SOB and too damn old to even think about trying to change. No, I am not pissed at anybody today, well, except for myself, but that is SOP for me.
Now, just in case anybody is still here, fat chance! Here are a few more that I borrowed, with his permission, from Atheist Jack.
Hey, if my racing post didn't sit well with you, take heart. With any half way decent luck, I may not be around to see 2018. We can all hope. After all, I have heard a time or three that hope springs eternal. Of course that means one has to buy into an eternity of some sort. LOL, always some damn catch, eh folks?
Well, until I decide to post again, please try to be nice to each other.
03 December 2017
Something extra to think about
I just finished reading this and felt the need to share it to any who are willing to take some time to read it. I am sure it is well worth the time spent reading this post.
What were supposed to think
Yeah, it is a bit long, but it still needs to be read by as many people as possible, in particular if you live in 'Merikkka. Take it from an old former member of the USMC who served in the damn fool Vietnam war.
What were supposed to think
Yeah, it is a bit long, but it still needs to be read by as many people as possible, in particular if you live in 'Merikkka. Take it from an old former member of the USMC who served in the damn fool Vietnam war.
'Merikkka, the fearful nation
Well, it finally has happened. Yes folks, the "exceptional" nation, the one true "indispensable" country has now become so very afraid, it cannot even stand to see its own bloody shadow. The following link shows just how cowardly this country has become recently. Now, my opinion is, this is what the ruling class wants the sheep of 'Merikkka to be like. They feel that if we are all afraid of even the most mild form of any dissent from what the corporate owned mass media tell you is true, well, it MUST be those nasty, evil Ruskies. This crap brings back the bad old days of tail gunner Joe. Yes folks, we can now welcome the ghost of old, long dead alcoholic Joe McCarthy. Just watch and see, it won't be too long before neighbors rat out neighbors, hell, we may even get kids ratting out parents. Man, are we in for some "fun" times in not so very old 'Merikkka.
Well, fall down on your knees and thank the fucking DNC, corporate donkey gang (the fact that the corporate elephant gang is also involved is a given). Yep, just turn on the TV and worship at the altar of the mad cow Maddow. Hey, she's as loony as Faux Noise now days. CNN? Oh please, how can a sane human watch the Clinton Noise Nutwork? As to the old time big three? well, they haven't been worth much for the last 15 plus years. The Washington Postscript and the NYT are equally as bad or worse.
See, we HAVE to do away with net neutrality so your brains don't get polluted with evil Ruskie propaganda. Yes, better to be force fed made in 'Merikkka horse shit.
Edward R Murrows timeless warnings
Well worth your time to read. Now, one ore on the subject of net neutrality. Yes, I know, it was posted a few weeks back. Well sorry, I have had more to do these past weeks than just read the net and post here. No, I will NOT tell you what I've had to deal with. My personal life is mine. Also, many of you are dealing with personal issues at least as bad and probably worse and I don't ask you about your personal matters.
What you need to know about the FCC and breaking of net neutrality.
The FCCs order is out and it will end net neutrality
Now, just to break up all the bad news, some extra LOL cats to soften the blows of reality in 'Merikkka.
Well, fall down on your knees and thank the fucking DNC, corporate donkey gang (the fact that the corporate elephant gang is also involved is a given). Yep, just turn on the TV and worship at the altar of the mad cow Maddow. Hey, she's as loony as Faux Noise now days. CNN? Oh please, how can a sane human watch the Clinton Noise Nutwork? As to the old time big three? well, they haven't been worth much for the last 15 plus years. The Washington Postscript and the NYT are equally as bad or worse.
See, we HAVE to do away with net neutrality so your brains don't get polluted with evil Ruskie propaganda. Yes, better to be force fed made in 'Merikkka horse shit.
Edward R Murrows timeless warnings
Well worth your time to read. Now, one ore on the subject of net neutrality. Yes, I know, it was posted a few weeks back. Well sorry, I have had more to do these past weeks than just read the net and post here. No, I will NOT tell you what I've had to deal with. My personal life is mine. Also, many of you are dealing with personal issues at least as bad and probably worse and I don't ask you about your personal matters.
What you need to know about the FCC and breaking of net neutrality.
The FCCs order is out and it will end net neutrality
Now, just to break up all the bad news, some extra LOL cats to soften the blows of reality in 'Merikkka.
Please, just try to treat others the way you want to be treated. We CAN make this a nicer place for us all if we do this one simple thing. It isn't hard folks, hell, even I do this, so I know you can.
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