01 October 2017

Oh joy.
Well, now this shit has gone full mental crazy. I read a short article where the orange haired rodent who unfortunately is our POTUS has said that ALL the NFL players 'must' stand for the national anthem.
OK, so if they don't what will the moron do? Fire them? I'd like to see that. If he even tries that, his base will dry up faster than opening a can of soda in space. His base would drop him like a flaming hot rock.
Yeah, yeah, I remember the (ig)Nobel piece prizident saying how those of us who live in some parts of the US of A cling to the holly buy-bull, and guns, or as some put it, doG and guns.

Well, that may be true of many tRump base types, but mess with their football (or NASCAR) and watch them revolt en mass. Just take any informal survey of 'Merikkka, Sunday is for beers and football. Forget that apple pie, baseball crap, it is football season y'all! 
For the record, I do not watch or pay attention to football, basketball (since Magic Johnson quit), not eve baseball (and I did sort of promise myself that I'd watch the World Series IF the Cubs were ever in it. Well, they were a year or three back and I did NOT watch one minute of the series nor follow the games. I did see that they won though, from a news site on the web.
How un-'Merikkkan of me? Well, maybe so, but I prefer motor sports. If it has an internal combustion engine and two or four wheels, I'm for it. Must be my mechanical working life and maybe a bit of my stubborn German heritage. Of course growing up when I did, graduated high school in the mid 1960's motor racing was great. 

Until next time, please try and be nice to each other. We are all we have after all. 
Oh, one last quote, just because. Margret Mead is quoted as saying; "Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have".


  1. I love your description of the POTUS. Hugs

  2. Um, I mentioned 2 of them.
    The current one, aka orange haired rodent. Also the former one, aka; (ig)Nobel piece prizident or as I have called him many times, the drone king. Oh, I also called him Gobomber more than a few times.
    As a marine, I was taught that I did not have to respect the person who was of a higher rank than I was, but I was supposed to respect the rank.
    For the past decades, even trying like hell to respect the office of POTUS has been damn difficult.

    1. I was not quite clear. I like your word usage. No taking the easy quick way for you. You go all out in finding the words to best describe your feelings. I can respect that. Hugs


Well, it sure has been a long time