Oh, found a good one at the great satire web site; the Onion to share also. Yes, it may offend some folks, I know that. Still, my blog, my posts. Plus, if any who stop here are offended by the article, well, you need to quit visiting here. See, I am an equal opportunity offender.
World-s religious leaders admit
OK, now admit it, even if you are religious, that bit made you smile even if just a tiny, tiny one and for a micro second. Some of you, yes as it did me, laughed out loud. Well, funny is as funny does.
Now, for tomorrow, Caturday LOL cats. A day early, but still many dollars short. Hey, cats don't use dollars or any form of money. Well, wait a sec there, leave some paper money on the table or floor and I can bet a cat will play with it. Play meaning claw it, chew on it, etc.. You try to buy anything at all with paper currency that is covered in cat spit and ripped by cat claws. You'll be very lucky if the store doesn't call the police on you.
That's all I've got for this post. Until next time, if there is one, please just try to treat the people you come in contact with every day the way you want to be treated. Remember folks, we ALL of us have only this one rather smallish plants to live on. If we all just try to be nice to each other, we might be able to have a much better quality of life of all of us.