OK, it's Caturday once again. And yet I still want to share some links to hard news. I'll post some LOL cats also, but first up, some news that I think you need to be aware of. Some of you may have seen these articles already. If you haven't, well, here they are. I wasn't kidding you when I said the shit storm Trump made when he said he'd move the 'Merikkkan embassy to Jerusalem wasn't over. It has just started folks, get set for more nastiness sooner than we want. Me personally, I don't want any more nastiness period.
We've had more than enough since 1945 to be totally honest. Yep, every goddamn asshat war that 'Merikkka has been in since 1945 have ALL been useless wars of choice fought against countries that did not pose any real threat to 'Merikkka. Too bad none of them had nukes. If they had they would not have been attacked. Yes, I AM saying that 'Merikkka is a bully. This country of my birth has picked on countries that were not really able to defend against the US military. Now, some, Vietnam in particular and Korea beat the US to at worst a draw. Other countries have not faired quite as well. Recently, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Somalia come to mind.
Mr. Abbas, the leader, actually the president of the PA has said he will no longer accept the US as any sort of broker for a peace treaty. Here is the link to that.
Abbas we won't accept any US plan
And this is from the "Times of Israel" so I may be in danger of having my "Ruskie troll" label revoked since I am not using a Russian based article here. That was supposed to be a joke folks. I don't care what you call me. I know I mentioned before that I've been called everything under the sun, including late for dinner, more than once.
Another from the same source, yes, the "Times of Israel" states that less than one half of our fellow 'Merikkkans support the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Wow! How about that! First we have Alabama NOT electing the accused child molester, now we find that an Israeli newspaper says that less than half of us support Trump and his idiotic crap of moving the US embassy to Jerusalem. Good grief, if this trend continues, I may have to finally believe that 'Merikkka is beginning to get and use actual brains. IF this does happen, I will be very happy.
The link follows-
Poll less than half of Americans support
Now, on to the UN and the vote to defy Trump and the moronic Halley critter. The vote was taken by the General Assembly since 'Merikkka vetoed the resolution when it was presented to the UN Security Council, as expected. When presented to the General Assembly, 128 countries voted to reject the Trump decision. Yes, some countries did abstain or just simply not vote. Those who sided with 'Merikkka and the zionist entity are not exactly powerhouse countries. Hey, even some US allies/NATO member countries voted to reject the Trump mess. So that is a bit of good news, finally.
un meeting jerusalem decision
Yes, back to my Russian sources for the above link. Hey, the truth is the truth, no matter the source. One more from RT points out that this UN vote shows that the empire ('Merikkka) is about washed up. Ah well, some had fun while it lasted. No, not the working class and poor folks who live in 'Merikkka and definitely not many people who live in other nations. So many have suffered the empire that its end will not be seen with much sadness by the majority of humanity I think.
Israel jerusalem un trump
Check the expression on poor lil' Nikki in the photo at the start of this link. She sure doesn't look very happy. Poor baby, did her get her feelings hurted? Tough bean and hard cheese there Nikki. For the record, the vote was 128 in favor, 9 against, and 35 abstentions. I'd say that motion to disregard the Trump mess won the day. Of course, I am just an old, broken down sarcastic/cynical SOB.
One final link to this deal. Before the vote both the orange haired rodent and lil' Nikki had tried to bribe, arm twist, threaten other countries to get in line and vote the way 'Merikkka wanted them to vote. Trump even said he'd cut funding to those who didn't vote the correct way. Lil' Nikki said that we (that is 'Merikkka) would be "taking names". Now I bet she was trying to sound like a Marine. See, we were taught to take names and kick ass. Too bad that Nikki and Trump combined would get their asses handed to them if they teamed up to try and kick ass on a disabled 3 year old child. No wonder she has such a sad face in the photo in the previous linked article. She got her threats tossed back, right in her face.
us general assembly vote consequences
OK, this is also from a Russian source, Sputnik in fact. Still, the headline continues; "We'll remember this day": US "finally resorts to blackmailing allies". Now, maybe it's just me, but that sounds sort of like the old mafia. You know, the old "make them an offer they can't refuse"? Yeah, well, it looks like many of our allies refused anyway. Good for them.
OK, before I post some LOL cats, first, a nice song. Well, it is a song with a message. It is not a new one either. It came out in the 1970's either early to mid 70's actually. I liked it the first time I heard it and still do. Oh, the link includes the lyrics for this one.
there won't be no country music "There on't be no country music, there won't be no rock 'n' roll. When they take away our country, they'll take away our soul."
And now, with thanks for your patience, some LOL cats. Because it IS Caturday!
OK, that's more than enough of me for now. Until next time, please TRY and treat others the way you want to be treated. Oh and holly happy days to all who stopped by this insignificant blog this year.
Even Modi's India voted for the resolution, that is, against Zionistan and Trump. We anti Modistas were astonished. We had expected an abstention or even a vote for the Zionists. The Hindunazis were gibbering in outrage!
ReplyDeleteI saw that and was surprised by India voting with the majority. From most of what I had read up till the vote, it seemed like Modi was best pals with Bibi. Maybe being part of the BRICS is more important to India after all.
As to your 'beloved' (I meant that sarcastically as I know you despise them), well, as the wife says often, they have the same undies on that they got mad in to get glad in. Or, as the Brits say, they got their knickers in a twist. Bet that must be painful. Obviously, I have no nice feelings towards any sort of nazis no matter where they may be from.
Dang it! I meant to say your "beloved" Hindunazis. Man, I need to start proof reading before I hit the publish button. Ha, sure, like maybe in my next life…..LOL.