A very nice comment was posted here recently. I was given a compliment on my use of words. I have to say with humility that I was floored to read that comment. I don't mince my words for sure.
I do enjoy playing with words though. I still remember Dad and I driving through southern California after he moved us there in the spring of 1959. We'd see signs on the freeways and many of the street names and some city names are of course of Spanish origin. Dad would mispronounce them on purpose. Why? Because he wanted to check to see if I knew the correct pronunciation. Also, he enjoyed word play.
I even twist words around, sometimes that works OK, other times it just becomes nonsense. Well, big deal, I've been told over the years, that much of what I said was total nonsense. Well, maybe so, but at least some folks got a laugh or three from it. Even if it only got a snide smile, heck, even a half smile, then I did what I tried to do.
I tend to use what I'd call simple words. Hey, I only went to community college and never got into those nice, big ten dollar words so many educated folks enjoy tossing around. I admit, freely, that I have had to look up some of those fancy words. Hey, no problem, I still enjoy learning new things/words. One I use maybe too often is ilk. Man, I have so much fun using that word. I promise to try and not over do it.
So, I honestly thank the person for what I take as a compliment. I don't do compliments very well. I can take them when people give them regards my work, be it back before my back gave out and I became permanently disabled, unemployable. I also can take a compliment about my photos and yes, for my blog rants. Just one thing folks, please do not ever tell me that I am a "good person". That is one of my personal rules. The other main personal rule I have is, never, ever apologize to me. Hey, I enlisted in USMC in April 1968, how bloody stupid could a young guy have been? Pretty damn stupid in fact, and boy I was. I had no desire to go to the idiotic, useless Vietnam war, but I knew if I enlisted or got drafted I'd probably get sent to it. No, what my intent was to try and make my life on my own. You join the Marines, there is no way you can call dad and tell him, oops, I made a big mistake, help me get out of this mess. Nope, you either make it or not, on your own. That is why I enlisted, to spread my wings and see if I could fly on my own as it were. I have an honorable discharge hanging on the wall above my computer desk to show that I did that.
This post is not meant to embarrass the person who gave the compliment, it is an honest, sincere thank you. I only hope that I can now live up to this nice comment.
Well, the sarcastic side of me says; fat chance of that bud. I left a comment on another blog a week or so back where I said that I can, when I feel like it, cuss up a hurricane. Those who have read the old corner blog know that to be true, in spades as the old folks used to say. Yes, readers, when I get highly pissed off, my "Marine language" comes out in full force, and it sure ain't pretty. I make no excuses for that, nor do I apologize for it. As the very first post at this blog states, this is my blog, I will post what I feel like posting.
If any want to read or, oh dear me, follow this blog, you do so at your own risk.
I am not a leader. I never wanted to be a leader. I'm not much of a follower either. Yes, I do follow some blogs and a few people who post at various web sites. I follow those I enjoy reading, they are usually the ones who are honest and tell things straight up, no fluff, no filler. Those writer/authors know who they are.
I never would dream of asking anybody to follow me or my philosophy. Why? because I am not certain of where I am going. Also, when I/we get to where ever it is I am going, if any follower does not like that place, well, don't blame me, I warned you.
I go my own way. I don't go back. That does not mean I forget the past by any means. There is a song I have liked since the first time I heard it. The last line of that song goes like this;"Memories are like starlight. They go on forever". Mine sure as hell do. My not going back is, I have never been to a high school reunion. My 50th was just a year ago. I knew the people I'd like to see again would not be there and the only ones who would be there were those I didn't care to be around 50 years ago and I am certain they have not changed much.
Oh, another personal rule, sort of, is I cannot be offended by your comments to/at me. See above, I enlisted in USMC in April 1968 and admit that was about as stupid as could be. So, how can you possibly offend me? Yeah, it ain't gonna happen. Try if you wish, but don't cry to me when I take no offense.
This rambling post started with good intentions, unlike the miserable, useless Vietnam war (sorry Ken Burns, but you are WRONG when you made that comment in your latest film). Wars are never started with any "good intentions". never were, never will be. Any who, this rambling rant has gone off on a wild tangent. Those who know me from previous blogs know I do this often. It may be seen as a fault, if it is a fault, well OK, but it is MY fault and I'll own it. As I told my boss in Vietnam, when he was taking to regimental comm section, I may not have a great attitude, I probably didn't/don't even have a good attitude, but damn it, it is MY attitude! Yes, I am cynical and can get very sarcastic, but, that is me and at nearly 70 years old, I ain't gonna change.
Until next time, PLEASE try and treat everybody you meet each day the way you want to be treated. If we all try, we CAN make this world a much nicer place for all.
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