Well, in my last post here I told you that the orange haired rodent who occupies the White House in Washington D.C. had set off a total shit storm. Now, many others seem to agree with my assessment. Below are some links to various posts that show what a goddamn fucking mess this moronic asshat has caused. Oh, and it will get worse. Trust me on this folks. This has just started. If you don't think the jihadis will use this to gain new followers/suicide bombers, then you do need to get out and about a whole lot more.
What this idiot, no offense to actual idiots, di was light a big match in a very dry box of tinder. The firestorm he set off will dwarf the fires currently raging in my old stomping grounds, SoCal. Yes, I have seen where they are having some very nasty fires out there. Well, it is fall, and that IS fire season in SoCal, it was when we moved there in 1959 and still was when I finally left for good in 2000. Hell, even part of my four years as a US Marine were spent in SoCal; San Diego and 29 Stumps (that is 29 Palms USMC base to most of you who weren't in the Marines). The high winds are not a help to those brave fire fighters, but the regular Santa Anna winds DO come down through the canyons in the fall every year. This year they are a bit late. Usually the big month for fires if October.
Back to Trump. he has also done an amazing thing. Yes, I know, I said this in my last post, but it needs to be repeated. He has united BOTH the major sects of Islam. This is something nobody else has ever done. Good job there Donnie.......NOT! Hey, at least it looks for now that Saudi will not be starting a war with Iran any time soon. Cool, then maybe we can nominate Donnie boy for that igNobel piece prize. Hell, the vile drone king got one just for being elected, so why not give lil' Donnie one also?
Of course one other sort of not so good thing has yet to come from this moving the 'Merikkka embassy. See, for some time the zionist entity (that is Israel to you who don't have a clue) was co-operating with Saudis in intelligence sharing and even some military co-operations. That may now end, seeing as how lil' Donnie boy has crossed a major red line for the Saudis. Hell, they own/run the two most holy sites in all of Islam, Mecca and Medina. They dare not still be best pals with the zionists now, unless they have a secure, undisclosed place to hide out. Yeah, maybe they CAN use the one Mr. 5 deferments Cheney did when 9/11 was going on. Maybe old Dick can squeeze them in with his clan of criminals. Hey why not? Birds of a feather and all that crapola. Shit sticks to shit, so they ought to fit in just fine. Oh, you bet your ass I AM being very sarcastic about this. The more shit gets stirred up about this asshat moving the damn embassy, the more sarcastic I will become. As a kid, they told me I could be anything I wanted to be. So, I became sarcastic. Don't like my attitude? Tough beans and hard cheese. I paid my dues in Vietnam. I got my attitude the old fashioned way. I earned it!
Now, for your reading, the links, so far........no doubt more will be coming very soon.
Iranian politician: Jerusalem will never become
Yes, the link IS from Sputnik. Deal with it, it is actual news. I wouldn't let the neighbors dog pee on the US MSM if the whole mess was on fire. The next is also from Sputnik. Gonna report me as a Ruskie troll? Go ahead, I am not afraid of the US gummint. They cannot not hurt me any more than they have already.
Trump crosses red line on Jerusalem
OK, now for a different perspective, one from Mr. Cook.
Row over Jerusalem gives American Jews
Here is one from WSWS. Yeah, yeah, they ARE socialists. So
Trumps recognition of Jerusalem as Israeli capital
I have more, but this will do for a start. Unless you are totally brain dead, you must know there will be many more such articles world wide in the next hours and days. This is a major shit storm and "Mr. deal maker" aka; the Donald has zero clue what he has done here. Oh, I see that moronic Benny Nuttyassed yahoo wants other European countries to follow the idiot Trump. SO far, no takers. Well, hot damn! That means, that for the moment at least, the Europeans have decided to actually THINK before blindly following the dictates of Wishington D.C.. Oh, you know what that D. C. really means? District of CLOWNS. I almost went with dumb cunts, but this idiot nation, 'Merikkka is so loaded down with all sorts of sexist crap as is. LOL, I typed it any who. Well, get some cheap ass lawyer and sue me. I promise, you will not get more than a very few premies, if that. I'm so fucking broke, I can't even afford to pay attention.
Well, just because. Because old habits are damn hard to break, until next time, TRY to be nice to each other.
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