01 December 2017

Why having net neutrality is so very important

Today is going to be some more links to articles that you may not be able to see or read if the FCC votes to end net neutrality since even though congress could over rule the vote, don't even think they will. The major ISP's want to censor the net, they despise the free exchange of real information and the upcoming vote will also allow them to begin a multi tiered internet. Yes folks, you will have to pay more and more for less and less real information. Man, ain't 'Merikkka great? Yes haaa! It sire as hell IS great when you are very rich and greedy. Oh dear, did I just dis the big ISP's? Tough beans and hard cheese! 

First up is from the Saker. His web site is now on my links list. My oversight is why I had not put a link to his site there before. Sorry about that. 
He did this article for the Unz Review web site.  This is a bit long, but well worth your time to read. Yes, that is my opinion. Yours may vary. Such is life, and so it goes.

Progress report on the US Russian war

Next up, two links from Black Agenda Report. 

Even Russian dissidents say Americans have gone crazy

Next, from the same web site, who to "thank" for the slave trade in Libya. Again, well worth your time and when we no longer have any net neutrality, one you may not be able to read.

Thank CNN for slave auctions

Now, just because tomorrow is Caturday, again. Some LOL cats. Hey, just think, when you retire, every day IS Caturday!

OK, as always, until next time, PLEASE try and treat everybody you come in contact with every day the way you want to be treated. If we all just try this, we can make this world a better place for all of us.

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Well, it sure has been a long time