12 October 2017

And now, something completely different.

FYI, yes, I personally took ALL the following at State Capitol Dragway in Erwinville, Louisiana. I have not been to the races for  few years and really want to get back there at least once more.
I met some of the nicest people t the track every time I went there. Friendly like you would not imagine. I was offered more food and cold drinks from total strangers, but we had on thing in common, we all enjoyed drag racing.

One extra reason I refused to watch little Ken Burns' film about the damn fool war I was in, yep, his Vietnam film that PBS has promoted the bloody crap out of. The following is just one of many reasons why I quit after the first episode.

Until next time, PLEASE try every day to treat ALL those you come in contact with the way you want to be treated.
Peace to all.

11 October 2017

We had a long day running errands and I didn't sleep very great last night, so today is going to be a short post day. I saw this at LOL cat and........well, being an old sick SOB, I just HAD to share it.....
enjoy it, or........not.

09 October 2017

I realized in one of the last posts here I told you readers to check my cat corner for a particular photo that named some fish.
That was very rude of me, so to make up for my rudeness, here is the photo I mentioned.
I sincerely do apologize for being so rude to you, reader. I get carried away at times and forget my manners. Now, you can feel free to criticize my grammar any time, see both of them are long dead, so they will not be offended in any way. Yes, another poor, very poor most likely, attempt at humor. Hey, I did NOT quit my day job. Nope, my back gave out at work many years ago. 

So, here is the photo that names some fish.

 Until next time, please try and treat everybody you meet each day the way you want to be treated. We CAN make this world nicer for everybody. 
Just a really short one today.

This is how I feel today.......enjoy.

I probably should explain why I post a good bit from various songs I like. Well, I enjoy music, most types of music, yes, even some rap. I don't care for the so-called "gangsta rap" nor do I listen to "hip-hop", but to each his/her own. 
OK, ok, I may be turning into my Dad. Oh hell, I AM becoming Dad. Just don't have any children among the living. Yeah, I don't much care for the stuff the kids today call music.

I prefer what is now called classic rock. I also still like the old Big Band music. I was raised on that music. Dad had a good many old 78 rpm records that he'd play after work or on weekends. 
I also like Dixieland Jazz, even classical music, yes, symphonies. Old Ludwig Beethoven can't be beat. His 5th is rousing, but I prefer his 9th. They played his 9th symphony when the Berlin wall came down, just changed the wording a bit. They changed it to where they chorus sang Freedom. Don't ask me what it originally said. I'm not that smart and too lazy to look it up.
Back in my younger days I played trumpet in school bands until near the end of 8th grade. I realized one day late in that school year that while I was an OK horn player, there was no way I'd be the next Louie Armstrong, AL Hirt, Miles Davis, or even Herb Alpert. Nope, no money in being a professional horn player in 1962. So, I went for math, science and shop classes. 
Still, I had and have a nearly life long love of music. That is why I quote song lyrics often. To me, song writers and even singers, not every singer writes the lyrics, are among my heroes. They are poets to me. I have read some poetry and even own a couple books of poems. No, not just silly poems, some serious poems. I still want to read more, particularly those written by WW1 survivors.

I'll keep using songs or song lyrics in my posts until I'm gone. Hey, this is my blog and I'll post what I want to...<smirk>.  You do need to read the very first post at this blog folks. Seriously, I will probably gore your favorite ox one day. You can argue with me any time. If I post something that pisses you off, just leave a comment. Yes, I do moderate all comments. Why? Well, because I can. Also, Bill, one of the master story tellers of our day has always done so.
If you follow the link I have to Bill the Butcher, you'll see he does and he tells readers he can delete garbage faster than anybody can post it. Well, he says it differently, but I got his intent correct.
I won't accept personal attacks. You do NOT want to start a flame war with an old former Marine combat vet. I can cuss up a Cat5 hurricane if need be. 
I can promise that if I do piss you off, it is NOT personal and if you tell me why I did so, I'll not  only reply to you, I'll even post your comment here for all to see.  However if all your comment is "you suck", it gets deleted. Not that I'm thin skinned, I just don't have the time to reply to crap.  Disagree with me if you want, I can take that. I know I've said I'm not the brightest bulb on the old xmas tree.
I make mistakes, heck, I posted about my linking mistakes recently. I'm human, humans make mistakes, big deal, I'll apologize and move on. Dad used to tell me it was OK to make a mistake, just do not make the same one over and over. Once, OK, twice, nope, not going to allow that. 

I need to add one more thing to my comments from a previous post about what I will delete. Any comments that demean another commenter will be deleted and the person who does that ay not have his/her comments approved for a very long time. Be nice to each other. Pick a fight with me, I can take it, plus I'm the only one who can post to this blog. I never had guest posters and don't have the first clue how to do that, nor do I want to even try to learn. It is too easy to get a blog yourself. Want a place to rant? Get a blog. Hey, this one is free. Word Press has free ones as well. No doubt other blog hosting sites have free blogs also. Yell at me all you want. Cuss at me, no big deal, but realize, I will cuss back. Just do not call other folks who comment here stupid or anything nasty. That could result in getting future comments from you banned.
My place, my rules. Back when I smoked cigarettes, I never smoked nor asked for an ash tray in a house where the folks who lived there didn't smoke. I'd go outside, even in a winter snow storm, actually did that in Pontiac, Michigan two days straight. Long story.  When a non-smoker came to my home, I didn't stop my habit and would have show said person the door had he/she asked me to not smoke in my own home. Now, I have made exceptions. I knew three different folks who had serious breathing troubles and I never smoked in my own home when they visited. I'd just go out the back door once an hour or so for my fix. Hope this clarifies things.

Please try and treat all you come in contact with every day the way you want to be treated. Hey; Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have. With thanks to Margaret Mead.

p.s. I may post the occasional LOL cat photo from my collection at charlies corner cats. Oh, FYI, I did not do the captions for the ones I have posted nor the ones I may post in the future. I have made some captions at LOL cat, but I didn't save them to my corner cats. 

08 October 2017

What can I say? When you are on a roll, you are on a roll. 
Today is my rolling day, or so it seems.
Blog roll that is. Now, if anybody wants to share a fresh baked roll, I'm willing to eat some.

I just found a song on You Tube. Oh big deal you say, there are tons of songs there. Yes, I know, I have a long, long list saved to different folders at You Tube. Keep adding more every visit.
I have posted more than a few times a line from a song. Nobody can, or would care to, count the number of times I've said the following on a blog post or in an email/comment to an article I've read. The line is----"Memories are like starlight. They go on forever".  Well, I never told you the song title. Today, after listening to it on iTunes, I looked it up on You Tube. OK, here is the song title and the singer. The song is "Aurora Borealis" by C W McCall. 
The line I use is the last line of the song, so, you'll have to wait for it. The entire song is still worth a listen, my opinion.

The video with photos of the Northern Lights is the nicest one at You Tube so far. The first one I found was OK, same good song, but the video was of a fish tank. Well, OK, fish swimming in a nice tank is fine. Needed a cat or three looking at those fish though.  Check charlies corner cats for a photo of 2 cats looking at a big fish tank, I know there is one on one of the pages.
Well, that's it.......for this post...LOL.
Maybe for the day.....you all hope. Hey, be honest, I am not that easy to take. I know this, honest I do. Oh, remember, nobody forced you to come here and read/look at my blog.

Treat everybody you meet each day the way you want to be treated. If we all do this, we WILL make the world a nicer place for all.
I almost forgot another good one.
Yes, it is from the Onion, my top satire/spoof news site.
The title is "National Trust for Historic Preservation Raises Millions to Demolish Trump's Boyhood Home".
 Now I know you'd like a link to this short story. Well, old me is still fighting with blogger and myself with adding links so trust me it is/was at the Onion. 

I have the story saved on my old iMac in the reading list, but beats me how I can link it here.

Basically, the story goes like this. They raised more than $8 million in just three days to demolish the boyhood home of the orange haired rodent. The house is located in Queens, New York.
The story continues; "Thanks to the generosity of the American people, we are well on our way to bulldozing the president's first home as part of our mission to uphold America's cultural heritage and values".
The story also adds that many companies added matching donations to those of their employees and even children contributed their allowance monies to the cause. 
OK, yes, it IS a spoof story, but I bet it made you smile, just a tiny smile perhaps, but admit it......you DID smile when you read the title.  
Oh for pit sakes! Come ON people, you DID so smile.

Until next time, please try and treat everybody you come in contact with the way you want to be treated. 

Why did I post these two from LOL cats? Well, because I really like them. I saved them at charlies corner cats, the link is on the right side of this blog along with others I saved from LOL cats. Still having trouble adding the LOL cats link, ah well big deal. 

Oh, I really like the added text on both of these photos, not just the very nice photos of kittens in this case. 
Also, its my blog, so there.
OK, a good reason for the photos. I got a very nice email from a friend whom I've been emailing for some years. The email made me feel good and since I feel good, I figured I should share some goodness with any who happen to stumble on this blog.

Pay extra attention the the second photo. READ the caption and take it to heart.....please.

Until the next outrage, um, er, my next post (yeah that was intentional) please try to treat all the people you come in contact with each day the way you want to be treated. Hey, a few caring people CAN change this world, it is all who ever have. Margaret Mead said so. Argue with me all you want. Bloody damn hard to argue with her, she died in 1978!
I just could NOT let this one pass.
Over at "The Onion" they have an article that says "White House says 'This is not the geologic era to debate gun control'". 
If you read the short story it basically wants us to wait until after the next ice age when perhaps the tectonic plates will have reformed a new super continent. Oh, and perhaps a new species will have arisen by then, maybe gun control could be discussed at that time. Yeah, as in after humans are gone from the planet. 
While the Onion IS a satire/spoof news site, sometimes satire is more honest than the "main stream" news, or as it has been termed in the US of A, the MSM.
"Merikkka, ain't it a great place? I say it is time for 'Merikkka to get with hard cheeses. That way we could all make America grate again.  Yeah, that was supposed to be a joke. 
Ah well, the old guy launches another lead balloon. Sunk like a rock, as usual.

Hey, try and treat all the people you meet every day the way you want to be treated. 

Well, it sure has been a long time