Oh crap! Yeah, this old SOB is back with another post again.
Well, tough beans and hard cheese. I read this and felt it needed to be shared. Holy crap 'Merikkka, get OVER it. By the way that is another very good song. Yep, the Eagles did it and I think it is one of the best they ever did. So, just because, here is a link to that song with the lyrics.
Get over it
Now for the article I mentioned above. This needs to be read by anybody who actually cares about this country, the US of A. Stop all this bullshit about poor old hag, blood soaked war criminal Hi-Larry not being POTUS. She LOST! She lost because she had this air of being coronated as our supreme leader. It was supposed to be HER turn. She actually wanted this really bad but the igNobel piece prizident beat her sorry ass some years back. So, by her logic, if we dare call it such, this was HER time by doG! Well, now you see why I remain an old pagan, heathen,atheist, or any other nasty name you feel like tossing at me. Go ahead, I've been called everything under the sun and then some. I don't give shit what you call me. I know who/what I am. How many people in 'Merikkka can honestly say that about themselves? Not too many I am sure.
How to steal a Billion dollar American election
Now, I have no doubt many will say I am going to hell for these posts. Well, big deal. I plan on that. Why? Well, during my nearly 70 years on this planet a good many people have told me to go there. I figure since it has been so highly recommended that I do so, I may as well go and check it out. At least I won't be having to put up with all the fucking hypocrites who think they will be in Heaven, or some sort of "paradise" which by the way does NOT exist. And, just because, here is a nice link for my new theme song. Damn straight, I may be going to hell, maybe not in a bucket, but I swear, I AM enjoying this ride!
Hell in a bucket
Oh, as always, be nice to each other.
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