Well, I hope you had a happy Caturday, because today I am going to post some links to the shit storm the orange haired rodent has set off.
First up, this one tells us all that ALL 28 EU foreign ministers warned our current POTUS not to do this damn fool mistake. Did he listen? LOLMAO! Of course NOT. Why would the orange haired rodent listen to those prissy Europeans? What do they know that he doesn't. He has claimed to know more about war than all the generals. Now that IS funny as he got himself declared 4F during the Vietnam war. Yep, he is no different than Mr. 5 deferments Cheney. Cheney claimed to have "other priorities", Trump was just too goddamn chickenshit. My Marine buddies and I had other priorities when we were in Vietnam. Ours were to come home alive and in one piece.
EU foreign ministers warn
Hey, how about that? I posted a link from a UK newspaper!
Well, get set for more shocks, this next one is from Reuters. What do ya know, eh? Not all my links are from RT or Sputnik. Does that mean I may be about to lose my "Russian troll" title? As if I care.
Turkey says US pulled pin on bomb
OK, time to renew my "troll" status. These next ARE fro either RT or Sputnik. Deal with it. At east it is NOT the crap spewed out by the 'Merikkkan MSM.
Hezbollah intifada
This says that Hamas and Fatah are united against the Trump shit storm. Yes sir, old Donald sure has united some odd groups. Hamas and Fatah have been at each others throats for a long time, until the orange haired rodent units them. What a guy our current POTUS is. Why hells bells, this should make him 100% certainty to get the very next igNobel piece prize.
Former rivals Hamas Fatah united
Trump has given in to secret Israeli plan
Trump Jerusalem decision destabilizing
Palestine not to hold talks with US
This last one is more of a joke than anything. Nuttyassed Yahoo says he has had talks with "many" other countries to follow the lead of Trump. Well, he may have talked to the heads of various states, but so far, he has only one taker, the Czech Republic. I mentioned them earlier, there are certain conditions that must be met before they can even start to follow Trump on this. Poor Bibi. Nobody wants to play with him. Oh, tis is from a US of A based web site. Yeah, I know, shocking isn't it?
Israeli PM sees many following
Well, that's it for now. Oh dear me, did I give too many links? Well, I read them all and more. Read what you want or read none of them. Your choice. Just don't cry to me when the storm hits you. This is real folks. You need to be aware of what IS happening in this world. Get off farcebook and twitter and pay attention to world events. Be informed damnit!
Until next post, try to treat others the way you want to be treated.
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