20 December 2017

Short follow up to the past post

If you did read the links I posted in the last entry here, you will know without any doubt whatsoever that there are more holes in this so called "Russia-gate" crapola than there are in any block of Swiss cheese. The more real journalists, like Mr. Parry look into this mess, the more huge, gapping holes they find.
In short, do NOT trust any of the 'Merikkkan MSM to tell you any truths at all, about damn near anything they put on the tube (TV) nor in print. Face it folks, here in 'Merikkka, the MSMS is run by and for the elite. They are doing all they can to keep the working class and poor divided and free from the real truth. This is done so to keep us from uniting and rising up to over throw that elite. The richest 1%, or if you want, the top 1% of that 1% who run/own nearly everything in this US of A aka; 'Merikkka.
The richest in 'Merikkka own more than the working class and poor by a huge margin. AS I have said here before, their greed has NO bounds. I swear,if they ever do end up owning everything on this planet, it will still NOT be enough for them. Hell, if they ever end up owning the entire solar system, it would still never satisfy their greed. It is beyond me to even try to understand that sort of endless greed. I think they need a swift kick from a size 13 boot to their collective hind ends. I volunteer as I do wear a size 13 (USA size) boot and I'd enjoy giving them all a damn hard kick in the ass.

OK, for putting up with my rant, some extra LOL cats. Just because. Because I feel like it.

Just a fair warning, I will be back with more on the move of the 'Merikkkan embassy to Jerusalem sooner than you may wish. I told you I wasn't done with this issue and I am not done with it yet. 
Until next time, just try to treat others the way you want to be treated. 

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Well, it sure has been a long time