28 October 2017

Hey everybody, today is Caturday!
Enjoy the day and be happy for it. If you go out and about, please do try to treat everybody you meet the way you want to be treated.
Because it is Caturday and also since I'm feeling a bit crappy, my chronic back pain, spinal stenosis is particularly nasty today, this will be a short post. Mostly it will be some LOL cat photos.

Oh, but wait, there IS more. I need to share this with you readers. I ran across two different articles already today. No, I won't be adding the links, sorry. They both are about the opioid epidemic in 'Merikkka today. The thing that really struck me about them both is, while they were done from differing view points, they did have a common theme. What was that common theme, you ask/ It is this, while there is NO money to fund any treatment for these folks who are addicted to opioids, there IS money to give more tax breaks to the very rich. Oh, there is always, and by doG, I mean ALWAYS, more money to get into another goddamn bullshit war of choice. Witness the recent deaths/killings of four, count them, four, US troops in Niger. Yes, a country in Africa that the vast majority of our fellow 'Merikkkans cannot find on a map. 
Now, many will lay the full blame for this at the feet and tiny hands of tRumpski (yes, this is what I will be calling the orange haired rodent who occupies OUR White House as our POTUS). Now, for the record, and being truthful, I do NOT claim to have invented this new description of the Donald. No, I saw it on another blog that I read and every comment there liked it, so I am using it. The person who first posted it did not say it was trademarked nor copyrighted, so I assume it is free for use by all. IF the person who first came up with it wants me to desist from using it, just tell me and I'll comply. 
Never let it be said that I would steal from another.

OK, now for your Caturday enjoyment.


  1. Grand. We both love these types of humor. I think I should make a badge of the last one. I think it would be very useful. Hugs

  2. Thanks for the idea. I'd have to hunt down the person who put that comment on the photo to get permission if I were being honest. Of course, as I've been told my own morals, assuming I have any, are quite questionable.
    You could just copy the image and print it out I guess.


Well, it sure has been a long time