25 November 2017

It's Caturday!

Well folks, here we are, still. Today is Caturday! To help you enjoy this first Caturday after turkey day, assuming you are in 'Merikkka that is, I am going to try and be nice. I'm just going to link to some good music, with the lyrics so you can follow along with the songs. Yes, the lyrics, or as some say, the words, of a song are important. 

The first two are from Rush. Yes, once again we venture into the Great White North for some good music. Who you gonna call for good rocking? Rush, that's who!

Free will

I will choose a path that's clear. I will choose free will. Unless you like being a slave to whatever.

Take a friend
Take yourself a friend. Keep 'em till the end. 

Now, for something different. Not quite the old Monty Python bit, but sort of close. A nice song from a band many of you probably never even know had made music. The Marshall Tucker band.

Heard it in a love song 
I added this one, well, just because. I like the song and it seemed like a great addition to a laid back Caturday. 
Now, for your enjoyment, or not as the case may be, the Caturday LOL cats.

No doubt the last one applies to many of us, particularly if you live in 'Merikkka. If you think things in this country are bad, just wait, they will get worse. That reminds me, when I was a kid, older folks used to tell me, smile, things could get worse. So, I smiled, and sure as shit, things DID get worse.

Well, like the old broken record, yeah, you KNOW what is coming next----until next time, PLEASE just try to treat everybody you come in contact with the way you want to be treated. 

24 November 2017

You bet I am still pissed at the FCC

Yes folks, I am still highly pissed that the FCC will likely revoke the net neutrality next month when they vote on this issue.
However, I figure I should lighten things up some. I admit my rant on this issue was nasty. Well, too damn bad. get this old veteran pissed off and stand back, because my Marine language WILL come out, big time. Boy it sure as hell did the other day. 
OK, just for a change of pace and to allow my blood pressure to drop back towards the supposed normal range, I have some links to some less serious matters this evening. 

First we have another one from the Onion. 

Frustrated Jesus

Next, one from a new blog to this little blog. Thanks Mike for giving me the link to this site. Funny stuff here, like the Onion, but with a twist. This is from the Babylon Bee.com. The link is in my list of links on the right side of this page.

Belief in hell spikes

Well, I found it to be funny. Your opinion may vary. Lighten up people, heaven and hell are artificial constructs. Neither exists for real. Just as every religion was/is man made. Every doG since the very first one have been created by humans. 

Another from Babylon Bee. This is for the remaining American football fans. Wonder how many quit watching that crap since many of the players have taken a knee during the playing of that crap song at the start of every sporting event in this country? No doubt they even play it for the pre-school sandbox championships.

Amazing it took a few years

Yeah, I still think it is funny. Of course, I am an old, broken down SOB. Hey, I have legal documents to prove it!

One final funny from Babylon Bee.

Scholars ac/dc song thunderstruck

Now, since it is almost Caturday here in central Louisiana, a few extra LOL cats, just because.

Hey, here is an idea for you folks. Try to do like the last LOL cat photo here. Yes, I do mean make a new friend. You just might enjoy it and it could make your life better. Until next time, try to treat others the way you want to be treated. The world will be a better place for us all if we all just try. The way this world seems to be going down the old toilet, what have you got to lose? Just TRY to be nice to each other. It really isn't that hard. Hey, if I can try every day to treat all I come in contact with every day, the rest of you should have no problems trying. 

21 November 2017

Well, SHIT!

Well, SHIT!!!

Folks, it looks like we are about to be totally fucked over, big time. Yep, right here in not so very old 'Merikkka, the fatherfuckers who run the miserable turd gang, the FCC is about set to over turn the net neutrality that we have enjoyed until now. They are set to vote on this disaster next month. So, my advice to all the 'Merikkkans who are foolish enough to read this crap little blog, is, surf the net as many hours per day as you can because your choices are going to be severely limited and sooner than any of us would want.
This goddamn fatherfucking bullshit WILL limit not only what you will be able to see on the net, it WILL cost you more to see whatever it is the ISP's decide to allow you to see. 

Well, net neutrality was a hell of a lot of fun, while it lasted. I still remember  the days when the "internet super highway" was an old, dusty wagon track.  Back in the mid 1990's we had a Radio Shack TRS-80 with a whole rousing 48K of ram and a 300 baud modem. You didn't get any graphics and no color, just basically black/dark screen with white letters, but oh boy, we sure thought we'd hit the bloody jackpot. Our choice (yeah, we didn't have much choice) was the old CompuServe. Hey we had the CB channel which was sort of like farcebook without all the crap Zuckerberg puts on that social media thing of his. Beats me what is really on it, I hear of farcebook second hand. Yes, I do NOT have twitter nor farcebook and will not have them. Don't need them, don't want them, won't have them.
The old CompuServe CB was like a big chat room. Oh my, we sure had fun with it though. I don't recall the number of rooms we had on that CB channel, probably 20 as the actual CB radios back then had 20 channels. I was part of a regular group and we hung out on one particular channel on the old CB deal. In fact, that was where I first heard of the fake rush, yes, I do mean Limpburger. When one of the regulars mentioned having listened to rush earlier that day, I came back with something along the line of "Hey, you just now finally heard Rush? Hell, I have 5 of their albums".  Nope, he, I am sure it was a he, said "Oh no. I mean rush on talk radio". Well, being the curious type, yeah, I know cats are my favorite critters and I know that old crap about what happened to the curious cat. Well, as my late wife used to reply to that comment, "Yes, BUT, satisfaction brought it back to life". So, there ya go. Stay satisfied.
Once more, just FYI, there is only one RUSH, a three man band from the Great White North. Still rocking and making damn good music.

OK, I have bitched and ranted long enough for this day. Here is the link to the death of the good interwebs. 

FCC chief plans to ditch net neutrality

Seriously, if you live in 'Merikkka, you need to read this mess. Jesus H. Christ on a goddamn fucking crutch! How much shit are you "exceptional" 'Merikkkans going to take, be force fed until you finally stand up on your own hind legs and shout at the top of your voices, FUCK this shit!!!???? How much shit are you willing to eat? Well, fuck me and the sheep I rode in on I suppose. 
I was born in this country, served honorably in the USMC, but I'll be damned if any asshat in this fucked up gummint thinks I'll stay silent while they destroy this country. Oh, I am very, very happy to see the 'Merikkkan empire dissolve. Shit people, this country never should have become an empire.  To see what few freedoms we still had after that shit show called 9/11 is making me so very fucking glad I'm way past my sell by date. FUCK THIS SHIT!!!!

I sort of want to give my usual closing, but hell, unless I get going on another roll, there may not be any next time for this blog. Oh, I may be able to write here, but you may not be allowed to read it, even IF you pay extra to ComCrap, AT& fucking T or some other big assed ISP. 
Fuck it. Just goddamn FUCK IT ALL. There may be more posts here. You may be allowed to see/read them, but do NOT make any bets on that. Save your pennies, you will need them to pay for your farcebook accounts.

Try, just goddamn TRY to be nice to each other. Hey, if this blog stops, that will be a good reason for you all to have fun celebrating the end of me ranting. 

19 November 2017

Well hell, I somehow managed to still be alive. Exactly one week ago, at damn near this very time; 5 AM CST, my crap week started.
Yeah, yeah, I know I mentioned this in the last posts. Well, all I will say about my crap week is that it was a miserable goddamn fatherfucker of a week.  Anybody who wants details, well, there is an old song that part of the lyrics tell you; "Wishing ain't wanting and wanting ain't getting".  That is ALL i am willing to share on this matter. Damn right, it IS on a need to know basis/ Just be aware that this past week has made me even more sarcastic and disgusted/pissed off, so there may be some extra nastiness to a few more posts here. 
I really wish that any who read this piss poor excuse of a blog, and in particular any who decide (doG knows why {actually that mythical fig newton of your fevered imagination cannot know anything} anybody would decide to follow this blog)  do NOT read the very first post to this blog. If you had bothered to do so, you will have found out that I did say up front that there is a very good chance that your very own favorite ox may get gored. If you get offended at what I post her, well, you DO have options. Yes, you can unfollow and/or go read some other blog. Hell, these interwebs Are loaded with various blogs. Personally, I don't care if nobody reads this one. I am not trying to "win friends or influence people" here. Nope, as the top of this page says, right under the vat using a Mac book lap top says; this is just a space on the interwebs where I can say anything I want. 
Oh, just FYI, I am NOT grumpy. No, this is my happy mood. Was that comment sarcastic? Well, you decide if it is or, maybe I am just being snarky and teasing you. I won't tell.

Now, for some goodies. Today is Sunday. Hope all had a happy and fun filled Caturday yesterday. I tried to rest up from this past week. Well, I tried, wasn't all that successful, but, oh well........and so it goes. 
A link on the right side of this page will get you to a very nice site based on tumblr. I am referring to the site "Atheist Jack". Just to ask Jack a question about borrowing some of his cool items for use here I had to sign up for tumblr. First off, I did that and asked Jack if he'd allow me to borrow from his site to post here. He was very gracious and said yes. So, another huge THANK YOU to good old, or maybe he isn't that old, I don't ask folks their age for letting me borrow from him.  What follow now are a few of the ones from his site that I liked. He has plenty more and I highly recommend you check his site out ASAP.

This last one may offend some of you. It sort of fits with what the orange haired rodent, our current POTUS, is supposed to have told the widow of one of the US troops who was killed recently in Niger.  Yes, I DO mean the supposed comment he made to that poor woman that her husband "knew what he'd signed up for". Well, truck Frump! Yes, I did rearrange some letters there. Bet your ass I can be sneaky at times. Hey, it is my Marine Corps training. I may have ended my enlistment in June of 1972, but I have not forgotten all of my training. Some things get beat into you so damn often and well, that it is damn near impossible to ever forget them. That USMC training is just one of many I have vivid memories of. So, deal with this one all you "good" xtians!

As my maternal grandpa used to say, if you don't like this, then you should put an egg in your shoe and beat it.

All of these were borrowed from Atheist Jack. You folks really do need to visit his tumblr site.
Just in case any are still here, I may get back to posting about the goings on in 'Merikkka, US politics, and even world events in the near future. Then again, I just may stay with more LOL cats and songs for a while longer. This is my blog and I'll post what I want to. If you came here looking for answers, well, man alive, you need serious help. Actually I would suggest you need serious professional help, like mental health help, immediately. As one recent LOL cat photo said, it's the one with the white kitten with a stuffed toy critter; "If you're looking for the wrong answers, you have come to the right place". FYI, that photo is the last one on the post dated 9 November 2017. Look it up if you wish. 

All I have are questions, a large number of opinions, and maybe, now and then, a few, very few, suggestions. Answers? Oh shit, don't make me laugh. I'm out of them. Hell, even IF i had any, none of you would take mine seriously. Remember, I am nobody. And damn, I like it that way. I am just an old, broken down working class guy. Not special in any way. 
Well, like an old broken record, yeah, you know what is coming now. Please TRY to treat everybody you come in contact with every day the way you want to be treated.And if for some reason you can't do something as simple as that, then just keep your mouth shut and let them live their lives in peace.

Well, it sure has been a long time