10 March 2018

Some extras for Caturday.

Well, it IS my own fault. See, I CAN admit to making a mistake. Oh, wait, I did that here a few posts back.
Any who, I was surfing the interwebs after posting the Caturday LOL cats and found some neat extras to share today. 
First up, a nice short bit from the Onion. Hmm, seems those ancient Greeks anticipated Hollyweird and the cult of celebrity. Well, IF you believe the Onion they did. Hey, it's all in fun people. Come ON, we all need a good laugh or at least a smile every now and then. (My opinion, the LOL cats should do that, but what do I know?)

Ancient Greeks immediately regretted inventing theater

Next up is a quote from H. L. Mencken. This was on the Freedom From Religion web site today as one of their Free Thought of the Day posts. 

Mencken quote

The above quote works for me. Well of course it does, me being an old broken down heathen/pagan/atheist SOB. If it offends you, well tough beans and hard cheese. Words don't harm people, people harm people. Take THAT NRA! As Bugs Bunny would say; ain't I a stinker?  Well, actually I'm not that stinky, I did have a nice warm shower last night so I'm fairly clean and unstinky today.

Night time for the generals

This song is from the very same album "American Dream" by C,S,N,&Y.  Like the song I posted earlier today, this one is very relevant today, maybe even more so than when it came out. Just look at the staff at the White House, the orange haired rodent (our current POTUS) seems to have more retired generals on his staff than most defense (??) contractors have. Of course they don't seem to stay around very long. Well, as an old WW2/Korean war general said; Old soldiers never die, they just fade away.

Hey, that reminds me, old dentists never die. They just lose their patients.  I know, I know, don't quit my day job. Well, I'm on Social Security, over 70 years old now and severely disabled. I have no day job to quit. How about that! I get the last laugh. If you think you can top it, just post a comment. If it isn't vile, I'll approve it and post it here.
OK, you know what is coming now…….yep, please try and treat all others you come in contact with every day the way you want to be treated. You know I am going to keep asking you to do this as long as I can get to this old iMac and hit a few keys on the old keyboard. If sarcastic/cynical/SOB me can try to do this, it should be very easy for you people. Just TRY, that isn't too much to ask for.


  1. Old dentists never die, they just

    Get long in the tooth

    Get down in the mouth

    Get fed up to the teeth

    Get the bite put on them.

  2. Bill,
    I almost said the reason dentists always look so glum is they spend all day down in the mouth, but decided that might sound too negative. Also, didn't want to offend you.

  3. Oh, nice to see your sense of humor is still working 100%.


Well, it sure has been a long time