04 September 2018

S.H.I.T. again

Well, once again it's S.H.I.T.. Yes, Sure Happy It's Tuesday. 
So, just because of this twice weekly event (see we get 2 of these S.H.I.T. days every week. Yes Thursday is the same, 2 S.H.I.T. days per week), I just wanted to drop some more LOL cats on you folks. We need something to laugh at even more as this world seems to be spinning out of control. Rather than pass on more bad news to you, no doubt you all are following the bad news closely. Hey, we have a tropical storm in the Gulf of Mexico that may impact those of us who live in central Loosey Annie. Most likely we'll just get more rain from this storm as we appear to be on the West side of where they are predicting it will hit land later today/this evening. Hope the folks in Mississippi and Alabama are prepared for it.

And now, the Sure Happy It's Tuesday LOL cats. 

Until next time, please try to be nice to each other.

03 September 2018

Just because it is Labor Day today

Hi all. If you live in the US of A, you know that this is Labor Day weekend. Yep, the last big holiday until turkey day. Well most folks call it Thanksgiving Day, unless they are Native Americans. I would think they don't feel any need to celebrate   much on that holiday. I still would have enjoyed it more than I have words to tell you how very much fun it would have been the day old Chris Columbus landed on that small island the natives had met him and his gang at the shore and demanded to see his visa and what was he there for, travel, business, etc.. Oh, and said natives would have been armed with some really sweet weapons, like Browning .50 calibre machine guns, grenade launchers, etc.. 

OK, enough of my imagining for this post. And now, for a few from one of my web heroes, Atheist Jack and then a few Labor Day LOL cats.

Satan refuses to accept any more
Yes, this IS another dig at the RCC. Hey, in my opinion they have earned it, many, many times over.

About this god critter we invented
Just something to think about.

About this 'loving' god
Your opinions welcome. 

Remember those scam emails?
As Bugs Bunny would say, ain't I a stinker?

And now, some extra holiday LOL cats. No they are not working. Cats don't work, that is what we who share our homes with them are for. No matter where on this rather small planet you are, I hope your day was good one.

As always, please just try to treat everybody you come in contact with every day the way you want to be treated. We can make this a better world for all of us if we just try that one simple thing.

Well, it sure has been a long time