03 November 2017

Well crap! Yeah, I am still among the living and even worse, I am posting again. Well I must be damn hard to kill then. LOL, yep, the LOL WAS meant to be snarky. 

Well, here it is again folks. Yep, my new theme song. Sit back and enjoy, or not, your choice.

Hell in a Bucket

At the rate I'm using this song, I may just have to start every new post with it. No, I promise I won't do that to you readers. Even I would get tired of it before long. I detest hearing a song so often that the next time I hear it I feel like busting the music player.

OK, this is an article I read today that I feel every human with even one half of a functioning brain cell needs to read.

What the F%$k ever happened to the Left?

It is not a very long read and it is important. Oh, one extra comment about the election last year. I've read far too many comments and even whole blog posts about how poor old Bernie was robbed. No shit? Well, go over the Black Agenda Report, the link is on the right side of this page and tell that to Glen Ford, Nellie Bailey, Bruce Dixon, Margaret Kimberley, or any of the others who post there. After they get up off the floor from laughing so damn hard, they may be nice and just slap your face. That site told you all, IF you had bothered to read it, that old Bernie was just a damn sheepdog. I saw more than one comment on a blog last night that said he was really an independent running as a donkey gang member to get on the ballots! What a total CROCK! Berne is as beholden to the zionist entity (that is Israel for those who don't know me) as any other of the big two party politicians.  Repeat after me, Bernie IS a sheepdog.  OK, good, now, for your enjoyment, since tomorrow IS Caturday, a few more LOL cats.
Why so early you ask? Well, if I'm up to driving, I'm supposed to go and take photos for a baby shower about a 2 hour drive South of here. Oh joy. 

OK, and now, one more, because it fits me so well.

Enjoy your weekend. If you have to work, be careful and don't overdo it. And, as always, please try to treat everybody you meet each day the way you want to be treated.


  1. I'm pretty sick of people so I would like to disintegrate them all right now.

  2. Hello Walter. How are you, good I hope. Hey I read the article you linked too and I mostly agree with them. I am confused about what you are trying to add to this mess with the post though. Now that could be because of the three beers I have had or it could be I am thinking one thing and you are writing another. You already know what I think of the whole Bernie deal, and I am a very proud progressive liberal. Somehow we let the right make that seem like a dirty word, as in "Oh he is a liberal" cue eye rolling. Well I am a liberal and I am progressive and I do not think the democratic party represents me, but they are about as close as I can get right now. The thing to do is take over the party. Hey the tea party did it to the right, so it can be done. Once we pull the party hard left then we can figure out how to deal with the conservatives that claim the democratic party nominations and run as democrats. They are not democrats. We would have to go left a long way to even get back to what it meant to be liberal in the 1980's. Love the cats. Hugs

  3. I don't think the tea party took over much of anything. Also, smarter folks than I'll ever be said that working from within either wing of the war party (donkey or elephant) is a sure fire way to fail, big time fail.
    Alex Cockburn told me and if my memory isn't totally shot, said so on the Counterpunch web site before he died way too soon; you will not be able to reform either of those two. The game is rigged better than a casino in Lost Wages. As the sign I grabbed off some internet site says; The system isn't broken. It was MADE this way.
    It will take a long time, but there needs to be a party that will stand up for the working class, poor people, women, people of color and ALL humans. Actually all of life since we do need non human life also.
    As both wings of the war party are very, very deep inside the pockets of the super rich, no way can either wing be reformed or taken over by working from the inside. Hell, the powers that be will never allow any real reform to see the light of day, unless (always, well usually, one o those unless things) there is profit for them in it. That is why I keep stirring the shit.

  4. Bill,
    I hear you. Been there a time or three myself in the past. Now days, I just want to disintegrate myself. Hey, get one of your characters to vaporize me! Please!!??
    I do have a DNR order in my wallet so at least I have that. If anybody tries to bypass it, I can always tell the hospital; NO visitors allowed.


Well, it sure has been a long time