As I warned, I am posting some links about the absolute shit storm Trump and his pal Bennie Nuttyassed Yahoo have unleashed with Trump saying that Jerusalem IS the capitol of the zionist entity.
EU rejects embassy move
Erdogan calls Israel a terrorist state
Turkey France plan to make Trump change
This from Mr. Cook, who is based in Nazareth. He sees the zionist entity moving even further to the reich wing politically now.
How will Jerusalem move affect
Even the UN got into this mess.
UN rejects White House recognition
One from Worth the time to read.
Trumps lethal decision
This from Foreign Policy In Focus.
Trumps Jerusalem decision rubber stamps
Erdogan says this may lead to a take over of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Erdogan: Israel seeks take over of Al-Aqsa Mosque
That would be very, very bad. al-Quds, as the Muslims call Jerusalem is the third most holy site for their religion. The Dome of the Rock is a very holy place for them. Yeah, true, I do not believe in any religion, but still, unless some religious clown tries to make me believe what they do, I let them be. Don't think this can cause a total shit storm? OK, then bulldoze the Vatican and see how the Catholics react. No big deal, right?
Well, that will do for now. More may be coming in the near term. This has just begun folks. It will not just blow over in a few days or weeks. One thing has come from it so far, very few now still buy that 'Merikkka is an honest broker for any peace in that region. Way to go there Donnie boy!
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