26 October 2017

Today I feel like doing something not so nasty. I admit the last two posts here were political and that means, they were nasty/ Well folks, in the 'Merikkka we are in now, politics IS nasty.  OK, ok, politics probably has always been nasty, bit man, these last few years 'Merikkkan politics has not just scraped the bottom of the old barrel, but turned the barrel over, found a rock under the old barrel, dug out that rock and stooped down to drag out the crap that was under that rock.

To lighten things up some, I give you two short articles via the Onion.  Yes, the satire site again. Hey, my blog, so I post whatever I want. Don't like the way I post or what I post, go read another blog. I am not doing this blog to "win friends or influence people". Nope, I do this for myself, if others enjoy it or stop and think, well, that is just gravy then. 

OK link number one.


Now here is one that may get me some hate emails. Well, big deal, got them before, will get more again. Big deal. I don't care. I have no problem with your religion or religious beliefs, just never, ever try and tell me that I must believe as you do. I do not buy into any god nor any religion. If that bothers you, well, tough beans and hard cheese. As I said above, my blog, my posts. Oh, if my posts piss you off, I also said in an earlier post here, better to be pissed off than pissed on. Also, you stay dryer that way.

Heavenly authorities arrest god

OK, that's it for today.  Oh, don't worry, there WILL be more. Well, assuming I'm still alive tomorrow.....LOLMAO!

Until next post, please try and treat everybody you come in contact with each day the way you want to be treated. Hey, if I could get up, get dressed, drive 10 miles to be at an 8:30 Am meeting this morning and be polite to all the people I met at that meeting, never having ever seen any of them before the meeting started, then the rest of you should have ZERO problems trying to treat everybody you meet with at minimum, common courtesy, common decency, and civility. Just do it.  Oh nuts, that sounded too much like an order and only bosses/leaders give orders.  I am NOT a leader, never wanted to be one, refuse to even try. OK, here we go, a more kinder way to say it; please TRY to be nice to others. You CAN do it, I know you can. Just TRY. 

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Well, it sure has been a long time