19 October 2017

For your driving today. Be careful out there folks, there are some nut balls who are also on the roads while you are.

And, as always, please try to treat all the people you come in contact with every day the way you want to be treated.


  1. I love it!
    Very funny, Charlie
    Keep 'me comin'!


  2. Thanks Mike. Oh, don't worry, I have lots more LOL cats to share later on.
    May even post a few more photos I took, not all drag racers even. I have shots of BOTH bridges that cross the Red River here in CenLa. Yep, we have 2 of them that raise up to allow tugboats and their barges to pass under. One is a railroad bridge that you must go to a park on the Pineville side to even see. The other is commonly called the Jackson Street bridge. I have photos of BOTH in the raised position.
    Met a man about my age one day a few years back. Told him I had a photo (actually more than one) of the Jackson Street bridge raised. He looked at me, quite sad, and told me he'd lived in this town all his life and never saw that bridge raised up. Gave him my fotki site and told him to check it out. He went off happy.

  3. I should have been more specific in my previous comment. We have two draw bridges here. We have two others that were built high enough that they do not need to be raised for the ships that travel the Red to pass under. One is all new and finally opened for traffic both directions last year. The old one was just two lanes and quite old. The new one is a full four lanes, two each direction.


Well, it sure has been a long time