I'm obviously still alive. Hey, nobody else has the password to enter and post at this blog. Hells bells, nobody with half of a single functioning brain cell would want to post here. Seriously, who with the smallest grip on sanity would want to pretend to be me? Some days, I don't even want to admit I am me, but that is a very long, dull story and not fit for human consumption. Well, not before or soon after a meal.
I found this link from the Onion for the religious types, well those who read the holly buy-bull any way. Enjoy it or not. Your choice.
Recently uncovered passage from the book of Revelation
I also am including a link to a song that works even now. Actually, the song may be even more relevant today than when it was first written and sung during the Vietnam war. Yes, the song is "Monster" by Steppenwolf. America, where are you now? Don't you care about your sons and daughters? Don't you know we can't fight alone against the monster?
If you scroll down at the linked page you et the lyrics. I could not find a version with the lyrics on the main view screen. OK, so maybe I didn't spend a lot of time looking for one, but my end stage COPD doesn't allow me much computer time of late. You can, I know you can as you got here.
And now, some LOL cats, just because it IS a S. H. I. T. day.
OK, that will have to do for this post. As always, I am asking all who stop here to just TRY to treat all those you come in contact with every day the way you want to be treated. I know it isn't always easy, but not all good things are very easy all the time. I'm just asking all of you who do stop here to try. We CAN make a huge difference if we all try.