04 November 2017

Well, I managed to survive the 300 mile round trip and the silly baby shower and I'm not dead yet. Yeah, I know I can hear many out there saying "Oh shit! We was hoping the old SOB wouldn't make it back alive". Hey, I don't blame any of you. Most days, I wake up and my first thought is; "Shit, I'm not dead yet!"

Any who, just for shits and giggles, I'm just going to give one link to a funny and some LOL cats because.......It's still Caturday!!!!!!

Clinton institute for campaign ethics

Oh, YES, I laughed hard from that link. Laughing again now from just posting the link to it.  And now......LOL cat time.
Happy Caturday. Oh and if I wake up dead tomorrow, the world WILL cheer. Hope all who want, have a beer.

03 November 2017

Well crap! Yeah, I am still among the living and even worse, I am posting again. Well I must be damn hard to kill then. LOL, yep, the LOL WAS meant to be snarky. 

Well, here it is again folks. Yep, my new theme song. Sit back and enjoy, or not, your choice.

Hell in a Bucket

At the rate I'm using this song, I may just have to start every new post with it. No, I promise I won't do that to you readers. Even I would get tired of it before long. I detest hearing a song so often that the next time I hear it I feel like busting the music player.

OK, this is an article I read today that I feel every human with even one half of a functioning brain cell needs to read.

What the F%$k ever happened to the Left?

It is not a very long read and it is important. Oh, one extra comment about the election last year. I've read far too many comments and even whole blog posts about how poor old Bernie was robbed. No shit? Well, go over the Black Agenda Report, the link is on the right side of this page and tell that to Glen Ford, Nellie Bailey, Bruce Dixon, Margaret Kimberley, or any of the others who post there. After they get up off the floor from laughing so damn hard, they may be nice and just slap your face. That site told you all, IF you had bothered to read it, that old Bernie was just a damn sheepdog. I saw more than one comment on a blog last night that said he was really an independent running as a donkey gang member to get on the ballots! What a total CROCK! Berne is as beholden to the zionist entity (that is Israel for those who don't know me) as any other of the big two party politicians.  Repeat after me, Bernie IS a sheepdog.  OK, good, now, for your enjoyment, since tomorrow IS Caturday, a few more LOL cats.
Why so early you ask? Well, if I'm up to driving, I'm supposed to go and take photos for a baby shower about a 2 hour drive South of here. Oh joy. 

OK, and now, one more, because it fits me so well.

Enjoy your weekend. If you have to work, be careful and don't overdo it. And, as always, please try to treat everybody you meet each day the way you want to be treated.

02 November 2017

Just because.

One thing I feel I need to make crystal clear too any who happen upon this little blog. I do NOT support the orange haired rodent who is now our POTUS. I have never even liked the clown in any way. I have been 100% certain that he has always way overstated his personal wealth. The guy inherited a huge sum of money from his daddy. In short, the clown was born on third base and has continued to think (does he actually? Can he?) he had hit a triple.

This guy has not only declared bankruptcy more than a few times, he has stiffed his workers and sub contractors many times over. He is a detestable piece of cow manure. He is a mean spirited school yard bully. Well, that is over stating it a bit. More like a pre-school sand box bully. He'd have had his sorry ass kicked damn hard in any of the elementary schools I attended.  He treats women as objects, and that is on one of his very few good days.

OK, so why do I keep posting links to articles about how FAKE the whole bullshit about this nasty Ruskies "stealing" the last election? Because the goddamn assholes who run the donkey gang only gave us Hi-Larry. Yeah, some choice we had last November. A low life "reality TV" clown or a blood soaked war criminal who is a big part of the Clintstone crime family. 

For the record, I only voted  for one candidate from either of the "big two" political parties. That was 1980 and Dad deposed Ronnie so much, I just had to vote for Jimmy peanuts. 

The first time I could vote was 1972. My enlistment in the Marine had ended in June of 72. When I finally got back to SoCal later that summer, September actually, I did register to vote. I didn't get my California sample ballot, registered too late to get one that year. I knew I could never vote for Nixon. Hell, he'd kept me and my fellow US troops in that damn bullshit Vietnam war. I went into the voting booth and looked at the ballot for my first time. You had to be 21 to vote back then. I looked at who else was running for POTUS. My eyes focused on one part and it held my attention and they got my vote. Which party was that? The Peace and Freedom Party.  I voted for them any time they were on the ballot every election until I moved from SoCal in 2000. With the one exception of 1980. I found out in the mid 1980's that they were/are (I have not looked to see if they still exist, they aren't on the ballot where I live now...unfortunately) a socialist party.  Well, I served honorably in the Marines and went to the damn fool war, so I figured I could vote for whatever party was on the ballot.

I keep posting about the bullshit FAKE crap about how the Russians stole the election or, "threw" it to the Donald, because it IS bullshit. There is NO proof f this happening. There IS proof that Twitter gave a sweet deal to RT to advertise on Twitter. Hell, overall, those nasty Ruskies spent less than $500,000 in total for ALL the ads they actually bought! So, all you who still think that war criminal Hi-Larry was robbed of her "rightful" coronation, GET OVER IT!!!
She LOST because she had NO platform worth  shit for the working class and the poor people of this country. People used to say, many years back, that there wasn't a "dimes worth of difference" between the donkey gang and the elephant gang. Well, that was then, since the time Billy Bob Bubba got elected in 1992, the two parties are just the opposite sides of the SAME goddamn coin. BOTH the major parties of this country are deeply beholden to the very, very rich who fund the elections. 

I will no longer pay any more attention to those who keep this bullshit going about how goddamn Clinton was robbed. If this pisses anybody off, well, better to be pissed off than pissed on. Oh, if you actually think that life would be better with madass Hi-Larry as POTUS, you need some serious help. When Bill Bob held that office, life got try much worse for the working class, the poor, women, and ALL people of color. Don't believe me? Just do some goddamn research. 

 Get Over IT

Now, get out there and be nice to each other.
Oh crap! Yeah, this old SOB is back with another post again.

Well, tough beans and hard cheese. I read this and felt it needed to be shared. Holy crap 'Merikkka, get OVER it. By the way that is another very good song. Yep, the Eagles did it and I think it is one of the best they ever did. So, just because, here is a link to that song with the lyrics. 

Get over it

Now for the article I mentioned above. This needs to be read by anybody who actually cares about this country, the US of A. Stop all this bullshit about poor old hag, blood soaked war criminal Hi-Larry not being POTUS. She LOST! She lost because she had this air of being coronated as our supreme leader. It was supposed to be HER turn. She actually wanted this really bad but the igNobel piece prizident beat her sorry ass some years back. So, by her logic, if we dare call it such, this was HER time by doG! Well, now you see why I remain an old pagan, heathen,atheist, or any other nasty name you feel like tossing at me. Go ahead, I've been called everything under the sun and then some. I don't give shit what you call me. I know who/what I am. How many people in 'Merikkka can honestly say that about themselves?  Not too many I am sure.

How to steal a Billion dollar American election

Now, I have no doubt many will say I am going to hell for these posts. Well, big deal. I plan on that. Why? Well, during my nearly 70 years on this planet a good many people have told me to go there. I figure since it has been so highly recommended that I do so, I may as well go and check it out. At least I won't be having to put up with all the fucking hypocrites who think they will be in Heaven, or some sort of "paradise" which by the way does NOT exist. And, just because, here is a nice link for my new theme song. Damn straight, I may be going to hell, maybe not in a bucket, but I swear, I AM enjoying this ride!

Hell in a bucket

Oh, as always, be nice to each other. 
Sorry to disappoint you all, but I'm still among the living. 
I have some more information to share today. The first one really got me wondering just how bloody damn stupid this country can get. According to a recent poll, a majority of white 'Merikkkans feel they are being discriminated against! Holy shit! Since when?

Here is the link, yes, I know it is a bit past its original date when it was first on the net. Hey, I'm old, not feeling so swift and late with it. It is still relevant any way. There used to be an old saying, better late than never. Send your complaints for my being late with this link to my complaint department. The interactions for doing that will be included in this post.

Majority of white Americans feel discriminated

Now, here is how you can contact my complaint department.

Now for extra credit, I'm adding links to the continuing saga, and it is a very sad, but very long saga. A saga? Yes, and it is about the last election for POTUS in not so very old 'Merikkka. I know you must be sick of hearing/reading/etc. of this saga, but it seems to never go away. I sure would like it to be put where it belongs, in the trash can and taken to a toxic waste disposal site, but that doesn't seem to be going to happen any time soon.

And for just another on this topic, I give you this link.

I also ran across a link to the following video. The guy uses some hard core words, but he sure as hell calls it straight up, no fluff, no filler. Watch at your own risk. Oh, he sounds to me like he is from the UK. Yeah, can't trust them Brits now can we?

Trump How and why

The man ranting is Jonathan Pie and he does NOT mince his words. 

Just for a blast from the past, here is an old cartoon I cut out of the Los Angeles Times. I still have that cutting in my files and saved a scanned copy to my hard drive. Don't fuss about the edges, it was taped to a sheet of paper when I scanned it some years back. It is by Wiley Miller who does the Non Sequitur cartoons. This dates from the 1980's unless my memory is totally shot. And so many of you may feel things were better then? You have to be kidding me! Christ of a goddamn crutch people, the 1980's was when we had our acting POTUS. Yeah, "saint" Ronnie of Raygun. The "me" generation and all that bullshit, plus, what was being passed off as rock music basically sucked dog crap. It was also when what used to be Country and Western music became basically pop rock. 
Here is that cartoon.
Now, having seen that, tell me how life was so much better then. The only thing that is different is, it's all much worse today. Yes, the go-go 80's. THAT is when we should have put a stop to the bullshit, but oh no, everybody was too goddamn fucking busy playing the markets and being so self important. But, oh boy, didn't that asshole "saint" Ronnie make all of you feel so damn good about being 'Merikkkan?  That rat shit for brains tenth rate actor gave us Iran-Contra and Ollie the shit North! All which lead the majority to elect the criminal enterprise known as the Clintons, or as I prefer to call them, the Clintstone crime foundation. 

Until next time, please just try every day to treat all those you come in contact with the way you want to be treated.

01 November 2017

Yeah, I know, another post from me today. Well, the one thing about not feeling too swift and the weather turns a bit cool and we get rain on top of it all, is I am just sitting here surfing the web with iTunes playing.
As I said in a previous post, when I mention Rush on this blog it will be about that really rocking three man band from the Great White North (that is Canada to all of you who never saw CBC TV).
While Rush has produced so many really great songs over the years,there is one that I really liked the very first time I heard it and, well, I just felt like sharing it today.
The You Tube link will get you to the full song, but the lyrics are displayed. Oh man, you need to follow the lyrics. Actually, I feel that way about every song I like. Yes, a good beat, melody, rhythm, and all that is important, but oh you must listen to the lyrics. If you don't care about lyrics, then stick to just instrumental music. Hey, even this old SOB likes some songs that are just music, no lyrics.

OK, here is the link to the one Rush song I ould listen to more than once every day for the rest of my life. The song is "Time Stands Still".

Time Stands Still

Oh, YES I am listening to this song as I type this post.
Please, try and treat everybody you meet each day the way you want to be treated. We CAN make a difference, we just have to get on and try.

I just saw this about 5 minutes ago and just had to pass it along. Yeah, it is about Hi-Larry again, but it is a good one. It is a remix that was put on You Tube and is just a bit less than 2 minutes long. 

Hillary Clinton

And that's all for now.
I am sure most of you readers of this small portion of the inter webs  realize I mostly just post here just to give me something to do.  When I restarted blogging, I set this one up to be different from my previous blogging attempts. My very first blog was often nasty and I tended to use what I call my "Marine language".  The next attempt at a blog got a bit kinder, but I quit as I felt I'd become talked out. 
As the very first post on this blog states, I will post on whatever I feel like. I will post on the damn fool wars of choice that 'Merikkka is in and also on politics. However, unlike previous blogs I have had, I will NOT focus so narrowly on those matters. Yes, they are important, but damn, I want to try and enjoy what life I still have left. That is why I will keep posting LOL cat photos and a few others that I have found on the net and even some I have taken myself. The drag racing photos a few posts back are all my own photos. It has been too many years since I last went to the races, but I probably will post more of the drag car photos I have saved on the hard drive and on a number of cd's. 

I know everybody and their proverbial brother is getting damn sick of hearing about Hi-Larry Clintstone and how she was "robbed" of her coronation as POTUS. Well, get set for some more about that aged old hag. I went to my GP Monday afternoon and he prescribed some meds for me. When I was at the pharmacy waiting to get my new meds, they had the TV on and it was showing Faux Noise. Hey, even some doctors offices have that crap on the TV sets if they have one in the waiting room. The pharmacy I use usually has the Weather Channel on, but mostly when we are having a big rain storm or if a hurricane is in the Gulf. 
OK, back to Monday afternoon and Faux Noise. There were four or was it five critters on the set in the studio at Faux Noise and they were going on and on about Hi-Larry. One of them asked a very good question. What was this question? Ah, glad you asked, so, here it is; Why are the MSM in the US of A still talking about this aged old hag?  The reply from at least three of the others on the set was, because she keeps getting in front of the cameras, and she IS news. What a bloody goddamn CROCK of pure bullshit! They cover this aged old hag, I still have that TV interview of her after poor old Gaddafi was murdered and her godawful cackle after she said; "We came, we saw, he died". What a despicable monster this female creature is. IF that would thing had become POTUS, I am certain this country would be even worse off than we are with the orange haired rodent. Now, you can disagree with me on this all you want, but nobody can convince me that I am wrong on this. The Clinton Foundation IS a criminal enterprise, pure and simple. What that foundation and that criminal family, the Clintstones, did in Haiti is enough to make a sane, decent human puke their guts out for months straight.
Any who, I am posting some links about this vile female creature for you reading. I don't give a flying crap in hell if you agree, disagree, or just don't care. As the first post said and the header on this page states, this is a place for me to say whatever I want to say. My blog, my opinions, if you don't like what I say, don't read this blog. Yeah, I still feel like crap, the meds haven't have had enough time to take full effect yet and also, I never set out to win friends and influence people with my rantings. I'd still keep this blog going even if nobody else ever read it. This is my small space on the inter webs for me to post whatever I feel like posting. If I sound like I'm pissed off, well, you deal with emphysema and then get pneumonia on top of that and tell me how you fucking feel.

OK, the links about the aged old war mongering hag, Hi-Larry.

Vengeful in defeat

Media: It's a crime to investigate

OK, now that is out of the way, I have one more that is on the lighter side. It is a spoof but at least this time I saved the fun stuff for last. 

Pythagoras wrote dozens of unhinged

Again, I ask all of you to treat everybody you come in contact with every day the way you want to be treated. While I may be a nasty, mean spirited old SOB, if we all try to do this, the world CAN be a nicer place for all. 

31 October 2017

I' m not feeling very great the last few days so this will be a short post. I ran across a few things on the net and figured they were worth sharing with you good folks.

First up is a silly video. It's not very long so don't worry about abusing your bandwidth. I still think it is very silly, but I take my fun wherever I find it.

Cowboys trying to herd cats   Yes, once again I thank LOL cats for the link.

Next up is again from the Onion. It is just too bloody damn good to not share. Of course me being an old heathen/pagan/heretic makes me laugh even more over the following link.

Pope beatifies god

Now I will end with a link that is  very serious. Yeah, I just had to spoil you with the fun stuff first. Sorry about that, I don't have any kids and I'd die the cats I was fortunate enough to share my life with treats between meals so......
Any who, the following links deal with the US troops getting killed in Niger. I will bet the entire bloody farm that the majority of our fellow 'Merikkkans cannot find Niger on a map. Bets that most of them don't even know it is a country in Africa  Hey, didn't we have some ding bat run for VPOTUS not so long ago who thought(??) Africa was a country?
Well, the link is worth your time s the empire of 'Merikkka goes into decline. Hey, I wonder if the orange haired rodent can find Niger on a map without one of "his" generals showing him where Africa is on a map. 

A US soldier died in Niger

Ah well, for good measure, here are two more stories I bet the US media has not covered at all. Also worth a read,even though they both come from those nasty Ruskies and their "troll farm" web sites. LOLMAO, I get more real news from them than from any US based MSM outlets. 

Twitter "forgets" to tell congress  
 This is from the Sputnik web site and is fairly short but to the point.

Twitters' multimillion dollar US election pitch to RT

This last one is a bit longer, but it has graphics and charts so it is also an easy read. 

OK, I'm going to get back in the old recliner and get some rest. Until next time, as always, PLEASE try every day to treat all those you come in contact with the way you want to be treated.

Well, it sure has been a long time