07 December 2017

The orange haired rodent did it.

6 December, 2017, the orange haired rodent who occupies the 'Merikkkan White house at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington D. C. (or as I tend to call it; Wishington) has decided {shades of W. Shrub? our former "great decider"?} to move the 'Merikkkan embassy to Jerusalem in the near future.
So far he has next to no other country supporting his decision. Britain has stated it will not move its embassy. In Turkey, protests are either starting with more planned to start very soon against this decision. What he has done with this idiotic idea, if we dare call it such, is to unite nearly the entire Muslim community, Sunni and Shite against this disaster. See folks, the Muslims regard Jerusalem as the third most holy city in their religion. Yes Mecca and Medina are the top two, but Al-Quds as it is called in Arabic is a very important place for the Islamic community. It is the site of the Dome of the Rock after all. One almost has to give the Donald a nice round of applause for this. He has done what no others have in many long centuries. Yes, he has united the two main competing groups within Islam, Sunni and Shite. Both oppose this move by our current POTUS/reality TV star/failed casino owner. I am still amazed at how you can own at least two casinos, he may have owned more, but I know he had at least two in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Both went bust. Now THAT is a feat for sure. Everybody with even one half of a functioning brain cell KNOWS without any doubt that the odds always favor the house in gambling casinos. He went bust owing ore than one! Amazing business skills there Donnie old boy. 
Even our European allies oppose this foolish moving of the 'Merikkkan embassy. Germany, Britain, and Turkey being the main one so far. No doubt more will be stating their views in the coming days. Oh, the UNSC has set 13 December for an emergency meeting on this mess. The Secretary General of the UN says he will do all in his power to help alleviate this mess. What a poor joke that is. All who follow the UN, even if you only skim the surface of UN news knows hat the Secretary General has about zero real power to do much of anything at all. Oh sure many previous Sec. Gens have given pretty speeches on various issues of great import, but what have any of them actually accomplished unless they had the full backing of the 'Merikkkan empire? If you said next to nothing, you get a nice gold star.
According to some people who pay closer attention to world events and the people who have been making all sorts of nasty things happen in various parts of this world have said that Daesh/a-CIAda will now use this decision to recruit new members to their cause of jihad. Guess what? It will work. So many Muslims regard the city of Al-Quds as a very holy city, Sunni and Shia. Look for more terrorist attacks against 'Merikkkan and other Western targets in the near term.  Well, stupid is as stupid does.
I suppose one might almost be tempted to give the POTUS some small credit for another thing he did on 6 December, 2017. He supposedly told the Saudis to end the embargo against Yemen. Yeah, like that will end real soon. NOT! The Saudis are attacking Yemen with weapons bought from and supplied by 'Merikkka. Does Trump actually think the weapons makers and sellers really want to cut into their profits? If so, he IS delusional, beyond belief delusional.
Well, this sure looks set to be the makings of one hell of a long, very bumpy ride for us all now. Thanks for nothing Donald, you goddamn fucking moron.
This is so bloody goddamn stupid I am not even going to ask you to be nice to each other. As one pope supposedly said about a battle against some old enemy many, many long years ago; "Kill them all. doG will know his own." Yeah, well, I still KNOW that cats are the highest order of life on this planet, well, maybe the second highest, my late, great literary hero, Douglas Adams figured it was dolphins who were of the highest intelligence. In that case, I'll close with the title of one of his books. Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.

Hey, I wonder, does this mean he has put wiping North Korea off the map on hold for now?  Curios minds want to know.
Merry Xmas, Merry Cats Mess from Sandys' Claws, Happy Holidays and all that stuff........BAH Humbug!!

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