This is what my profile photo should look like. For some reason, known only to giggle, who hosts this blog, the one in my profile part on this blog came out blurry and out of focus.
Again, this is neither me, nor my kitten. I currently do not have any cats nor kittens in this apartment where I live. Also, and this is the truth, taking my photo WILL break your camera.
OK, one more link to share also. Yeah, I know, it IS about Hi-Larry Clintstone and her hatred for Russia, Putin, and who knows what else. Oh, her hatred of all of us who did not vote for her sorry, old, extremely LAME ass!
Bear with me, the link is to Russia Insider. Well, just go ahead and call me a pinko, commie SOB, or any other name you choose. I served HONORABLY in the US Marine Corps. What did you do?
I love my country, but the bloody damn fool gummint can go to hell, do not pass Go, do not collect even 2 cents!
And you thought Hillary was acting strange
Click on the link. You know you want to. Hey, there is even a short, less than 10 minute video to go with the article. Come on, you know you just cannot get enough about this aged old bimbo. They even have that bit of her telling about Libya. You know the one I mean. Yeah, where she says, "We came, we saw, he died". Yep, THAT one. Unfortunately, the video cuts out her manic cackle at the end. THAT one I saved to my hard drive and 2, yes 2, external hard drives, just in case some gummint agency tries to get me to erase the one on the iMac hard drive. Hell, I may even go get one of them there thumb drive things just as an added backup.
Well, as always, until next time; please try to treat everybody the way you want to be treated. We CAN make this planet a much better place for all f we do this.
I knew tRumpsky from when I lived in West Palm Beach and Ron was his butler. When the general came down to either him or Hillary Clinton I voted for Clinton. I knew and understood that the things important to me would be destroyed under tRumpsky and I felt it was in my interests to at least go with someone who would keep things stable for the few years needed to get real change. The thing I felt was that she would be ham strung by a republican congress just like Pres. Obama , but there was a chance tRumpsky could get bills past and he would then sign bills that would harm what I valued. Hugs
ReplyDeleteI voted for Jill Stein last election. I didn't really want to, but in Louisiana we don't have the choices I had when I lived in SoCal.
ReplyDeleteThe first time I was able to vote was 1972. After I finished my 4 years in the USMC. You had to be 21 to vote then. I didn't get a sample ballot, registered too late to get one. I knew I could never vote for Nixon, he'd got me into the Vietnam war and kept my buddies and me there.
I went into the voting booth and looked at the candidates. I saw a party called
Peace and Freedom". Well, I had been to war and valued peace above most all else. As for freedom, well, that was easy to be for. I voted for that party in every election for the next few elections, every time they ran any candidates.
I found out about 8 years later that party was socialist. Oh noes! Well, I still voted for them in every election when they had a candidate running for any office. I'd vote for them now if they were running/on the ballot here.