One thing I feel I need to make crystal clear too any who happen upon this little blog. I do NOT support the orange haired rodent who is now our POTUS. I have never even liked the clown in any way. I have been 100% certain that he has always way overstated his personal wealth. The guy inherited a huge sum of money from his daddy. In short, the clown was born on third base and has continued to think (does he actually? Can he?) he had hit a triple.
This guy has not only declared bankruptcy more than a few times, he has stiffed his workers and sub contractors many times over. He is a detestable piece of cow manure. He is a mean spirited school yard bully. Well, that is over stating it a bit. More like a pre-school sand box bully. He'd have had his sorry ass kicked damn hard in any of the elementary schools I attended. He treats women as objects, and that is on one of his very few good days.
OK, so why do I keep posting links to articles about how FAKE the whole bullshit about this nasty Ruskies "stealing" the last election? Because the goddamn assholes who run the donkey gang only gave us Hi-Larry. Yeah, some choice we had last November. A low life "reality TV" clown or a blood soaked war criminal who is a big part of the Clintstone crime family.
For the record, I only voted for one candidate from either of the "big two" political parties. That was 1980 and Dad deposed Ronnie so much, I just had to vote for Jimmy peanuts.
The first time I could vote was 1972. My enlistment in the Marine had ended in June of 72. When I finally got back to SoCal later that summer, September actually, I did register to vote. I didn't get my California sample ballot, registered too late to get one that year. I knew I could never vote for Nixon. Hell, he'd kept me and my fellow US troops in that damn bullshit Vietnam war. I went into the voting booth and looked at the ballot for my first time. You had to be 21 to vote back then. I looked at who else was running for POTUS. My eyes focused on one part and it held my attention and they got my vote. Which party was that? The Peace and Freedom Party. I voted for them any time they were on the ballot every election until I moved from SoCal in 2000. With the one exception of 1980. I found out in the mid 1980's that they were/are (I have not looked to see if they still exist, they aren't on the ballot where I live now...unfortunately) a socialist party. Well, I served honorably in the Marines and went to the damn fool war, so I figured I could vote for whatever party was on the ballot.
I keep posting about the bullshit FAKE crap about how the Russians stole the election or, "threw" it to the Donald, because it IS bullshit. There is NO proof f this happening. There IS proof that Twitter gave a sweet deal to RT to advertise on Twitter. Hell, overall, those nasty Ruskies spent less than $500,000 in total for ALL the ads they actually bought! So, all you who still think that war criminal Hi-Larry was robbed of her "rightful" coronation, GET OVER IT!!!
She LOST because she had NO platform worth shit for the working class and the poor people of this country. People used to say, many years back, that there wasn't a "dimes worth of difference" between the donkey gang and the elephant gang. Well, that was then, since the time Billy Bob Bubba got elected in 1992, the two parties are just the opposite sides of the SAME goddamn coin. BOTH the major parties of this country are deeply beholden to the very, very rich who fund the elections.
I will no longer pay any more attention to those who keep this bullshit going about how goddamn Clinton was robbed. If this pisses anybody off, well, better to be pissed off than pissed on. Oh, if you actually think that life would be better with madass Hi-Larry as POTUS, you need some serious help. When Bill Bob held that office, life got try much worse for the working class, the poor, women, and ALL people of color. Don't believe me? Just do some goddamn research.
Get Over IT
Now, get out there and be nice to each other.
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