23 August 2018

S. H. I. T. again, also I'll try to lighten up a bit

OK, I know I dropped a big mess on the recent posts here. I know this is not even close to the first time in 'Merikkka that the vile RCC got caught hiding pedo priests. Shit, how many of you remember cardinal Law sneaking out of the US to take a newly created, just to keep his fat, sorry ass out of the courts, post at the Vatican?  Yeah, no shit folks, it happened and the rat bastard is still there, free to live his bullshit life as he wants. This most recent incident is nearly as bad as the bishops knew all about the pedos they were supposed to supervise. I'll bet some of these same goddamn bishops were participants.
Oh my, do these comments of mine upset you? Well, tough beans and hard cheese. Actually, I'll go further; get your head out of your own ass! 
OK, I won't say any more on this matter for the rest of this post. Instead I am going to give you a Sure Happy It's Thursday overload of Chemistry Cat. Hang on now, there are 20 (well one is a 2 parter) of them. Yee haw! LOL cat overload starts NOW!

OK, maybe that was an actual overload of LOL cats. If you are still here, and awake or not rolling your eyes like a pinball machine, I'm going to give you the usual ending again. Yeah, yeah, you know what is coming. Please just TRY to treat all those you come in contact with every day the way you want to be treated. Yes, I know we encounter asshats like the orange haired rodent who is the current POTUS here in 'Merikkka and we all of us really want to give them a damn hard slap with a baseball bat, BUT, don't do it. I know, we all can make the argument that that person is treating you and others in a way that we could say is how that person wants to be treated. Well, we'd all of us be totally wrong. The asshats do not want to be treated the way they treat others. Oh, some are hypocrites and talk the talk, but they cannot walk the walk. We need to be better than that. Here is a suggestion, don't get angry, laugh at them. No, don't call them morons, not until you are out of their hearing rang at least. They ARE moronic for sure, but it is up to the rest of us to not stoop to their extremely low level. Now, of course it is your life and if you want to join the asshats and play in the sewer, well, your life, your choice. I'd rather try, and yes, even to just try can be goddamn hard at times, to laugh at them and walk away. Please folks, just TRY and be nice to each other, we're all there is. Hey somebody has to start this or we'll just all be dead meat.
p.s. I know I did not use capital letters for the offices of bishop or cardinal in this post. Guess what? I never will. Just as I refuse to call a former governor, president, senator, general, etc. by their former title. They held an office/post, now they are retired, they no longer hold said office/post. As to current bishops, cardinals, other religious offices, well I have no religion and don't have any personal reason to use their offices with a capital letter. My life, my choice. See how that works? 

22 August 2018

Back again. Yeah, two days in a row.

Yesterday I picked on the bloody RCC and the pedophile priests they still have in their gang. Yes, I know this is not anywhere even close to the first time this matter has been in the news. What I cannot grab hold of is why/how any semi sane human being can remain a member of this pedophile outfit. It was just a few short years back that we learned that in 'Merikkkka, the RCC would take a pedi priest and ship him off to another parish without telling the folks who went to the church he was being posted to that he was a kiddie fiddler. Now, that in my opinion is a criminal act. What is/was worse, to me at least, is that even when the priest would be caught molesting kids at his new parish, the majority of said congregation still kept going to the damn church. What the fucking hell is with these morons?
We know that some families even took the priests and some times even the diocese to court, the 'flock' still attended church regardless of having a pedi priest. Are they so totally brain washed? Are they brain dead? 
I quit religion at age 13-14. It was during a Sunday school class and the teacher, who was not a qualified teacher (I mention this as Sunday school can be taught by anybody who offers to do so, no requirements needed, like a teaching certificate to teach public school) was going on and on about creation, Adam and Eve eating that certain fruit (int, it was NOT an apple. Apples are not mentioned in the holly buy-bull).  I asked why were those two people punished. After all, the fault, if there was one, was the fault of the doG who planted that tree. I don't have kids. My wife, who died from complications of glio blastoma in January 1999 and I only had one child. She was born quite premature, weighed about 2 lb. 5 oz. and spent her entire six weeks of life in a plastic box in infant ICU. You folks who do have kids know, without any doubt, if you put a dish of candy on the table and tell your kids not to eat any of it until after dinner, they WILL find a way to sneak some candy before dinner. Who is at fault then? You are, because you put it there. You tempted them. Well, in the holly buy-bull, that doG critter did the very same thing. There was no 'fall', no "original sin". If there as any sin, it was the sin of/by doG for planting that tree and then telling the only 2 people (supposedly) on the planet not to eat the fruit of that tree.

This brings up another goodie. I may have posted it here before. I know I posted it on one of my previous blogs. If this is a repeat here, well so be it.
The whole idea mankind was in need of redemption in the first place is based on the belief that a couple of nudists, in the very distant past took dietary advice from a talking snake. And we wonder why the world is the screwed up mess it is.

I need to add that this child molesting is not limited to just the RCC. Every religion has its own child molesters. 

Now, just because, some things I borrowed, with his permission, from Atheist Jack.


WWJD  You got to admit, this IS  a good one considering the orange haired rodent, our current POTUS.

Dog doG  See, I told you, I like dogs, but cats are still my favorite.

H. L. Mencken Sunday school

Three Christs  Yes, I really got a big laugh from this one.

Well, now maybe you can understand what I detest about Giggle blogger. It does NOT keep my settings for my posts. I set the font and size when I start, but add a link or three and the damn thing resets to default font and "normal size. Well, that just mean dear reader, you have to increase your screen size then. I keep trying to have everything the size I start with, but……..yep, always some huge butt getting in the way of things. 

In closing this post, I'm going to give you a quote that has been attributed to John F. Kennedy; "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable".

Oh, one more; "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities".
Not everything can be the fault of the Russians. Oh, and the 'Merikkkan system is NOT broken. It was designed this way. Go back, read early US history, read the Constitution in the original form. The only people who were allowed to vote were white men who owned property. Village blacksmith? Nope. Village wheel wright? Nope. Village carpenter? Nope. Women? LOLMAO!! NO way Jose. Rich white men ONLY could vote. Oh, and senators were NOT elected directly by "the people" either. 
Supposedly, after the Constitution was finally ratified, a citizen saw old Ben Franklin on the street. The man asked Franklin what sort of gummint we had. Old Ben is supposed to have said; "A republic, IF we can keep it". Well, we have not kept it. I doubt we have had a true republic in my entire 70 years. And fuck you and the sheep you rode in on 'saint' Woodrow you goddamn father fucking rat bastard!

Until next time, please do try, really try, to treat the people you come in contact with each day the way you want to be treated. We can make this a nicer place for us all IF we just try.

20 August 2018

Some links, a few digs at religion added

OK, I'm really actually back again. So soon, again? Yeah, not sure why to be honest, but I made it out this morning to do some shopping, needed groceries. Yes, even us old, near dead folks dead still need food. Funny how that works.
I rested up and then got on the old interwebs. and oh boy, I found some stuff that I felt like sharing.
Oh, now I am NOT picking on mittens, but since the question of the warning when you come to this blog says "adult content", well that is now going to stay. Sorry mittens, I tried. I went to the Giggle blogger site and the process, IF they even make a half hearted attempt to remove the warning is very long and they may up and do nothing or even "better" (notice the quote marks?) just tell me to piss off. Oh well, as we said back in my USMC days, rather be pissed off then pissed on.
Mittens, I fully understand that IF the warning wasn't there I might, might, get more traffic here. Maybe so, BUT (yes, as usually in this life {particularly in 'Merikkka} there is some big butt involved) I don't care about how many hits/views I get. I don't intentionally set out to be popular, have loads of blog views or make tons of inter web pals/blog followers/etc.. My very first blog was with Giggle and one day I was going to post and—HOLY CRAP!!—my blog was down. I could not log in to it. I finally started a new one and asked Giggle what the hell happened. After some months I got a reply, seems they had a complaint or three about my cussing so often. They did restore my original blog and then I just got into a huge mess with one moronic asshat and quit Giggle blogging totally. Went over to Word Press, but never felt comfy with their system. Also, IF any readers of this blog ever read the very first post to this blog, you will see I no longer focus on politics in general, and NOT the politics of 'Merikkka nor of Loosey Annie.  I have posted LOL cats and links to some music that I like. My blog, my posts. You are free to stop here and check it out or not. If you do, feel free to comment. Yes ALL comments are moderated. Keeps the nut balls away. You can call me nasty names and I'll probably post those comments. I have a very small ego so your words calling me various nasty names won't bother me. Hey people, I was a US Marine, I have been called every nasty thing under the sun including late for meals, more than once. You think you can top that, please give it a try. Hell it may make me laugh and I always enjoy a good laugh.
Mittens, I know you meant well, but I don't care about getting a huge readership. Doesn't matter if nobody reads this blog. I know some stop here though. How do I know this? I can check the stats and it lets me know how many viewed this little corner of the web each day. No, I do not check the stats every day, only when I log in to post something. How does that old saying go? There are lies, damn lies, and then you get statistics? Something along those lines if my brain isn't totally fried. Also, the warning says the blog 'may' contain content only fit for adults. Any bets that some 12 year old kid won't just click OK, let me in? I know I would have if the interwebs had been a thing when I was that young.

OK, here is another link from Mr. Will Durst. I got a laugh or 2 from it. You may also. Yes, I know, it is damn hard to laugh at the orange haired rodent who is POTUS, but we take them when and where we find them.
Swamp Thing

Now I have a good one from the Onion. 

Law School applications increase
OK, it's just a photo grouping, but still….. Oh come ON people, it's a joke!

Another neat link via the Onion again. Why? Because I like it.
Icy cave at peak of Andes

Hey, after the Trump stuff and the lawyer thing, that cave is starting to look quite a neat place to go to for a week  or three.
See, now I'm going to hit you all with a big stick. Yep, getting serious now. This bullshit of the RCC (Roman Catholic Church) and the pedophile priests is something that never should have been allowed to happen, ever. That it still does is a goddamn fucking shame and I cannot, no matter how hard I try, understand how any human with even only ½ of a functioning brain cell can continue to be a member of that child molesting gang. 

First up is one from Atheist Jack and it nails it.
Catholic Bishops

Oh, the Onion also got on this, but they pick on the pope as well in this last link. 
Vatican on sex abuse

I know, that last link doesn't make things any better, but hells bells, we all need a bit of satire to wash off the stench of yet more child abuse from these 'holy fathers'. Shit, I feel like taking a hot shower for the next 30 years straight wouldn't help how I feel about these vile creatures and those who were supposed to supervise them. I have no idea what a proper punishment for a child molester might be. I'm just very glad I was never molested by one and that my late wife and I only had one child who was very premature at birth and only lived six weeks in infant ICU that entire time. At least she was never molested. 
Now I feel so worn out I'm even going to skip my usual closing comment. I wish all who stop by here the very best life they can get. Life is hard then we (me for sure) die. My end is set down officially, no service of any sort, just haul my carcass to the furnace and toss it in the flames, take the ashes to a toxic waste dump, end of story. Maybe some folks will drink a beer when they find out I'm dead, hope it is a good quality beer and they enjoy it. 

Well, it sure has been a long time