25 December 2017

Merry Catsmess to all

Hey everybody, today is December 25th. That means it is finally Catsmess day. Yippee!  Hope the holiday is ally wanted it to be. So far, it looks like it will be a good day for us here in central Louisiana.
I am not going to post any xmas carols or any of that stuff. Nope, I'm going to share some fun songs with you all. I think they are fun songs, you may think differently and that is A-OK by me. To each her/his own. Live and let live.

OK, as a start to the celebration of the day, a neat little song about food. Well, not exactly your normal grocery store food, but food that you could say is "found" food. Found along the roadside. 

Road Kill

Oh, come on, you smiled while listening to that song. I know you did. Well, if you didn't, I suggest you see a doctor soon and get a humor transplant ASAP. It is just all good fun. 

OK, now I have three, yes 3, from Bob Dylan. These are among my favorites of his as I find them to be funny. OK, yeah, I do have a odd sense of humor. If yours doesn't mesh with mine, well, go find your own type of music to listen to. As I said before on this blog, nobody is forcing you to stop by here. Hey, if you can't take a joke, then just go elsewhere. I could go way back to my youth and tell you to not go away mad, just go away. Hmm, I just did that didn't I. Yep, I sure did. If you haven't got the message after that, well, you either like this little insignificant blog, or a glutton for punishment. I have no idea which is worse. Your choice if you are still here. 
OK, now for some Bob Dylan songs.

Subterranean homesick blues

This is the only album version of the songs I found at You Tube, the next two are live versions, so they differ some from the album versions. Either way, still good, fun songs. Yes, my opinion, yours may vary. Hey, that's life.
 Tombstone blues
And now, the last from Bob for today. 
Highway 61 revisited

I'll leave you to enjoy the rest of the day with one from the Dorsey brothers, yes, from the big band era of music. This is the type of music Dad raised me on. The Dorsey brothers, Glenn Miller, Count Basie, Duke Ellington, etc.. Just get over to the sunny side of the street. Have a great day, I'm going to try to do the same. Holly happy days to all of you folks, no matter where you are.
Sunny side of the street
Tommy Dorsey and his orchestra with the Sentimentalists singing.
FYI, the Sentimentalists were the Clark sisters. In case anybody was curious. Curiosity may have killed the cat, but as my late wife used to say; "satisfaction brought it back". So, there ya go.
Merry Cats mess to all. Just be careful of Sandys' claws, they are sharp.
Be good to each other.

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Well, it sure has been a long time