08 December 2017

Just to lighten things up a bit

I am too burned out to do any more on the shit storm the orange haired rodent unleashed with his announcement to move the 'Merikkkan embassy to Jerusalem in the near future. Of course Nuttyassed Yahoo is now mouthing off on how he is convincing other countries to do the same stupid move. So far only the Czech Republic has said it will do so. There are provisions that their gummint must meet before they move their embassy however, so the zionist entity cannot call it a win just yet.
Screw this world mess, I'm too burnt out from this crap plus health issues and family things to care this evening. I DO care very much about the long time suffering of the poor Palestinians. They have been under an illegal occupation since 1948 and that crap needs to be resolved soon.

Any way, I just decided to try and lighten this little blog up some tonight, so here are a few funnies for you to look at and maybe ponder, or not, your choice.

OK, until next time, just TRY to be nice to each other. If you don't think you can do that, then at least keep your trap shut and don't just go out and piss off others for the hell of it. Be nice to each other. If you don't then piss off, because I count that behavior as pure asshole like and I have next to zero tolerance for that shit.


  1. How about being mice to each other? Run away squeaking and gnaw their food when they're sleeping.

  2. OK, if that works for you Bill, then it is A-OK with me. I had a little dog back when I had 12 cats also. The dog had cataracts and was almost totally blind. When I filled the food dishes, he'd come running to eat and run over the kittens. He couldn't see them. They'd look at me as if to say Dad, he just ran over us. I'd tell them over and over, he can't see you. They'd just look at me, then go eat right next to the dog. They all shared my old recliner chair and slept together on it. They all got along just fine.
    So, sure, mice could be nice to each other also. I'd really like to see people try, just try to do the same for other people. Yeah, like John Lennon, I suppose you could say I am a dreamer. Imagine, still one of the best songs ever.


Well, it sure has been a long time