Well, SHIT!!!
Folks, it looks like we are about to be totally fucked over, big time. Yep, right here in not so very old 'Merikkka, the fatherfuckers who run the miserable turd gang, the FCC is about set to over turn the net neutrality that we have enjoyed until now. They are set to vote on this disaster next month. So, my advice to all the 'Merikkkans who are foolish enough to read this crap little blog, is, surf the net as many hours per day as you can because your choices are going to be severely limited and sooner than any of us would want.
This goddamn fatherfucking bullshit WILL limit not only what you will be able to see on the net, it WILL cost you more to see whatever it is the ISP's decide to allow you to see.
Well, net neutrality was a hell of a lot of fun, while it lasted. I still remember the days when the "internet super highway" was an old, dusty wagon track. Back in the mid 1990's we had a Radio Shack TRS-80 with a whole rousing 48K of ram and a 300 baud modem. You didn't get any graphics and no color, just basically black/dark screen with white letters, but oh boy, we sure thought we'd hit the bloody jackpot. Our choice (yeah, we didn't have much choice) was the old CompuServe. Hey we had the CB channel which was sort of like farcebook without all the crap Zuckerberg puts on that social media thing of his. Beats me what is really on it, I hear of farcebook second hand. Yes, I do NOT have twitter nor farcebook and will not have them. Don't need them, don't want them, won't have them.
The old CompuServe CB was like a big chat room. Oh my, we sure had fun with it though. I don't recall the number of rooms we had on that CB channel, probably 20 as the actual CB radios back then had 20 channels. I was part of a regular group and we hung out on one particular channel on the old CB deal. In fact, that was where I first heard of the fake rush, yes, I do mean Limpburger. When one of the regulars mentioned having listened to rush earlier that day, I came back with something along the line of "Hey, you just now finally heard Rush? Hell, I have 5 of their albums". Nope, he, I am sure it was a he, said "Oh no. I mean rush on talk radio". Well, being the curious type, yeah, I know cats are my favorite critters and I know that old crap about what happened to the curious cat. Well, as my late wife used to reply to that comment, "Yes, BUT, satisfaction brought it back to life". So, there ya go. Stay satisfied.
Once more, just FYI, there is only one RUSH, a three man band from the Great White North. Still rocking and making damn good music.
OK, I have bitched and ranted long enough for this day. Here is the link to the death of the good interwebs.
FCC chief plans to ditch net neutrality
Seriously, if you live in 'Merikkka, you need to read this mess. Jesus H. Christ on a goddamn fucking crutch! How much shit are you "exceptional" 'Merikkkans going to take, be force fed until you finally stand up on your own hind legs and shout at the top of your voices, FUCK this shit!!!???? How much shit are you willing to eat? Well, fuck me and the sheep I rode in on I suppose.
I was born in this country, served honorably in the USMC, but I'll be damned if any asshat in this fucked up gummint thinks I'll stay silent while they destroy this country. Oh, I am very, very happy to see the 'Merikkkan empire dissolve. Shit people, this country never should have become an empire. To see what few freedoms we still had after that shit show called 9/11 is making me so very fucking glad I'm way past my sell by date. FUCK THIS SHIT!!!!
I sort of want to give my usual closing, but hell, unless I get going on another roll, there may not be any next time for this blog. Oh, I may be able to write here, but you may not be allowed to read it, even IF you pay extra to ComCrap, AT& fucking T or some other big assed ISP.
Fuck it. Just goddamn FUCK IT ALL. There may be more posts here. You may be allowed to see/read them, but do NOT make any bets on that. Save your pennies, you will need them to pay for your farcebook accounts.
Try, just goddamn TRY to be nice to each other. Hey, if this blog stops, that will be a good reason for you all to have fun celebrating the end of me ranting.
Do you know Tor Browser? It's a free VPN. I use it to access all the sites Modi banned in India. You can download it from here. It used Duckduckgo and while that isn't the best search engine in the universe, I assume that you can also use Ecosia or Firefox if you want. Have a look.
ReplyDeleteThank you for this information and the link. I have been looking into getting a VPN, but had not decided which one would work best on this aged iMac running Safari. I did upgrade to Safari 10.1.2 and my OS is now 10.11.6 so it is time to take the plunge and get Tor.
I agree with you. I have done several posts on the subject. The problem is the people on the FCC stand to make big big money for screwing everyone and giving the ISP's the right to do so. Hard to convince a person to your side if their paycheck requires them to stay on theirs. I doubt even a huge out cry will stop them. But I think we can force congress to pass a law rolling it back to open net / net neutrality. It maybe the courts will have to be our saviors, and that is one reason the tRumpsky admin stuffing the courts right now with people based on their willingness to give to corperation and republican ideology not legal truth or reason is so horrible. Hugs