I'm feeling a bit better today and noticed it was Thursday, so I figured I should post a few extra LOL cats as we are Sure Happy It's Thursday. Yes sir folks, another S. H. I. T. day. That means Caturday is going to be here very soon. Just need to get through the rest of today and tomorrow.
Until I post again, whenever that may be, please try to treat everybody you meet each day the way you wish to be treated. Yes, I know, I do sound like a broken record. Well, tough beans and hard cheese folks. I am very serious about this easy way to live and let live. The way the supposed leadership in 'Merikkka is going, we all need very much to do this simple thing. We can make the world a much better place for all life if we just try and do this one small thing. Beats going off to another damn fool useless war of choice. Where will the next one of them be? Probably with Iran as that is the one country the vile zionist entity has a super hard on for. I hope the working class and poor people of 'Merikkka do NOT fall for the bullshit this time. ENOUGH! Enough of these damn fool useless wars of choice. The US of A has never been in any war since 1945 that it had any need to be in. Also, we have NEVER won any war since 1945 and even then that was due in large part to the USSR beating the crap out of the Nazis on the Eastern front. Without that happening, you'd have never had D-Day, 6 June 1944.