Just a bit of news for this blog. I have added a new link. It is to the page that Bill the Butcher has set up for his drawings and cartoons. He started doing the cartoons back some years ago. He can correct me, but I think he started the Raghead series not long after W. Shrub and Mr. 5 deferments Cheney invaded Afghanistan and Iraq.
Any who, check out his drawings/cartoons. Bill says more truth in his single panel cartoons than the entire 'Merikkkan MSM combined. Oh, he often does some multi panel ones so be aware that sometimes reading them will not be a short session. His movie series is mostly multi panels, but worth your time. Well, in my opinion they are. Yours may vary. Hey, that's life, we don't all march in lock step. Thank the universe for that. It sure as hell would be damn boring if we all liked the same things and did the same stuff.
OK, more on the moving of the 'Merikkkan embassy to Jerusalem and the FCC voting to end net neutrality later today. Is that a promise or a threat? You decide. And, as Rush says in the song "Freewill", "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice."
OK, until later, please try to treat others the way you want to be treated.
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