I promised/threatened to post more on the mess Trump created with his statement about Jerusalem being the capital of the zionist entity. Well, here is more on that. I'm including an article that is a few days old. Hey, I have been very busy dealing with family health issues and have not had the time I want to do this subject the justice I think it needs.
On those other matters, well, so far so good. Next week we'll have to get deeper into that and then, well, we'll just have to wait and see. NO, it is not my own health that is causing troubles the year. I have enough of my own health crap to deal with, but my personal health is sort of stable, or as stable as can be expected all things considered. I will not be giving any more explanations on this so do not look for future updates. Well, if the worst case does come about in the near future I may do a short post on that, but as of now that will be years away.
OK, the article I am linking to is a bit long. I found it at the Counterpunch web site. There is a link to that site in my list of links. I want to buy into what the writer says, but I am not a very positive person by nature. My late wife (why do we call our dead ones 'late'? I mean they are dead, so they will never 'be on time' ever again.) called me a pessimist more than once. I resent that. I am NOT a real pessimist at all. I consider myself to be a realist. I can see the optimistic side and the pessimistic side, but don't immediately go with either. More like an agnostic, I try to look at both sides and then decide how I see things. I really do want to be hopeful for the future, but my personal life experiences have shown me that is one sure fire way to get hurt, big time and damn fast usually. Still, I don't want to see nothing but failure either. So, just let me claim to be realistic unless you care to try and prove otherwise. Frankly, I think if you do try that, you have way too much free time and need a good hobby. I am not that important. I refuse to be that important to any of you who stop here by chance and read some of my posts. No, I am just an old, broken down working class man of European ancestry, nothing more.
I really do think the article is worth your time. The writer has much with reading to say and he isn't really optimistic, or at least I didn't see him as overly optimistic. He seemed to me to be more of a realist. Must be why I liked the article so much. He does tell some obvious truths about 'Merikkka and the zionist entity though. He also has some interesting looks at the zionists and their organizations and how zionism has infected 'Merikkkan politics even down to the state level. You don't have to agree with him or me, but IF you read his article, I am sure you will have a new understanding of how things are in 'Merikkka and that what Trump did is not in any way revolutionary. He just did what previous POTUS's were too damn chickenshit to do. Yeah, he DID bow down to Bennie Nuttyassed Yahoo, but so have so many of the past POTUS's so big deal. Trumps was just stupid enough to do the one thing they were to afraid to do themselves. Bets they cheered him on too. OK, maybe NOY Jimmy Carter, after all, he did write a book that I have a copy of; "Palestine Peace Not apartheid". He was harshly criticized for that book if you recall. Well, truth tellers usually do catch all sorts of shit for telling the truth.
zionism in the light of Jerusalem
And, for desert, I am giving a link to a song that goes with those who tell truths. I liked this song from the very first time I heard it way back in 1972 at Camp LeJeune, just outside of Jacksonville, North Carolina. Yeah, I was still in the Marines when I bought the album at the base PX and my buddy had a stereo with a record player attached to it. We played that album over and over for at least three weeks on end. Enjoy the song, or not, your choice.
To beat the devil
Until next time, please TRY to be nice to each other.
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