16 October 2017

Another short post today. 
Yeah, I'm a bit lazy and not feeling so great. I have some links for you folks to check if you feel up to it.
At least two readers have seen two of the links already. Yes, it does help if you are a long time email friend of this broken down old guy. 
OK, the first two are from the Onion. Yes, yes, I DO know that is a spoof news/satire site. Well, satire CAN be more honest that what passes as MSM in this 'Merikkka today. Get over it, follow these links or not, your choice. 

Historic Trust Raise Millions

OK, another one, maybe.
No way to prevent this

Now this next one is a movie at You Tube. It is a war movie. Not your usual war movie and it is about WW2. It is in Chinese, BUT it does have English subtitles. A very good review of this film is at Bill the Butchers blog. The movie is titled "Purple Sunset".  Go to Bills' blog, the link is on the right side of this blog for his review of the film. Yes, I watched the film and cannot do a better review than Bill has. I can only, in my wildest dreams, even start to imagine how to write even 1/100th as well as Bill does.
It isn't a very long film, just about 1 hour 39 minutes. The cinematography is superb. the scenery, absolutely beautiful. The three main actors are excellent. The film shows the ending of WW2 in China, just after Russia, OK the USSR (as it was then) had entered that war against Japan. Like Bill, I will NOT tell you the ending.
I did not really want to watch the film. While I have managed to put my war memories in a nice box, on a shelf, in a closet and close the closet door-----they DO get out now and then. They got out in full fury when W. Shrub invaded Afghanistan and Iraq. They got out when the last POTUS, yes, the (ig)Nobel piece prizident turned into the drone king and had his kill lists. Hell, that beats old Dick Nixon and his enemies list to hell and gone. 
Surprisingly, my war memories didn't get very far out of the box after watching this film. Probably due to the fact that is is so very unlike anything Hollywierd could ever make. 
It is a very touching, human story and I highly recommend it to all of you. 
Here is the link to the movie.

Purple Sunset

OK, the link sort of works. It gets you to You Tube. Just type Purple Sunset into the search bar and it will get you to the film. I think giggle is messing with me and my links since I am critical of the orange haired occupant of the White House. Yeah, I believe them dang Ruskies rather than WaPo or NYT.You can include ALL US TV channels in the list I do not trust. Well, all I can say to giggle is, tough bean and hard cheese.

Until next time, remember, never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have. With thanks to Margaret Mead.
Treat all you come in contact with each day the way you want to be treated. 
Oh nuts, I cannot resist adding this sarcastic comment. IF any of those you come in contact with treat you like crap, just give them a good, hard, swift kick.  As my senior DI in Marine boot camp taught us, ALWAYS kick the opponent when he/she is down. That way you don't have to raise your foot too high. 
Seriously though, TRY to be good to everybody, yes, even the bloody asshats. 


  1. I hope you are feeling better. Hugs

  2. Thanks Scottie. I complain most every day. Spinal stenosis and arthritis makes me feel like crap most days. When I say I feel bad on the blog, don't take it too seriously.
    They say you can complain, but nobody cares. Well, OK, no problem, I'll just gripe about how I feel bad......LOL.
    Oh, one thing, never offer me any sympathy. Please! I worked with a lady at one shop way back who said that if you wanted sympathy, look it up in a dictionary, it is between sex and syphilis. Guess what? It's TRUE, it IS between those words. Just grab any dictionary and see for yourself.
    Oh, sympathy won't feed the cats either. Now, tuna, well, I never had a cat that didn't like tuna.
    Yes, I am trying to be a bit humorous here. If I can't laugh at myself, I may as well be dead. I get down on me often. Hey, somebody has to and I do it better than anybody else I've ever known.


Well, it sure has been a long time