I really want this to be my last post of the most recent mass killing in the US of A. Before you ask why I make this statement, I'll tell you. I am bloody damn sick of this shit!
Why is it that the US of A has so much of this mindless violence? Well, my opinion, for what it may be worth, is the following. This country started out with killing. Yes folks, our long dead ancestors who came to this continent from Europe, beginning with old Chris Columbus got a jump start on killing off the native peoples. While they may not have used very much valuable (as in it was a pricey commodity) gun powder, they did have very sharp knives and nice, sharp long swords and some really long lances to kill with. Oh, they also used some trained dogs to assist in killing unruly natives.
When the first Europeans actually got to the mainland, Chris never got out of the Caribbean, they really got the genocide rolling big time. While the natives may have kept some Pilgrims from starving to death, those same grim pills (yes, that IS a play on the term Pilgrims) had no qualms about killing those very same natives when they decided they 'needed' the land the natives were living on/near. Hey, those uneducated savages didn't even claim ownership of the land, so, it was "free for the taking". Well, OK, maybe free was a bit of a stretch, they had to engage in mass murder, but when you have some mythical sky fairy on your side, along with a "good book" full of ancient Middle East myths, well, the sky is the limit.
One would be hard pressed to find a "better" example of the genocide than the US Army. As soon as the US Civil War had ended, that unoccupied (by white folks) territory needed to be settled. Recall the US military saying that "The only good Indian is a dead Indian" and you can see how the genocide was almost preordained by the mythical sky fairy who for some damn fool reason remains quite popular even today in 'Merikkka.
I suppose I could mention how it is so easy to legally obtain firearms in this country. I could also mention how many thousands of guns are produced and made available for sale in 'Merikkka. The things is, while all that IS true, I think it undercuts the truth. Call me whatever names you wish, but this country was born in blood soaked killing and it still has a deep love for blood, as long as those who bleed are not you. Notice I didn't include your loved ones/family. How come? Just check the news folks. Many gun deaths are done TO family members/loved ones by somebody with a loaded gun.
This country never learns. As a very good friend of mine, we have emailed each other for years, recently emailed me; this mass killing in Las Vegas will be forgotten quite soon. Certainly as soon as the NEXT mass killing happens. Oh, and the next one WILL happen.
No, I am not in any way pretending to be any sort of prophet here. Just look back at recent US history. Recall other mass killings since 2000, these are not all of them, San Bernardino, California, Sandy Hook elementary school in Connecticut, The killings at a movie theater in Colorado, the shooting in a Christian church in the carolinas (can't recall if it was North or South Carolina, sorry),
and of course Columbine school killings. Those are just a few of the recent mass killings in (not so very) old 'Merikkka.
I have no solutions for ending this. I would never even think of a total ban on private gun ownership. The majority of legal gun owners are very responsible people. Some folks in Louisiana, where I now live, hunt. Deer (venison) is very tasty. Some folks in this country hunt to provide food for themselves and family/friends, yes, they hunt because they cannot afford to buy meat at the stores.
Other gun owners enjoy target shooting or skeet shooting. Personally, I don't get the skeet shooting deal. I mean, really, you ever tried to eat skeets? (OK, yes, that was supposed to be humorous, probably fell flatter than a lead balloon. Oh well)
My personal belief, and this has held since my time in the Vietnam war is that NO individual has any need to own an assault rifle or any automatic weapon. Oh you say, many cops have automatic pistols. Yes, they do, but, those things can and do jam. Then, you are screwed. I'll stay with my trusty, won't jam ever, single action revolver. Sure, I have to cock the hammer before I shoot it, every time, but I can still hit what I aim at.
The US military, way back in the early 1900's did NOT want the troops to have automatic weapons. They felt the troops would waste too many bullets. And bullets don't come cheap. Studies have been done that show this is true. In Vietnam and every war since, probably before as well, show that most troops just fired and hit nothing, certainly NOT the enemy they were supposed to be shooting at.
I call that type of shooting spray and pray. You spray an area with bullets and pray you hit the "bad guys". Yep, the military uses the same tactics as the local gang bangers do with the drive by shootings. Spray and pray. Well, when you pray, you are just talking to yourself.
I need to add this also. I found this on a web site some months ago, forgot where, but it works any way. "The system is not broken. It was designed this way"
I need to end with a small bit of optimism. Here again is a quote from Margaret Mead; "Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that is all who ever have".
And of course my end bit that I will keep adding until my last breath; Try, please TRY every day to treat all the people you come in contact with the way you want to be treated. If we all try and do this, we CAN make this a much nicer country and world for ALL of us.
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