Yesterday in my explanation of the warning one gets when trying to get onto this bog, I made a commitment/warning to readers of this blog. I said I may get back to doing some commentary. Well, since it is Tell George It's Friday, why not today? No time like the present, or so some folks used to say.
One blog I check every day has been posting a great variety of good topics and one of them got me off on a bit of a tangent. That happens often with me. I start out reading or writing on a particular topic and then suddenly I'm off on some odd tangent going …..well nobody, including me really knows where I'm going nor how I started going there.
Today may not get too far off my main topic, but then…..past history says be wary, this may go way out there.
Abortion is still a "hot topic" in 'Merikkka. Why this is beats me. Abortion has been legal in this country for many years now. Yes, I know, many states have placed so many idiotic restrictions on who, where, etc. abortions can be done that it is virtually impossible for a working class or poor woman to get a legal abortion in many states in 'Merikkka today.
Being a 70 year old man, I see this trend as a very nasty, vile thing being done by a bunch of nasty, damn fool moronic white men. Most of these white men also claim to be "good" Christians. Well, I call bullshit on that claim of theirs. These bullies, they really are, seem to me to be anti-female. They still have this piss poor idea that women should be barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen. They, the moronic white men want total control over what a woman can/should do with HER own body.
Now I personally have no problem with these folks protesting against abortion, freedom of speech and all that is supposed to be part of our Constitutional rights. It IS in the First Amendment to the Bill of Rights.
My own personal view is this; the father should be notified that he has helped to make a baby. End of his involvement.
Yes, he made his contribution to creating the child to be, but more often than not he'll deny anything about it. When said child is born, he won't be there to feed, clothe, nor house the child and mother. BUT, if the mother, who knows he won't be of any use beyond getting her pregnant knows this and decides to abort said child, then all bets are off and the male WILL demand she not be allowed to do so. This "father" (put in quotes because any man can father a child, but not many men can ever be a Dad) will get all sorts of aid to prevent the abortion from supposedly xtian groups who also oppose abortion.
I personally believe that legal abortion, done in a proper medical setting, safe within a surgical setting MUST be available to any woman who wants this procedure. It should not be so restricted that any woman needs to drive across the state to obtain this medical procedure.
I recall, when Roe v. Wade first became the law in 'Merikkka, and thinking to myself, OK, I'm a man in my meds 20's, my wife is pregnant, I work 60+ hours a week, she has some medical condition and her doctor tells me I can have a healthy wife OR a possibly healthy baby. I knew right then I'd insist on having my wife. What was I going to do to care for the baby? My parents couldn't fill in. Dad was still working his 40+ hours per week and no way I'd trust my child to the nasty old witch all day for 6 days a week.
One further comment on the. The groups who protest against abortion never seem to be around to adopt the children they manage to convince some women to not abort. Hey, these anti-abortion people claim to be such good religious folks and are "saving" both the women and the children, but they provide not one single damn thing of any use to the mother and child after the birth. Seems to me the protestors are just a bunch of goddamn fucking hypocrites who just want to impose their opinions/beliefs on the rest of us. Who died and left them in charge?
Oh, please do not get upset with me mittens, I am NOT picking on you, but the language I used in this post is in part why you get that Giggle warning hen you try to enter this blog. I figured if I didn't have it there and somebody complained that I used "bad" words, Giggle might shut this blog down. Yep, it was a CYA thing.
OK, until next time, PLEASE try, just try to treat all you meet each day the way you want to be treated.
03 August 2018
02 August 2018
This is what happens when I don't check for comments
I need to apologize to follower mittens first off. I just checked for any comments that were awaiting moderation. Good grief! You posted a comment way back in June and I missed it totally. My own fault. I never figured many would comment here.
What was in the comment is the warning you get when you try to visit this blog. Giggle, in its supposedly infinite wisdom (LOL) has a warning before you get to this blog. The reason is I often use bad words. Bad words? Yes, words like goddamn, hell, shit, and others that children and sensitive folks may be offended by. Well, if those children are in 'Merikkka, they use these words and more often, even when they 'communicate' with their parents. They don't always know how to use cuss words properly, but they do use them no matter where they are.
I had a senior Drill Instructor in USMC boot camp who could use said words win entire paragraphs and we knew without any hint of doubt just what he was saying to us.
I had the option of placing that warning and figured I best do so in case any person who objects to said words on the blog.
As I say in the very first post at this blog, it is my blog and I'll talk how I feel at the time I write here. Yes, there have been times on my old blog sites where upon reading a post later on, I sort of almost felt I had gone a bit close to going over the top. Well, I never changed any of those posts. Heck, once it gets posted to the net, it is there forever. Internet Archive exists to keep folks honest. Well that is one reason it should exist. It also allows one to go back and check what was really posted at some web site or other.
Mittens, I apologize for being so bloody late with this explanation. I have no excuse for this failure. Mind you, I could give you or anybody else at least three right this instant, but nope, won't do so. I made a huge error and I admit it.
I'll try and keep up with the comments from now till my end.
Until next time, please trying treat each other the way you want to be treated. If we all just try, we can make this a better world for everybody.
What was in the comment is the warning you get when you try to visit this blog. Giggle, in its supposedly infinite wisdom (LOL) has a warning before you get to this blog. The reason is I often use bad words. Bad words? Yes, words like goddamn, hell, shit, and others that children and sensitive folks may be offended by. Well, if those children are in 'Merikkka, they use these words and more often, even when they 'communicate' with their parents. They don't always know how to use cuss words properly, but they do use them no matter where they are.
I had a senior Drill Instructor in USMC boot camp who could use said words win entire paragraphs and we knew without any hint of doubt just what he was saying to us.
I had the option of placing that warning and figured I best do so in case any person who objects to said words on the blog.
As I say in the very first post at this blog, it is my blog and I'll talk how I feel at the time I write here. Yes, there have been times on my old blog sites where upon reading a post later on, I sort of almost felt I had gone a bit close to going over the top. Well, I never changed any of those posts. Heck, once it gets posted to the net, it is there forever. Internet Archive exists to keep folks honest. Well that is one reason it should exist. It also allows one to go back and check what was really posted at some web site or other.
Mittens, I apologize for being so bloody late with this explanation. I have no excuse for this failure. Mind you, I could give you or anybody else at least three right this instant, but nope, won't do so. I made a huge error and I admit it.
I'll try and keep up with the comments from now till my end.
Until next time, please trying treat each other the way you want to be treated. If we all just try, we can make this a better world for everybody.
Sure Happy It's Thursday……again
Yes I am once again Sure Happy it's Thursday. S. H. I. T..
Why so you may ask. Well, because it means I ain't dead yet for starters. Also, as today is Thursday, that mean tomorrow will be Tell George It's. Friday. And we know then we get to Caturday.
Yeah, OK, I know it has been one full month since my last post here. Well, my health keeps getting worse and I found I needed some extra energy, that could have been used to post here, to comment on other blogs I check daily.
Just because I am feeling half way sort of OK now I'm going to give an extra helping of LOL cats for any who stop by here wondering when/if I am ever going to add anything new. I'll try to post as long as my health/life allows me to.
And now, some new LOL cats, just because.
Why so you may ask. Well, because it means I ain't dead yet for starters. Also, as today is Thursday, that mean tomorrow will be Tell George It's. Friday. And we know then we get to Caturday.
Yeah, OK, I know it has been one full month since my last post here. Well, my health keeps getting worse and I found I needed some extra energy, that could have been used to post here, to comment on other blogs I check daily.
Just because I am feeling half way sort of OK now I'm going to give an extra helping of LOL cats for any who stop by here wondering when/if I am ever going to add anything new. I'll try to post as long as my health/life allows me to.
And now, some new LOL cats, just because.
OK. there you have a nice dozen LOL cats to check till the next time I manage to get the energy to post here again. Maybe I might even post some of my very own comments. Topic? Probably not much political, not 'Merikkkan politics any who as that seems to be nothing except lies, lies, lies, more lies, and denials. Seriously, checking the interwebs, I saw where the orange haired rodent who is the current POTUS made some comment/tweet/statement during/after his meeting with Putin in Finland and then immediately claimed he didn't say what he said he said. Oh, and if the Donald doesn't do that himself, he has staff who do it for him. What the hell? What sort of leader has staff who explain what he/she just said to the media? Does the Donald talk in tongues? Maybe he speaks esperanto?
Until next time, try to be nice to all you meet each day. We CAN make this a nicer world for all.
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