04 September 2018

S.H.I.T. again

Well, once again it's S.H.I.T.. Yes, Sure Happy It's Tuesday. 
So, just because of this twice weekly event (see we get 2 of these S.H.I.T. days every week. Yes Thursday is the same, 2 S.H.I.T. days per week), I just wanted to drop some more LOL cats on you folks. We need something to laugh at even more as this world seems to be spinning out of control. Rather than pass on more bad news to you, no doubt you all are following the bad news closely. Hey, we have a tropical storm in the Gulf of Mexico that may impact those of us who live in central Loosey Annie. Most likely we'll just get more rain from this storm as we appear to be on the West side of where they are predicting it will hit land later today/this evening. Hope the folks in Mississippi and Alabama are prepared for it.

And now, the Sure Happy It's Tuesday LOL cats. 

Until next time, please try to be nice to each other.


  1. Thanks, Charlie, for all you do, your political commentary and also for the cats, the laughs.

  2. Missy, thank you for checking this blog out and for your comments. I'll keep at this as long as I can.

  3. anyone who has cats gets every last one of those lol catz. I LOVE the "milk ring'. It's like the three year old who plays with the box the new train came in, yep.

  4. mittens, thanks for your comment. Yes, anyone who has been around cats for a day or more surely gets that one. They do love the boxes very much as well.


Well, it sure has been a long time