Yes, they do give their views in much more polite language than I did. Well, I doubt any to these folks were in the Marines and also that they didn't do a tour in that goddamn shit storm, the Vietnam war.
I recommend you read the following. It will be worth your time in my opinion.
From an open internet to the dark ages
Mr. Cook is a very intelligent human being and his web site and blog are highly recommended by me and many others.
The next links take you to WSWS. Yes, the World Socialist Web Site. I am not a socialist, well, not totally. I do lean in that direction often. Not so sure about the state owning and running everything as true socialism would have. I'd prefer more of a co-operatvive system, where the workers have a real voice in how a company runs, but with a less adversarial way than is current in 'Merikkka and has been for way too long. Face it folks, capitalism is on the way down the old toilet.
FCC plan to repeal net neutrality
And now, the last link on this issue.
Net neutrality and the drive to censor the net
Now, just because, some extra LOL cats.
Until next time, be nice to each other. The world can be a better place if we all just try this.
Love the cat memes. Hugs