When you are on a roll, well, keep rolling.
Here is one I found on some web site many years back. If th person who posted it before I read it ever stops by, I will credit that person for it. I apologize to her or him for not writing down the web site where I saw this. It explains so much, well for me it does.
"The whole idea mankind was in need of redemption in the first place is based on the belief that a couple of nudists, in the very distant past, took dietary advice from a talking snake. And we wonder why the world is the screwed up mess it is."
Think on that for a few seconds, or longer, your choice. Yes folks, I read a lot, every day. I write down things that grab me and save them for later. My personal philosophy, assuming I actually have one, is like the old joke about the menu at the Chinese restaurant you can one from column A, one from column B, an egg roll, a drink, and a desert. Yes, I pick and choose what suits my fancy at any given time. I'll admit, my philosophy will never be "carved in stone". I won't have any stone to be carved, I'm going to be cremated! The other reason is, I keep changing as I go through this life, so does my philosophy. I try and pick up the good bits and toss the rest in the trash.
Here is another good one;
Christian (I call them xtians)--Islam and Judaism are wrong
Jew-- Christianity and Islam are wrong
Muslim-- Judaism and Christianity are wrong
Atheist--- You are ALL correct!
One from Mark Twain; "It could be probably be shown by facts that there is no distinctly native American criminal class, except for congress". Yep, I still refuse to use a capital "c" for that gang of crooks.
Another from Mark; "I know your religion isn't true, the same way you know other peoples' isn't".
Just for fun, go over to You Tube, in the search box, type Weird Al Happy Birthday song and listen to the lyrics. I am sure there is at least one version there that has the lyrics on the screen. Go on, try it, if you do, I bet you will smile. Heck, you may even laugh out loud.
Until the next post from this broken down old guy, please try to treat all those you meet every day the way you want to be treated.
Great Post. I have similar views. My anger is at organized religions, as they have a herd mentality and think they should have all the rights they then want to deny to others. Religion to me has always been a behavior modification tool aimed at taking the money from the base and giving it to the top level. a way to control the masses while giving them nothing. Hugs
ReplyDeleteAt the risk of sounding like a broken record, I will say again that I am certain that the real reason for organized religion is to allow certain people to get way too wealthy while doing little to no really useful work. Oh, and power, ALL religious leaders want power. Hell, they often demand power.
ReplyDeleteI'll stop now or this will become a very long winded rant.