Yes, it is now officially the day after Caturday so back to some serious issues. First off, I am posting a link to Bill the Butcher. This one needs your time to read. It is rather short, but as usual with Bill, it hits a home run. Bill knocks it out of the whole bloody park with this post. He give a very nice tribute to a Palestinian man who while confined to a wheel chair was killer by a sniper from the IDF. That is the army of the zionist entity for those who don't know about these matters. Please take the rather short time to read his post at his blog.
This reminds me of a saying from my Vietnam war days You can silence me, but you cannot kill an idea. Do check it out, you will not be sorry for it.
Matter of exchange
I see it as a very nice tribute to Mr. Ibrahim Abu Thuraya,the man who was killed by an IDF sniper. I bet the sniper will get a goddamn medal for this killing of a wheel chair bound human being. Probably get that damn medal from Bibi Nuttyassed Yahoo his self even. Snipers, damn cowards! Yeah, that applies to the vile Tracy Kyle (spelling?) as well, and screw Eastwood for making a fucking film glorifying him. In the US civil war, snipers were not looked on as heroes by either side.
Now, just to stay a bit light, a song or three, just because it's still early here. Just now 0649 and I didn't get any sleep at all last night.
First up 2 from Rush. Yes, we go back to the Great White North. I think I mentioned before that when I mention Rush on the blog it will always be the three man band from Canada (the Great White North) and never about that limpburger, drug addicted asshat on "talk" radio in 'Merikkka. That last rate zero mention from me, ever.
Bastille Day
I used the link with the lyrics and will do so when possible. As I said before, the tune is what gets you to listen to the songs, but the lyrics are so very important.
Tom Sawyer
Now, 2 from the Doors that I like. Yep, the lyrics included for both, so enjoy or not. Your choice.
Twentieth century Fox
And the last one for now.
Hello I love you
"Pavement crouches at her feet. Like a dog that begs for something sweet." Great line in a really good song. And I am not what one would call a Doors fan. I think they were and still are way over rated. Just my personal opinion. other will vary. Such is life. And so it goes.
I want to add one extra song today. No lyrics on this one. Do watch the video for it though. It is one of the best to go with a song. Unfortunately,three of the band members are no longer alive, Roy Orbison, George Harrison, and Tom Petty left this world too soon. Still, they gave us some great songs during their lives here. Enjoy this fun little song.
Wibury Twist
Hey, you had to at least smile while watching this video. Plus the song has a very catchy tune and a damn nice beat. Just sad that three of the band members are no longer with us. Well, we can't have everything. Life, it's hard and then we die. We still have our memories. Like another great song says; memories are like starlight, they go on forever. Yep, "Aurora Borealis" by C. W. McCall and yes, I posted a link to that one here before.
OK, next time I'll be hitting you with hard news again. Hey folks, life can't be all LOL cats and good songs. Like one of the LOL cats from an earlier post here said, you cannot enjoy the rainbow unless you allow for the rain.
Please do try to treat others the way you want to be treated. Yeah, OK I know I sound like that old broken record. Well, maybe you'll get so sick of me asking you to just try this that you'll actually get out and try it yourself. Sneaky ain't i? Hey, why do you think I like cats best? What is the difference between dogs and cats? When you yell at a dog, the dog will sit in a corner hang its head and basically say to you, I promise to not do that again, ever. Yell at a cat, IF the car acknowledges you, you'll get a look that says NO way you are talking to ME in that tone! Have a nice day if posible. Holly happy days to all
Thanks and dog nose rubs for the boost :)