I have some more information to share today. The first one really got me wondering just how bloody damn stupid this country can get. According to a recent poll, a majority of white 'Merikkkans feel they are being discriminated against! Holy shit! Since when?
Here is the link, yes, I know it is a bit past its original date when it was first on the net. Hey, I'm old, not feeling so swift and late with it. It is still relevant any way. There used to be an old saying, better late than never. Send your complaints for my being late with this link to my complaint department. The interactions for doing that will be included in this post.
Majority of white Americans feel discriminated
Now, here is how you can contact my complaint department.
Now for extra credit, I'm adding links to the continuing saga, and it is a very sad, but very long saga. A saga? Yes, and it is about the last election for POTUS in not so very old 'Merikkka. I know you must be sick of hearing/reading/etc. of this saga, but it seems to never go away. I sure would like it to be put where it belongs, in the trash can and taken to a toxic waste disposal site, but that doesn't seem to be going to happen any time soon.
And for just another on this topic, I give you this link.
I also ran across a link to the following video. The guy uses some hard core words, but he sure as hell calls it straight up, no fluff, no filler. Watch at your own risk. Oh, he sounds to me like he is from the UK. Yeah, can't trust them Brits now can we?
Trump How and why
The man ranting is Jonathan Pie and he does NOT mince his words.
Just for a blast from the past, here is an old cartoon I cut out of the Los Angeles Times. I still have that cutting in my files and saved a scanned copy to my hard drive. Don't fuss about the edges, it was taped to a sheet of paper when I scanned it some years back. It is by Wiley Miller who does the Non Sequitur cartoons. This dates from the 1980's unless my memory is totally shot. And so many of you may feel things were better then? You have to be kidding me! Christ of a goddamn crutch people, the 1980's was when we had our acting POTUS. Yeah, "saint" Ronnie of Raygun. The "me" generation and all that bullshit, plus, what was being passed off as rock music basically sucked dog crap. It was also when what used to be Country and Western music became basically pop rock.
Here is that cartoon.
Now, having seen that, tell me how life was so much better then. The only thing that is different is, it's all much worse today. Yes, the go-go 80's. THAT is when we should have put a stop to the bullshit, but oh no, everybody was too goddamn fucking busy playing the markets and being so self important. But, oh boy, didn't that asshole "saint" Ronnie make all of you feel so damn good about being 'Merikkkan? That rat shit for brains tenth rate actor gave us Iran-Contra and Ollie the shit North! All which lead the majority to elect the criminal enterprise known as the Clintons, or as I prefer to call them, the Clintstone crime foundation.
Until next time, please just try every day to treat all those you come in contact with the way you want to be treated.
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