10 March 2018

Some extras for Caturday.

Well, it IS my own fault. See, I CAN admit to making a mistake. Oh, wait, I did that here a few posts back.
Any who, I was surfing the interwebs after posting the Caturday LOL cats and found some neat extras to share today. 
First up, a nice short bit from the Onion. Hmm, seems those ancient Greeks anticipated Hollyweird and the cult of celebrity. Well, IF you believe the Onion they did. Hey, it's all in fun people. Come ON, we all need a good laugh or at least a smile every now and then. (My opinion, the LOL cats should do that, but what do I know?)

Ancient Greeks immediately regretted inventing theater

Next up is a quote from H. L. Mencken. This was on the Freedom From Religion web site today as one of their Free Thought of the Day posts. 

Mencken quote

The above quote works for me. Well of course it does, me being an old broken down heathen/pagan/atheist SOB. If it offends you, well tough beans and hard cheese. Words don't harm people, people harm people. Take THAT NRA! As Bugs Bunny would say; ain't I a stinker?  Well, actually I'm not that stinky, I did have a nice warm shower last night so I'm fairly clean and unstinky today.

Night time for the generals

This song is from the very same album "American Dream" by C,S,N,&Y.  Like the song I posted earlier today, this one is very relevant today, maybe even more so than when it came out. Just look at the staff at the White House, the orange haired rodent (our current POTUS) seems to have more retired generals on his staff than most defense (??) contractors have. Of course they don't seem to stay around very long. Well, as an old WW2/Korean war general said; Old soldiers never die, they just fade away.

Hey, that reminds me, old dentists never die. They just lose their patients.  I know, I know, don't quit my day job. Well, I'm on Social Security, over 70 years old now and severely disabled. I have no day job to quit. How about that! I get the last laugh. If you think you can top it, just post a comment. If it isn't vile, I'll approve it and post it here.
OK, you know what is coming now…….yep, please try and treat all others you come in contact with every day the way you want to be treated. You know I am going to keep asking you to do this as long as I can get to this old iMac and hit a few keys on the old keyboard. If sarcastic/cynical/SOB me can try to do this, it should be very easy for you people. Just TRY, that isn't too much to ask for.

It's Caturday again!

Greetings readers. Well, like clock work, it is Caturday once again.  In not so very old 'Merikkka, today is the last real day we'll have for a while. How is that you ask? Well, tomorrow morning, at about 2AM, we goto "daylight savings time". Now of course this messing with the clocks twice a year saves absolutely NO daylight at all. Studies have been done, by folks who know what they are doing even, that show this clock foolishness actually costs more than it ever could have saved had it worked as planned. It should be obvious to even those with minimal brain power that one cannot ever save daylight. The sun will shine for a certain number of hours each day, depending on where in our orbit around our local star, the sun, the planet is. 
Ok, enough of my personal rant on this stupidity of changing the clocks.
It's Caturday and you stopped by here today for the LOL cats, so, here we go then. Enjoy and have the best Caturday possible.

OK, that will do for today. I don't want to give you good people LOL cat overload. 
Oh, one more link, just because I was listening to my iPod/MP3 player and this song is on it. Actually it is on the player and my iTunes library in more than one playlist. It fit when the album was released back in 1988. The album is "American Dream" by Crosby, stills, Nash & Young (often referred to as CSN&Y, or even C,S,N & sometimes Y). The song is "Shadow Land" and I think it fits as well today as it did back in 1988. Give it a good listen. Sorry, this You Tube version does not include the Lyrics. You can find the lyrics at web sites like Lyrics Mode.com among others. OK, here is the link to the song. 
Shadow Land

Yes, I admit, the song is a bit of a wet blanket on a nice Caturday, but I just felt like sharing it today.
As always, until next time, please just TRY to treat all those you meet each day the way you want to be treated. 

09 March 2018

Just a pre Caturday taste of LOL cats.

Not feeling up to posting any hard news today. I'm going to give my BP med a few days to lower that before I post hard news. That usually gets my BP way up and according to the last time a medical professional checked mine, I was close to having a stroke, so, today it will just be a pre Caturday posting of some extra LOL cats.
Yeah, I know, some are thinking (maybe even out loud) why doesn't the old fart just kick off already. Well, that may coming sooner than any expect, but it hasn't happened yet. Obviously. 

OK, the pre Caturday photos;

OK, until Caturday this will probably be all from me today.
Until then, please just TRY to be nice to everybody you meet each day. We can make this world a much nicer place for all life, we just need to try. 

08 March 2018

Really mixed bag today.

Today I have a very mixed bag of goodies for you readers. Some satire and some hard news. Oh and a song also. 
Where to start? Well, I'll go slow and easy, so satire first, then we'll get to the nasty stuff and end with a good song.

First up is from the Babylonbee.com. Yeah, OK it is sort of about that awards show the other day that I never watch. Yes, I mean the "Oscars". NO, this has no bearing on a cat named Oscar who went missing, but did come home a bit worse for wear, but is alive and being cared for by his kind, loving humans again.

Here is the link to the host of the awards show and, yeah, this asshat clown IS a hypocrite. 


If you think I'm being harsh on this asshat, well, take your complaints to somebody who may actually give a shit. By the way, I do recall catching a few minutes of his old "Man Show" years back while flipping through the TV channels late one night when I couldn't sleep. I found it to be stupid. Actually, I thought it was so dumb that you could hear the host and his audience pronounce the "b" at the end of the word dumb.  And the great 'Merikkka public is supposed to take lectures on morality from this little unfunny turd? Jesus H. fucking Christ on a goddamn crutch! Give me a break. OK, Trump IS our current POTUS, but that does NOT mean we all have to roll in the gutter.  Oh, and YES goddamn it all I am NOT having a good day today and am extra sarcastic and feeling more nasty than normal. I've said this before and may do so again later on, nobody forces you to stop by here nor to read what I post. Look at the line under the photo at the very top of this blog. This is a space on the interwebs where I can say anything I feel like saying. I get nasty when I am in pain and today is one of those days. Don't like it, stop reading now and go to some other web site/blog. 

This next is also from the Babylonbee.com. Yeah, the Onion seems to be a bit slow today. Well, it is probably me and my shit mood, but ah well, here is the other satire link.
True patriots

Sure sounds like something Faux Noise would really do. Yeah, I know, I AM a sarcastic/cynical old broken down SOB. Just remember, I have legal documentation that proves I AM an SOB.

Now we get into hard news. This was written by Ray McGovern. Yes, he was a US Army/CIA intelligence analyst for over 30 years. He is a founding member of VIPS. VIPS is the abbreviation/acronym for Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity. He and his fellow VIPS posters are well worth your time to read. Ray was arrested for standing and turning his back to a certain politician a few years ago. he did this in a public place that was pretty much packed. 
Any who, yes, it is about what is now called "Russia-gate". Holy shit, can't we ever let this 10 mile long train of fresh cow pies just ride off into the sunset where it belongs? The way this damn fool bullshit story just keeps drawing out of its grave, I wouldn't bet against your grandkids talking about this bullshit crap as they collect what little Social Security they may be able to get in their old age. This "story" is like the undead, yeah, Russia-gate IS a damn zombie.
Well, Ray gives his take on the newest asshats to jump on this broken down band wagon. 

Progressive journalists jump the shark

I had not know much about Ms. Mayer until this article by Mr. McGovern, but I had seen Mr. Uygur before. I'd seen his show on some TV channel a few years back. I seem to recall he even had a time slot at MSNBC for a time. I never quite trusted him though. I think being skeptical is a good thing in 'Merikkka now days. With news media, when a person gets a national forum, they usually have sold out to the powers that be. Oh, they may start out with good intentions. They want to be truth tellers and do real investigative work, but to get the big bucks, well, they need to sell out and become asshats like Brian Williams. yep, a bloody damn liar. Hey, that means they could drop being any sort of journalist and just go into politics! How can you tell if a politician mislaying? heir lips are moving! 

OK, now a song. This is another oldie, but even though it also dates from the Vietnam war era, I think it applies equally today. It is by the Association. Give it a listen, then replay it again and really listen to the lyrics and think about what is being said in this song.

Requiem for the Masses

OK, as always, please TRY and treat all others you come in contact with each day that way you want to be treated. Yes, even this old, broken down, sarcastic/cynical/heathen/atheist actually does think that if we all TRY to do this every day we can make this world a much nicer place for us all. Just give it a try folks. You have nothing to lose by trying and you may gain so much. 

05 March 2018

Just a few extras, because I feel like it

First off one more from the Onion. As the clowns show that is the US White House and the high turn over of the staff there, this one seems appropriate.  Well it does to me and I find it to be funny.
Nation not sure how many ex-Trump staff

This next link is from the BabylonBee.com. It puts a whole new "spin" on how the TV news spins what passes for news in 'Merikkka. I also see it as very funny.

CNN purchases industrial sized washing machine

And finally, I will leave you folks with a nice song from my youth.
This is by the Association and is quite nice. It may make your Monday seem a bit nicer even. Give it a listen. Oh, no lyrics on the You Tube site for this song, sorry but not every song on You Tube has the lyrics with the song. Ah well, we can't have it all, all the time. Such is life though. Win some, lose some, the other times, you get rained out.

Time for Life

Until next time, please just try to be nice to each other. It could make this world a better place for all of us and, you just may like doing it.

04 March 2018

An old Vietnam era song that still applies today.

I know, two posts in one day. Well, I was listening to my MP3 player and this song came up. I knew I had to share it with you readers of this blog. The song is by Steppenwolf and it is titled "Monster". The lyrics are on the You Tube video site, but they are below the main view area. Just click the spot that says show more and the entire set of lyrics are there for you to read.


Yes, it IS a long song, over 9 minutes, but listen, really listen, or at least read the lyrics. It is worth the time in my view.
I have always liked the ending portion of the song; "America, where are you now? Don't you care about your sons and daughters? Don't you know we need you now? We can't fight alone against the monster."
Yes, it was written during the damn fool Vietnam war, but in my opinion, it applies as much today as it did then. Maybe even more so now days. 

OK, until next time, PLEASE just try to treat all others the way you want to be treated. We can make this world a much nicer place for all if we all just try this one simple thing. 

From the Onion, and yes, I like it.

Hope you all had a good Caturday. I found this late yesterday and almost added it to the Caturday post. Well, here it is now.
Again, this is from the satire/spoof news site the Onion. Often there seems to be as much, if not more, truth in satire than the entire US MSM.

Pope Francis finds self in hell

And now, just because I feel like it, some extra LOL cats.

Until net time, please just try and treat all others you meet each day the way you want to be treated. 

Well, it sure has been a long time